Trinona TT Highlight Video

>> Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Here's 3 minutes of fun from my helmet-cam at the Trinona Time Trial this past weekend:

Direct link:

You should really watch this in full-screen mode because it's HD and beautiful.

Things worth noting:

- All the people cheering from 0:18 - 1:25 are at the turn near mile 2.5ish. Great people!

- I mentioned in my Trinona TT "race report" that I only had to get out of the saddle once on a final little nasty climb. I'm finishing that climb from 1:26 - 1:30, and that clip ends with me putting my head down and trying to get back up to speed....

- .... then from 1:30 - 2:10 are clips of other people climbing that hill. No fun.

- That's my lovely wife screaming "KICK IT DOWN THE HILL!! WOOOOO" at the 2:11 mark. Apparently, I married a "Woo Girl." (HIMYM reference.)

- From around the 2:11 mark onward are the flats turning into the final little downhill right before the finish. I love the clip of me easily riding towards the finish as someone FLYS by at the 2:23 mark.

- You can hear me building speed to the finish in the final bit of "first person" racing starting at 2:27. And that's my lovely wife in the yellow taking a photo at the 2:42 mark.

- That was the sponsor and the "rabbit" that I high-fived at the 2:58 mark. He said "Thanks for pushing me up that hill!" and I said "Nice work!" He DID check over his shoulder a number of times, so I think I really was pushing him.

- 3:05 to the end was some of the post-race festivities! What you DIDN'T see in that shot was all of the wine and pizza at the other end of the tent!

- And yes, the camera was pointed too far down during all of the "first person" riding. I find myself lifting my head as I watch it to see if I can see more of what's in front of me. Weird. My apologies. This was the first time using my Sony Action Cam, and I'll be better next time.

In case you're interested (you're not), here's all the raw footage from my TT up Garvin Heights. This doesn't include the extra clips of the other riders - it's just my TT. I haven't even watched all of this... I don't know why you would want to. It's mainly lots of sexy breathing.

Direct link:

Video Timeline:
- 2:31: my start
- 6:18: turning up the hill
- 12:30: going through the cheers at the turn
- 12:50-13:20: standing for the final little hill
- 15:00: hitting the finish
- then going back to cheer for everyone else

CLICK HERE for my Trinona TT race report, and check back probably tomorrow for photos from Pharmie's race at the Trinona Triathlon!


Jumper 2.0 6:13 AM, June 12, 2013  

I had the raw footage on while I was doing prone planks. It made those 12 - 1 minute planks that much more unbearable. Thanks a lot for that.

Jumper 2.0 6:15 AM, June 12, 2013  

But on a little bit of a serious note, good job on that hard work. Strangely, I want to do that sometime.

Steve Stenzel 7:45 AM, June 12, 2013  

Ha! My 12 minutes of heavy breathing didn't make your planks go any faster? :)

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