Ryders, Ryders EVERYWHERE!! (A Giveaway!)

>> Thursday, February 10, 2011

The great people at Ryders Eyewear want you to try out not 1, not 2, but 3 different pairs of their sunglasses. So they're offering 3 pairs to one lucky reader of mine! Yay you! ;)

If you've seen a photo of me in sunglasses over the last year, there's a 99% chance that they were a pair of my Ryders. Here's a few photos proving I love my Ryders "Drills:"

5K PR in March

Falls Duathlon in May

Waseca Triathlon in August

Wearing my wife's pink "Drills" before going snowshoeing a few weeks ago
(I forgot MY "Drills" at home....)

Ryders wants you to have your choice of 3 different pairs of shades:

• FIRST: Choose a pair of these SWEET "throw-backs" that are part of Ryders 25th Anniversary celebration:

"20five" neon

"20five" black

"Awol" pink

"Awol" black


"Grindhouse" blue

"Grindhouse" rasta

"Grindhouse" yellow fade


Sweetness, right? Right.

• SECOND: Choose one of the designs of the new interchangeable "Tweaker" SLs. This pair of shades retails for $59.99 and comes with a set of 3 interchangeable lenses (14%, 47% AND 93% VLT).

"Tweaker" black

"Tweaker" yellow fade

• THIRD: Choose one of the designs of the "Defcon" shades ($39.99 - $69.99):

"Defcon" white with 57% VLT

"Defcon" black with 17% VLT

So that's up to $169.97 in sweet, sweet shades from the wonderful people at Ryders Eyewear!! Who DOESN'T want that?!?


You can enter by simply commenting on this post, or you can earn an "extra" entry by becoming a fan of Ryders on Facebook and/or by tweeting to Ryders.

• Step 1 (optional): to earn +1 extra entry: Become a fan of Ryders on Facebook and then post this as your status:

I just entered the RydersEyewear Giveaway on Steve in a Speedo's blog! Check out these sweet shades: http://iwannagetphysical.blogspot.com/

(Use the "@" symbol before "RydersEyewear" so it links to their FB page.)

• Step 2 (optional): to earn +1 extra entry: follow Ryders Eyewear on Twitter. Then send out this tweet to show your love:

I just entered the @RydersEyewear giveaway on @SteveinaSpeedo’s blog - http://iwannagetphysical.blogspot.com/

• Step 3: comment on this post and tell me how many entries you earned! (You get one entry for just commenting!) So you'll either comment something like this: "Hi Steve! I want some shades! One entry for me, please!" Or something like this: "I'm a fan of Ryders on FB and I posted about it on my wall, and I'm commenting here, but I didn't tweet about it, so TWO entries for me, please!"

So, check back next week Tuesday (Feb 15th) to see if you've won! ESPECIALLY if you’re not a blogger, because I have no way of contacting you! The contest is open NOW through 3 pm (central time) on Sunday. UPDATE: I've extended the deadline for a few more hours! I'll print out all the entries, give extra numbers to those who earned extra entries, and then draw numbers out a hat for the winner!

Pseudo-legal stuff:
- Contest only open to residents of the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Europe.
- You may comment now (on THIS post) through 3 pm Central time on Sunday, Feb 13th. UPDATE: keep commenting!
- The winner will be chosen at random by a random number generator or by drawing numbers out of a hat. If you’ve earned multiple entries, you will get multiple numbers, thus bettering your chances at winning.
- Check back next week to see if you won! (Especially if you don’t have a blogger account because I have no way of contacting you.)
- If the winner does not contact me within 24 hours after being announced, I'll be forced to draw a new winner. So check back and KEEP checking back in case the winner is a no-show!!

One final big THANKS to the people at Outside PR and Ryders Eyewear! You guys are great! Thanks!!

Oh, and PERSONALLY, I think the neon "20fives" would REALLY match my "Tutti-Frutti" shorts. If you disagree, you're wrong. Deal with it.

(If that GIF makes no sense to you, click here to see why it's SUPPOSED to be funny. I find myself explaining WHY I'm funny all the time. And if I have to explain it, then I'm not really that funny. D'oh.)

Go "fan" Ryders on Facebook, follow Ryders on Twitter, and leave a comment! Or just comment! NOW! Thanks everyone!


