Final Days to Give to Aaron's Family

>> Tuesday, December 23, 2014

When I upped the "goal" on the YouCaring donation page for the "24 Hour Relay for Aaron," I also changed the final date to Christmas. So if you were planning on giving, click that link above NOW! It's quick and easy with a credit card.

I also promised I'd share ALL the photos from the event with you all. Here's a Facebook album with lots of my photos and photos from the runners that they sent me as well. (You would have already seen most of them in my "race report" from the 24 Hour Relay, but that Facebook link has about 20-30 more photos.)

And finally, I just have to share this. A blogger buddy came out to take one of the hours of the relay (along with a friend of hers). She was the same person who snapped a few photos of me during the TC 10 Mile around the 7.5 mile mark. She posted her thoughts of coming and running in this relay on her blog. In her post, she kept asking why she was really there, and she kept feeling intimidated by some of the speedy runners who were there before and after her shift. Near the end of her post, she says this:

The next morning, as I lazily climbed out of bed and started getting ready for my day, I again asked myself why I did this.

And I realized something.

Here's why.

Because I guarantee you read this whole post going, where the hell are all the pictures she usually posts in her recaps?

In the thousands of words above, I could say a million things. I could have good intentions to the heavens and back. But until I show you I actually did it, does it really mean anything?

Team Skin and Bones. We did it.

And yes, we DID do something. We found out that something shitty happened to someone. And we tried to make a difference.

We didn't just sit at home and click like on a Facebook status.

We didn't just say to ourselves "Gee, that's too bad."

We got up off our ass and said - they are asking for help, and we can offer it. So we did.

I love that. I love that because that's the same way I felt when I heard Aaron was entering hospice care. "I wish I could do something... so why don't I do something?" With all of your help, we've raised nearly $2500 online, and another over $1000 in cash. There's still time to do more. Donate here.

- 24 Hour Relay race report
- A few more things to wrap up the 24 Hour Relay
- All the photos on Facebook
- Donation page


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