Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: 2 Ways to Camp on your Bike

>> Thursday, December 11, 2014

Usually for "Thirsty Thursday" topics, I'll write about things like a Sweet Duathlon Workout, or talk about an article that says you should Breathe More in the Pool to Swim Faster, or sometimes I'll share more fun things like History of the Runner Shoe. Well, this "Thirsty Thursday" is more in line with the "fun" stuff.

Planning a trip to southern Denmark shortly? Hoping to bike and camp as you ride through the countryside? Check out the Wide Path Camper:

You can rent one in Denmark, or purchase your own for around $2,500. It weighs around 100 lbs. And yes, you pull it around with your bike:

Up for sitting during the day.

Down for sleeping during the night. (Or sweet outdoor lovemaking any time of the day.)

Sure, it's around 100 pounds, but I'd love to take a leisurely ride through a national park with that and just stop to camp for a week. The problem is how do I get the camper to the park? That thing's a bit of a beast...

Here's a less impressive, more dorky option found on Gizmodo called the "Midget Bushtrekka:"

This has about half the storage of the Wide Path Camper above, but it's also about half the weight (56 lbs). One nice thing is that the 4 wheels are all independent, so you can handle some good bumps.

Click here for all "Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday" posts.

The 24 Hour Relay for Aaron starts TOMORROW at noon! Stop by the Walker Fieldhouse at Hamline University sometime tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning to run a few laps with us. Join our Facebook event HERE to get more info. And please donate if you can. (If you want to pledge me and make me suffer, check out my last post and make a pledge! I have 1 pledge so far.)


Meredith 10:09 AM, December 11, 2014  

Oh my gosh. I have been looking at small camper options like this that can be pulled by my CRV.

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