Anonymous,  5:18 AM, February 10, 2011  

"Hi Steve! I want some shades! One entry for me, please!"


I'm so creative, I need to copy/paste your comment suggestions!


nwgdc 5:45 AM, February 10, 2011  

Man, the only way I could get away with wearing some of those shades is if I won them.
1 entry for me!

IronVince: IM WI 2009 and Beyond 6:13 AM, February 10, 2011  

Hey Steve! Keep up the good work. Congrats to you and your baby momma!

(ps. This is my contest comment, and plus one for the FB post.)

TriGirl Kate O 6:49 AM, February 10, 2011  

If I win the glasses, I'd give you that crazy 20five pair just to wear with the Tutti Frutti shorts.

amber 6:50 AM, February 10, 2011  

I am so in need of some running sun glasses. My current bedazzled nonrunning pair are fogging up when I run.

3 entries for me! :-)

Kurt 6:54 AM, February 10, 2011  

Hey Steve! Put me in for 3 entries. As always, thanks!

Audrey 7:03 AM, February 10, 2011  

One entry please! Thx!

C 7:09 AM, February 10, 2011  


Just one entry for me. (God, that sounds filthy...)

Anonymous,  7:28 AM, February 10, 2011  

This shady girl needs some shades! Put me in for 1 entry please!

Jen from Ohio

Kathrin 7:36 AM, February 10, 2011  

Great giveaway! One entry for me please!

Kelly 7:43 AM, February 10, 2011  

Great sunglasses... one entry for me please!

Anonymous,  7:47 AM, February 10, 2011  

"I'm a fan of Ryders on FB and I posted about it on my wall. I also Tweeted about it and became a follower on Twitter. AND I'm commenting here, so THREE entries for me, please!"

Christi 7:51 AM, February 10, 2011  

Please present me with one entry, Professor Steve!

Anonymous,  8:03 AM, February 10, 2011  

Yes! Sunglasses! (1 entry)

Tri Girl Tri! 8:05 AM, February 10, 2011  

I could use a new pair of running sunglasses. 1 Entry for me!

Laurie 8:13 AM, February 10, 2011  

I want them please! One entry for me (I am not a Twitterperson and my Facebook page is already overloaded with stuff).

Unknown 8:13 AM, February 10, 2011  

I would like to try a pair or two or three.

Congrats on the little one who is on the way. Very exciting isn't it.

Unknown 8:14 AM, February 10, 2011  

Sunglasses please! One entry for me!

spartygrl13 8:21 AM, February 10, 2011  

one entry for me please!!

Nicole 8:22 AM, February 10, 2011  

Would love to win some new sunglasses! Entered on Twitter and Facebook!!

richvans 8:25 AM, February 10, 2011  

I'll take one entry please - the deal with photo really needs a neon net tanktop to complete the look.

Krista 8:26 AM, February 10, 2011  

I'd love some new shades - one entry for me please :)

Kim 8:29 AM, February 10, 2011  

love em! sign me up. thanks steve!

Marianne 8:30 AM, February 10, 2011  

Yay! Please help me get rid of the squinting wrinkles I am developing by running without sunglasses! Two entries for me.

David 8:31 AM, February 10, 2011  

These are sexy. love the 20five model.

Molly 8:34 AM, February 10, 2011  

i commented! also i have 2 extra entries:)

Georgia Snail 8:36 AM, February 10, 2011  

Great giveaway Steve...I FB'd & Tweeted...

3 x entry for me please and thank you!

BTW---Hubba hubba with your "Joseph and the amazing techicolor race shorts"

Jason Wright 8:36 AM, February 10, 2011  

Ryder sunglasses would come in handy today while shoveling the record snowfall from the drive in NW Ark.

Put me down for two entries Stevesaurus and keep the great blog rollin'.

Christine 8:38 AM, February 10, 2011  

I need me some prophylactics for the retinas!!!

3 entries for me, I tweeted and facebooked it!

Megan Joy 8:42 AM, February 10, 2011  

Ooo ... I love me some sunglasses! Count me in :)

Anonymous,  8:43 AM, February 10, 2011  

Sign me up for all three entries! I need so cool new shades!!

Needlerunning 8:43 AM, February 10, 2011  

Too lazy to go to FB and post that even though I am a fan. Guess one entry for me.

