3 Moments from the first 10 Hours of the 24 Hour Relay

>> Saturday, December 13, 2014

Not much time for updates now. Keep an eye on twitter and instagram for more. But here are 3 quick photos from last night:

Karl was running during a gymnastics meet (that was happening below us),
and this was him running a 7 min mile during the national anthem.

From instagram: "I was challenged to raise some extra money at the #24HourRelayForAaron.
Joe J wanted me to hold a plank for 5 mins. At 1 min, I'd earn $5, and that would double
every minute until I hit $80 total by minute 5. He threw the cash in front of me as I earned it
every minute. It got shaky as hell, but I held out for the full 5 mins. Oww."

Brian with our fastest mile so far: 5:04! (He descended 3 miles starting at 5:20!)

We've had a lot of donations come in over the last day, but we still need more. CLICK HERE to donate. OK, back to the final 8 hours on the track...


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