Friday Funny 841: Spiderman

>> Friday, December 12, 2014

These started showing up a couple of years ago. People take random screenshots of the late 1960s "Spider-Man" TV series and then add appropriately inappropriate captions. Here are a few of my favorite. Sorry I'm not sorry for the language.

As always, find lots more funny stuff posted all week long on

I thought it was appropriate to have a Spiderman "Friday Funny" today being Aaron admitted to being Spiderman in hs obituary 2 weeks ago. The "24 Hour Relay" I organized in his name as a fundraiser for his family kicked off just a few hours ago! And what figurine are we carrying around the track as our baton for 24 hours? That's right... The Green Lan... Wait, no. He sucks. No one likes him. We're carrying Spidey:

(He talks really loud when you raise his arm all the way or hit the button on his stomach. I didn't tell any of the runners that. Some of them might startle pretty badly when they're running and they hear "WEB-SLINGER ON! BULLS EYE!" coming from their hand.)

Stop by the Walker Fieldhouse (1536 Hewitt Ave, St. Paul, MN) at Hamline University sometime between now and noon tomorrow (Saturday, Dec 13) and run with us! Maps and more info HERE. Stay tuned for updates!


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