Thomas 8:47 AM, February 10, 2011  

Shades cometh my way with one entry.

And where can I buy the snazzy multicolored swimsuit jammer...?

Diana Tries-A-Tri! 8:48 AM, February 10, 2011  

One entry please! Yellow fade ...I like.

Christine 8:54 AM, February 10, 2011  

Nifty! One entry please!

Anne 8:55 AM, February 10, 2011  

Hey Steve,
I fb'd and tweeted and I'm commenting so 3 entries for me, please :)

p.s. big congrats to you and Pharmie! I think you should keep the name Miles. It would be a great story!

Anonymous,  8:56 AM, February 10, 2011  

One entry please, Steve.


Lani 8:58 AM, February 10, 2011  

Three entries for me please :) Not going to "jinx" my chances by selecting colors yet although I hear your choices are pink or blue!

mtlion 9:00 AM, February 10, 2011  

Way cool shades. One comment one entry for me!

Theresa @ActiveEggplant 9:06 AM, February 10, 2011  

Those throwback glasses are so rad!
Two comments for me please: one for this, one for tweeting!

Bryan Koval 9:08 AM, February 10, 2011  

Excellent shades! Thanks for letting me enter!

Anonymous,  9:12 AM, February 10, 2011  

Didn't Dave Scott wear the top pair in the Ironwar?

Jason 9:14 AM, February 10, 2011  

Sweet 3 pairs of shades, one to wear on the run, one to wear on the bike and one to wear to bed, becuse the sun never sets on cool.

Rizel 9:14 AM, February 10, 2011  

They look really cool, would love to try a pair. One entry for me please!

Jody 9:16 AM, February 10, 2011  

Hi Steve! I want some shades! One entry for me, please! Could I get them in time for my first 5k on March 20th please?

Anonymous,  9:18 AM, February 10, 2011  

2 entries - one here, one on twitter (@ratherbeswimmin)

1. 20five neon - because they are pretty baller! Though it was a tough call between those and Grindhouse yellow.

2. Tweaker yellow - because I didn't pick the yellow ones before :)

3. Defcon black - because with a name like defcon, black really is the only appropriate color.


Erin 9:33 AM, February 10, 2011  

3 entries for me. I'm already FB friends with them and I follow them on twitter.

Mary V.,  9:36 AM, February 10, 2011  

One entry for me, please. Thank you!

Suzy 9:39 AM, February 10, 2011  

Two entries please: I'm commenting…I want to win this! Plus, I'm a fan of Ryder's on FB.

Tri-ing 9:41 AM, February 10, 2011  

Steve, one entry for me I could really use some new shades.

Dwayne 9:44 AM, February 10, 2011  

Free stuff? Yes, please!

Unknown 9:55 AM, February 10, 2011  

Twittered, facebooked, and now commenting. Loving your blog as always.
Put me down for 3.

Anonymous,  10:42 AM, February 10, 2011  

Belated congratulations! And thanks for the giveaway. Darren in Wichita would like 1 engtry please.

M 10:45 AM, February 10, 2011  

"I'm a fan of Ryders on FB and I posted about it on my wall, and I'm commenting here, but I didn't tweet about it, so TWO entries for me, please!"

(yay for copy and paste :-) )

Average A 10:54 AM, February 10, 2011  

pink awol?! most amazing thing i've seen!! (better than the 20fives paired with Tutti-Fruitti, sorry). Twooooo entries for me, please!!

Anonymous,  11:05 AM, February 10, 2011  

Two entries for me (Facebook and comment:))!


bethtrue 11:06 AM, February 10, 2011  

One entry for me. Sweet sunglasses! Thanks for the opportunity!

TriDan 11:09 AM, February 10, 2011  

those throwback neon shades, giggitty

TriDan 11:21 AM, February 10, 2011  

and another because I gave someone a twitter td

deet 11:36 AM, February 10, 2011  

Thanks for your comments! Have a great day!

Katie 11:59 AM, February 10, 2011  

Enter me twice please (I posted on FB)! I think the 20fives would be perfect with your Tutti-fruttis.

Paul, ShaRee & Kids 12:02 PM, February 10, 2011  

1 entry for me please. :)

Bill 12:12 PM, February 10, 2011  

Hey Steve,The Grindhouse yellow fade, Tweaker black, and Defcon white are AWESOME. Put me down for two entries. Any way I can win those Waseca triathlon pants?

