Gary's Photos From My First 5000

>> Saturday, February 05, 2011

Quick side-note: I heard that Gary Westlund from Charities Challenge was set up at the turn-around point of the half marathon last weekend. But being we were turned around too soon because of a mis-informed volunteer, we never got to see Gary, or his tent, or hear his cheers, or have him take photos of us. I'm not too disappointed in the shortened race, but I feel bad that Gary spent all morning waiting for runners who never came by!

I stopped by the Charities Challenge website yesterday, and I saw that Gary had posted his photos from the indoor 5000 meter race that I did last month. So I thought I'd share 10 of those:

There are 3 things to note in this first photo: I'm to the far left finishing my second lap, (SPOILER ALERT) the eventual winner is in the middle, and you can see the clock read 1:13 as I took my first 400 a bit hard:

After a few more laps

Getting ready to pass some runners mid-race

Tri/running buddy Sean leading a pack

The winner (to the left) finishing in 16:10!

Nearly done with lap 24, with 1 to go!

Getting ready to hit my watch with 1 lap left

Swinging wide to finish

That's some hurt on my face....

I was THRILLED with my 17:17 finish in my first indoor 5000! It was my second fastest 5K time ever - 17:11 is my PR. Thanks for the photos, Gary!!

Gary's photo of some of the speedster sprinters!

Click here to see my race report and lots of photos from my wife.

Time to edit a video from all of the clips I took while running the half marathon last weekend. I'll be back with that next week, and hopefully a quick giveaway. Happy weekend, everyone!


Anonymous,  10:55 PM, February 06, 2011  

Steve-o...I'm ALWAYS impressed with your run times and being able to hit your watch at Sonic speed...but since I'm a visual person...why can't you have a video of yourself. I want to see your doesn't do it justice. Video please??? (CyborgQueen)

CoachLiz 7:14 PM, February 08, 2011  

The black compression socks and the Bowl Full O' Sunshine are quiet a fashion statement.

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