Friday Funny 130: Beard Shaving

>> Friday, November 19, 2010

Why must all men do this? We grow facial hair, and then we must shave it off in an amusing manner. I think it's in our DNA.

(Although NeopreneWedgie made a good point in a tweet he sent me: "You've posted so many images of you shaving other body parts, perhaps the beard seems irrelevant at this point." Very true.)

Full beard pre-shave

A large goatee


Some sort of Van-Dyke

A more trimmed Van Dyke

Then it was time to unleash........

........the mustache.

Then I trimmed it down to "pedophile" length:

O. M. G.


Keith 6:30 AM, November 19, 2010  

OMG is right. I'm quietly mourning here. Then I celebrated.

The full beard was nice. The goatee was beyond hideous. If you'd stopped there Pharmie would have divorced you on the spot and deservedly so. The Van Dyke was pretty bad too. The mo is still a bit thin but I suppose it could grow out if given a chance.

Pretend this is real 6:39 AM, November 19, 2010  

Pedophile mustache is right! I have to go wash out my eyes!

C 6:44 AM, November 19, 2010  

I think the stache was less pedo, more 70s porno. How's it feel to be a baby-face again?

Unknown 7:56 AM, November 19, 2010  

Oh my god is right! :)

Meredith Brooks 8:18 AM, November 19, 2010  

You look just like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite in the pedophile length 'stache picture!

Holly 8:56 AM, November 19, 2010  

Hey, it's Movember! Did you leave anything?

RFalkenrath 9:41 AM, November 19, 2010  

You must have a lot of free time on your hands. =)

Did something similar but kept the goatee. We shall see how long the wife can endure it.

RFalkenrath 9:41 AM, November 19, 2010  

You must have a lot of free time on your hands. =)

Did something similar but kept the goatee. We shall see how long the wife can endure it.

Unknown 9:49 AM, November 19, 2010  

your posts are always hilarious! i can't get enough of the pics! Mustaches are definitely a pedophiles id card. glad you had fun!

Stefanie 10:18 AM, November 19, 2010  

Wow. Yeah it is either all or nothing with you. Everything inbetween was not right scary/hilarious!

And I agree: more 70's weirdo than pedo!

SteveQ 10:27 AM, November 19, 2010  

You missed the John Waters pencil-thin 'stache and the Salvador Dali one-side-only "I really am that crazy" 'stache. I'm trying for off-season Santa/ Ernest Hemingway.

Luke,  10:30 AM, November 19, 2010  

Steve, haven't you heard of no shave November? I'm in why aren't you?

gene 11:19 AM, November 19, 2010  

OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND EVERYTHING HOLY....why, WHY is it called a pedo stache? i guess snarktart ( was right. she said my MO made me look like a pedophile a week ago. head to my blog to see it....
anyway, Steve in a goatee? Gross!
the MO and Beard looked good, though....

Jamie 12:26 PM, November 19, 2010  

Well done.

The pedo-stash makes you almost look like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.

Did someone say 2011 Halloween costume?

Better start that cage fighter training!

Kim 12:51 PM, November 19, 2010  

did you at least keep the 'stache until yesterday (november 18) which was have Sex with a Man with a Moustache Day?

Chris and Amy 3:46 PM, November 19, 2010  

In the Air Force there is unofficially Mustache March when the the guys can let their facial hair grow. The only problem is that my husband's always looks more like a molestache.

CoachLiz 7:08 PM, November 19, 2010  

I'm with Chad. Thanks for not giving us the Hitler 'stache.

Anonymous,  8:55 AM, November 20, 2010  


Laurie 11:32 AM, November 20, 2010  

Best sequence of photos ever. Keep up the good work.

Carolina John 9:55 AM, November 21, 2010  

hahahahah!!!! I just did the same thing. Lost a bet yesterday on a college football game and had to shave my beard into a hulk hogan mustache. too funny!

Anonymous,  1:41 PM, November 21, 2010  

Such a dork :) gotta love ya. .

Beth 7:30 PM, November 21, 2010  

The rubber ducky in the background is pricely. All very funny. Thanks for the laugh!

FinnyKnits 2:43 PM, November 22, 2010  

If there is a true "way" to shave off one's beard, that has to be it. Go through all the horrifying combinations before returning to normal and see what you'd look like as a 70s lounge singer.

Anonymous,  9:31 AM, November 30, 2010  

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