Chris Swenke 12:13 PM, February 10, 2011  

I want to be as cool as Steve. 3 entries baby!

Mark Baker 12:24 PM, February 10, 2011  

Give me my entry, please!

Nina C.,  12:35 PM, February 10, 2011  

2 entries for me! These shades are so sweet, i might need to buy them even if i dont win!

Anonymous,  12:40 PM, February 10, 2011  

2 entries for me! Ooh, pick me, pick me! Love your little animation with the Tutti Frutti shorts and the neon 20fives!

Melanie in "Penn's Woods" (Pennsylvania)

Judy 12:47 PM, February 10, 2011  

I dealt with it - one entry for me please.

mollie 12:52 PM, February 10, 2011  

Hi Steve! I want some shades! One entry for me, please!

Ironmom (Julie) 12:55 PM, February 10, 2011  

I would love some sweet shades! Thanks for the contest!

Shannon (IronTexasMommy) 1:13 PM, February 10, 2011  

I definitely think Texas needs to get livened up with a runner in these shades! One entry for me, please! Thanks!

wronskian 1:25 PM, February 10, 2011  

i could totally do with some ryders!

drdave 2:07 PM, February 10, 2011  

Send me some shades. Love the blog!

Unknown 2:12 PM, February 10, 2011  

I love Ryders! Thanks for the chance to win...gimme 3 entries please :)

(FB name is Christine Hellewell Jensen)

tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/stickyprints/status/35792874889019392

Julia 2:15 PM, February 10, 2011  

I am currently wearing ten dollar shades I got from a truck vendor thingamajig so I would LOVE to have some real ones, esp in the southern CA sunshine!

Nelson 2:24 PM, February 10, 2011  

I just have one entry as well, but OMG you need to get a pair of those glasses to go with the tuti fruity.

MB,  2:25 PM, February 10, 2011  

I want to see good too! Put me down for one entry por favor!

krystyna47 2:51 PM, February 10, 2011  

Count me in for one entry, thanks so much Steve!

Luis Fernando Oliveira 3:12 PM, February 10, 2011  

I did "friended" (not a word) ryders before, for a previous giveaway, but I did write the message anyway on my FB wall.

I also followed Ryders on Twitter and posted the message

And I'm commenting here, so it's 3 entries, I figure.

Meghan 3:24 PM, February 10, 2011  

One for me! Thanks Steve!

*~*~* Tracy 3:25 PM, February 10, 2011  

I definitely need some sweet shades.

3 entries for me please

I tweeted,FB'd and of course commented here.


Jess 3:25 PM, February 10, 2011  

I NEED sunglasses. I'm trying to return to running - I fell of the wagon after my first 1/2 have haven't managed to climb back on again and this Spring it will change! I will be redoing C25K as soon as the ice disappears, and these glasses would be an awesome extra motivation!

Two for me - a tweet and this comment. Thanks!

YNWAsteve,  3:25 PM, February 10, 2011  

MUST. Protect. Eyes.

I guess that is one!

Brian 3:28 PM, February 10, 2011  

posted on twitter. two for me please.

Mushi 3:31 PM, February 10, 2011  

Good timing Steve- I JUST broke my sunglasses on Tuesday! My poor eyeballs need shields! :)

Unknown 4:06 PM, February 10, 2011  

I could use some new glasses. 2 entries for me please!!

Rachel Elizabeth 6:13 PM, February 10, 2011  

I'm a fan of Ryders on FB and I posted about it on my wall, and I'm commenting here, but I didn't tweet about it, so TWO entries for me, please!

Kevin 6:18 PM, February 10, 2011  

I am in for all 3 entries

SueM,  6:20 PM, February 10, 2011  

Sue from Morgantown, WV. One entry please. These are some sweet shades!

John 6:44 PM, February 10, 2011  

Hey Steve - I would love another pair of Ryder glasses

Just one entry for me


Tired Tim 7:26 PM, February 10, 2011  

Put me down for 1 entry on those sweet sweet shades :)

Anonymous,  7:36 PM, February 10, 2011  

I think you should become the Ryder's 20five Neon model...only if you wear the tutti frutti shorts tho...1 entry for me please!

mjskas1 7:49 PM, February 10, 2011  

Cool! Please count me for one entry.

