Spiderman is Published in Spiderman!

>> Saturday, December 27, 2014

This should be my final post about my friend Aaron who passed away from brain cancer. His widow Nora just posted this on her blog:

"Aaron’s obituary is in his favorite comic... Amazing Spider-Man.
#12 is out January 7, so don’t talk to Ralph if you don’t want a spoiler."


If you remember, Aaron admitted to being Spiderman in his obituary. Here it is from earlier this month:

Final update: the time to donate is over. We raised just over $1000 in cash/checks during the 24 Hour Relay on the track, and we raised $2800 on our YouCaring page...

... for just over $3800 total! That was well above my initial goal of $2500. I'll be (hoping) to meet up with Nora shortly to give her all of your gifts. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!

p.s. Since the event, we've had a better venue offer to host next year. (Not that there was anything wrong with the Hamline track - it's just small.) And many of the runners mentioned doing the 24 Hour Relay again next year as an annual memorial race because they had such a good time. We'll see. It sure was a fun event in the memory of a great guy. We love you Aaron!

- 24 Hour Relay race report
- A few more things to wrap up the 24 Hour Relay
- All the photos on Facebook


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