Getting FASTER in the Pool!

>> Thursday, December 04, 2014

Two days ago, I posted these 2 tweets:

I've never made progress so fast in the pool! I guess that's what a big month of swimming QUALITY workouts will do to you!

At the end of Oct, I swam 1500 in 24:48 (1:39.2 pace) with 500 splits of 8:13, 8:25, and 8:10.

Two days ago, I did 1500 in 23:41 (1:34.7 pace) with 500 splits of 7:51, 7:59, and 7:51!

I swam a 1500 a bit faster in April before spraining my ankle, but then I kept looking back in my training log. I stopped going back once I hit the summer of 2011 (when Henry was born), and I'd still only found that ONE faster 1500 time from this past April. Nice. This proves what Coach Jen told me: "You really need to just swim to be faster. The more times in the pool the better."

So seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY, check out THIS POST of great swim workouts that I did in the first half of last month, and then check out THIS POST about CSS swimming - I happened to notice that my new "fast" 1500 swim was RIGHT at my CSS pace! So there must be something to that CSS training. Thanks for the tip on that Robby B!


Keith 4:12 PM, December 06, 2014  

The CSS approach makes a lot of sense to me. I did the test today, and will be trying intervals at my CSS pace. Thanks for mentioning it!

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