CaptainSuburbia 8:35 PM, February 10, 2011  

Count me in for 1. Matt in CA

faerimeg,  9:46 PM, February 10, 2011  

I like sunglasses. One entry for me. MG in MI

Bike Junkie 10:12 PM, February 10, 2011  

Cool Shades!

Put me down for 3 entries!

carmenmcmanis@charter.net,  10:36 PM, February 10, 2011  

Please! I need sunglasses, I'm wearing a $10 pair from Walmart. pity me!

Jamie 11:06 PM, February 10, 2011  

I need some shades to keep out that blinding whiteout from all this damn MN snow! Gimme some shades, and give me 3 entries for becoming a fan on FB and following Ryders on Twitter and tweeting about the giveaway! Thanks Steve!

SwimBekiSwim 1:24 AM, February 11, 2011  

Hey, Steve! I was already a fan of Ryders on FB and following them on twitter! But I posted my status and tweeted my love! Also, it's officially my 29th birthday and I'm not above trying to use this as a reason for another entry! At the very least, you should feel indignation for me as just yesterday my 91 year old grandmother told me that if I spent half as much time trying to find a man as I did training I'd have been married years ago!

So three entries if you hate birthdays, four if you pity this poor, spinster triathlete!


Robyn 6:14 AM, February 11, 2011  

Moving to Minneapolis next month -- I'm a bike commuter and I'm training for my first half marathon this summer! I need these cool shades!

How 'bout an extra entry for the MSP newbie? Thanks!

Heather@321fitlife 6:53 AM, February 11, 2011  

Steve, I would love some new shades.

I'M Tri-ing 7:06 AM, February 11, 2011  

Put me in for 2 please. My shades are 10 years old and and need to be "put down". Please help me with this!

bectom1 7:13 AM, February 11, 2011  

Please put me in for 2 enteries. I retweeted the info on my twitter account. Thanks!

Marianne,  7:23 AM, February 11, 2011  

Hey Steve,
please put me in for 1 entry!

Running Through Life 7:42 AM, February 11, 2011  


I would love a chance to win some new shades!

Erin 7:49 AM, February 11, 2011  

Erin in ND...hook me up with one entry. Thanks!

Nathaniel 7:54 AM, February 11, 2011  

Steve, I'm a fan of Ryders on Facebook and follow them on Twitter so enter me for 3 please. I think your new baby needs a pair of those sweet throw-backs to be styling right with you.

Sarah Giacomarra Schrader 8:12 AM, February 11, 2011  

those are some crazy color glasses!!

UndemTri 8:51 AM, February 11, 2011  

Those 20five neon would be sweet when I run a retro 10k this spring.

Anonymous,  9:37 AM, February 11, 2011  

Here's my one and only entry! Thanks for the chance!

Kristen 10:25 AM, February 11, 2011  

Put me in for one, although...i never win :-(

tim 10:39 AM, February 11, 2011  

Hi Steve! I want some shades! One entry for me, please!

paulette 10:43 AM, February 11, 2011  

3 entries for me please! I'm a ryders fan and posted on fb and twitter.
- paulette

Mr. A 11:32 AM, February 11, 2011  

I choose one... as it is the loneliest number.

Mister A

Anonymous,  12:47 PM, February 11, 2011  

Hi Steve! Feed me some shades! All I need is one entry!


Matt Hoffman 1:21 PM, February 11, 2011  

In for 3!

I love those neon 20fives

-Matt Hoffman

Wendy 1:26 PM, February 11, 2011  

one entry for me please!!! i agree...the neon ones would look pretty awesome while riding! ;)

Unknown 1:57 PM, February 11, 2011  

Woo! One for tweeting, one for liking on FB, and one for commenting here!


Anonymous,  1:58 PM, February 11, 2011  

I definitely need some bright blue shades!

gene @boutdrz 2:58 PM, February 11, 2011  

yo! tutti-fruiti! a whap bob a loo bam, a bob bam BOOM~

one entry for me.
i like 20five neon, tweaker yellow, and defcon black.

have a great one !


kristen 3:09 PM, February 11, 2011  

I took it to 11 and did all of these! So 3 entries for me, mang.

