Friday Funny 129: Shave Your Own Back

>> Friday, November 12, 2010

If you're my Secret Santa, I have a perfect idea for you:

Yes, this was spawned from yesterday's post about my beard. Speaking of which, have you cast your vote yet?

Happy Friday!


Kim 10:09 AM, November 12, 2010  

so my pal jason has a hilarious blog post about how he invented a device to shave his back... take note!

Bees 12:44 PM, November 12, 2010  

I can think of a dozen reasons why triathletes whould do yoga. Not the least of which is the ability to shave our own backs for wetsuit-illegal races without using that bloodletting contraption.

Foges 2:43 PM, November 12, 2010  

isn't that what wives are for?

Regina 3:51 PM, November 12, 2010  

I swear I thought you Photoshopped that ad and I felt like a fool for going to Amazon to look for it (cuz in my heart of hearts, I knew it couldn't be real). Imagine my surprise when there it was!!! Holy crap! Who knew? Well, I guess, you did.

Sixteen Chickens 11:14 AM, November 17, 2010  

I have avoided clicking the link for this post for almost a week... and then curiosity killed the cat.

Tell me how to get to your photo blog again?

CoachLiz 9:19 PM, November 18, 2010  

I love it that gift-wrap is available. HA!

Anonymous,  2:32 AM, December 10, 2010  

And I'm sure to sign up for this blog!

Anonymous,  5:32 PM, December 31, 2010  

Beautiful post, great ))

Anonymous,  12:20 AM, January 07, 2011  

Mm, its fantastic-/

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