Michael 3:46 PM, February 11, 2011  

Steve - I need me some shades. I'm going snowblind here! I'm in for one entry. Can I get another for the shoutout I gave you and your St. Paul Examiner column at a gig I was speaking at in Minneapolis on Thursday?

Angela 4:56 PM, February 11, 2011  

When I first saw the neon 20fives I automatically thought of your shorts....so if I win - they are yours.

Katie B 5:08 PM, February 11, 2011  

I need new sunglasses fr this season soooo badly! Pleas put one super lucky entry in for me :)


Rebecca 5:30 PM, February 11, 2011  

I would looooove some sweet sweet Ryder shades. One entry for me, please!

The Triathlon Rx 5:37 PM, February 11, 2011  

Not only do I WANT the sweet shades, I *NEED* them because my eyes have definitely reached their gnat quota when I'm riding!!

I also am now following Ryders on Twitter and tweeted!!

TWO entries for me please!

timetomary 8:10 PM, February 11, 2011  

2 entries and the fact that there is going to be a little Steve in a Speedo or little Pharmie is AWESOME! Congrats you two!

Anonymous,  8:18 PM, February 11, 2011  

Hey Steve - THIS time I really, really, really want a pair of Ryders! :) By the way, hook me up w/ 2 entries - I'm a fan of Ryders on FB and sharing some love here. Thank you! Sarah B. in Apple Valley

Vicky 10:41 PM, February 11, 2011  

One entry for me please! And I would definitely go for the Defcon sunglasses.

live better 4:50 AM, February 12, 2011  

Hi Steve, put me down for some shades!

Pattie Ekman 7:38 AM, February 12, 2011  

Three entries for me! And yes, those neon shades would match those shorts perfectly!


Teenage Tri Queen 8:14 AM, February 12, 2011  

One entry for me please! I have the same "Tutti-Frutti" bathing suit in the girls style, and the neon 20fives would match perfectly with it ;)

Chris 8:17 AM, February 12, 2011  

Hey Steve, I could use some sweet glasses.

I became a fan of @RydersEyewear on FB also.

Crossing my fingers.

By the way those fortunes were pretty funny

Unknown 10:33 AM, February 12, 2011  

Long time lurker, first time poster. 3 entries for me and hopefully I won't have to use my daughter's Transformer glasses anymore. Thanks!


Amanda 10:35 AM, February 12, 2011  

I would love some sweet glasses....I added them to follow on twitter and fb - so 3 awesome entries for me for these Bad A-- glasses

Evolving Through Running 11:46 AM, February 12, 2011  

1 entry for me please. Big fan of Ryders and Outside PR.

David 11:59 AM, February 12, 2011  

Hey Steve,

I would be very much obliged if you would give me one entry!

Mule 12:13 PM, February 12, 2011  

Grindhouse Fade! 1 for me please and thanks :-)

Anonymous,  12:19 PM, February 12, 2011  

Sweet shades! One entry for me please!

cravetherun 12:26 PM, February 12, 2011  

Hi Steve!
Three entries for me please! posted on FB and tweeted and commented. Hope you are out of that boot soon!

Justin 12:57 PM, February 12, 2011  

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up it's contest time! But seriously, just one entry for me.

stfritz 1:11 PM, February 12, 2011  

"Hi Steve! I want some shades! One entry for me, please!"

Love the Blog, keep it up!

Tara 1:28 PM, February 12, 2011  

Hi Steve,

One entry for me please.


bellytri 3:45 PM, February 12, 2011  

Two for me, please! I just fanned ryders and posted the status on my facebook page. Muchas gracias!

Anonymous,  4:05 PM, February 12, 2011  

One entry for me.
Jamie H.

Unknown 4:08 PM, February 12, 2011  

Enter me in the contest! If I don't win, I'll probably still buy some, but might as well try to get them for free, right?

Count me in for 3 - comment, FB, and Twitter.

Marta Hurgin 4:11 PM, February 12, 2011  

I love ryders. Lost my favorite pair when they fell off the back of my scooter. Not ok. Help me out!

Anonymous,  4:38 PM, February 12, 2011  

Pick me, pick me.

CO from CVA

Jennifer 4:46 PM, February 12, 2011  

Hi! Two entries please. I follow the company on twitter.

You have a great blog. Check out mine as well: diaperderby.blogspot.com

Jenny Evans,  4:55 PM, February 12, 2011  

Count me in, please!

Keen Bean Company 5:10 PM, February 12, 2011  

Congrats to you and Pharmie!

Two entries for me - thanks!

Colleen 6:19 PM, February 12, 2011  

hey steve- one entry for me please!

Unknown 10:53 PM, February 12, 2011  

I'm in. 2 entries. cheers.

Unknown 11:13 PM, February 12, 2011  

Steve- I'd posted Ryders on FB, liked Ryders, and commented so 2 entries please.

Thomas 6:43 AM, February 13, 2011  

I am in Steve
Just one entry for me

trihrdrgrl 7:48 AM, February 13, 2011  

Sweet contest!! Alway need new sun glasses! I get 3 entries, did both facebook and twitter and here is my comment... :)

-JM. 1:48 PM, February 13, 2011  

Hi Steve! A pair of those glasses would really help while biking!

Two entries for me!

Habeela 3:33 PM, February 13, 2011  

Love that photo at the bottom. One entry for me.

PhillipT 3:36 PM, February 13, 2011  

One entry for me please.

Kathy 3:37 PM, February 13, 2011  

Thanks for extending the deadline! I'd love a pair of Ryders!

Kathy 3:39 PM, February 13, 2011  

Sheesh, forgot to mention...so sorry to hear of your injury, I have the same boot from injuries past.

And, congrats to you and Pharmie!

StephanieC 3:40 PM, February 13, 2011  

I'd love some Sweet Sweet Ryders! Extended deadlines are the best - if i win!

Kim Basala,  3:41 PM, February 13, 2011  

Hi Steve! 3 enteries for me! Thanks! Trimom

Sarah 3:41 PM, February 13, 2011  

Let my one entry be the "ONE". Thanks

Tracy 3:42 PM, February 13, 2011  

Hi Steve ---

"I'm a fan of Ryders on FB and I posted about it on my wall, and I'm commenting here, but I don't tweet , so TWO entries for me, please!"

Anonymous,  3:42 PM, February 13, 2011  

Thanks for the extension. Put me down for one entry.

Brian from HB

Who? Me? 3:42 PM, February 13, 2011  

I tweeted and am commenting. They have some sweet stuff!

Lauris 3:44 PM, February 13, 2011  

Pressure came from being a fan of Steve in a speedo on facebook...so hereis my comment!
Keep on your great blog, we love it!

Beth 3:46 PM, February 13, 2011  

I love Ryders. One entry for me, please. :)

My Life 3:46 PM, February 13, 2011  

Throwing my hat in the ring...

Becky 3:49 PM, February 13, 2011  

I have lots of shades, but they are not nearly as colorful as these fantastic pieces of eyewear! Sign me up for one entry, please!


Cap'n Tan Lines 3:52 PM, February 13, 2011  

I love lamp! Uh, I mean, I love Ryders!

I'm already a fan of Ryders on FB, so hook me up with 2 entries please.

Thanks dude!

Unknown 3:54 PM, February 13, 2011  

I'm a fan of Ryders on FB and I posted about it on my wall, and I'm commenting here, but I didn't tweet about it, so TWO entries for me, please!"

Tri-James 3:56 PM, February 13, 2011  

Steve, put me down for a chance.

Tri-James 3:57 PM, February 13, 2011  

I'm also a fan of Ryder's on FB. So down for two.

Sara Cox Landolt 4:00 PM, February 13, 2011  

Wow, what a great opportunity. Very cool of OutsidePR and Ryders.
I fanned them on fb. 2 votes please.

Ken Davis 4:04 PM, February 13, 2011  

One entry for me please. Those retro style shades are tubular, dude.

BaddApple 4:06 PM, February 13, 2011  

I'm in. I just broke my pair. I'm a fan already on facebook.

Robin Blackburn,  4:25 PM, February 13, 2011  

I'm in!!

TiGi 4:28 PM, February 13, 2011  

Steve! I just slammed my sunglasses in the glove compartment! Now I only have one lens. Pick me, please!

caasen 4:40 PM, February 13, 2011  
This comment has been removed by the author.
caasen 4:43 PM, February 13, 2011  

Hi Steve I could use some of those shades! One entry please

chelsie 4:49 PM, February 13, 2011  

sweet shades. 1 for me please!

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