I’m NOT Really That Sweaty

>> Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Or, “The 'Free To Run 4 Miler' Official Photos”

Here are a few official photos from the “Free to Run 4 Miler” that I did with a few of my Tri Club students on the 4th. Here’s just before the start:

I’m on the far right

Ready, set, go

Students Hannah, Sarah, and Evan starting
(you can barely see Hannah in the green)

Danielle was at the turn around, and she snapped a few photos. Here’s leader (and soon-to-be winner) Vlad running with NO ONE behind him:

Ryan, Doug, and I finally came through about 60-90 seconds later, all vying for second place:

Here I am just after finishing (it started to rain about half way into the race - that’s NOT sweat!):

Me (3rd), Vlad (1st), and Ryan (2nd)

Male and female winners. Yes, this is the woman
I so creepily wrote about in my last post...

Soon, Evan came running in. Here you can see me taking a photo of him running by:

Sarah finishing

Hannah finishing

Like I said in my race report, I went to help the announcer after I finished. I would help read numbers and find the runner’s name on the list so he could announce them and then cross them off (so we knew they weren’t out there anymore). Gary snapped a shot of us once it started to slow down, and he labeled this “Steve Stenzel’s Team Helping Gaylen Announce Racers:”

Nice job, team!!! Congrats on a solid race!

In other quick news, my heel is feeling pretty good. The only thing I did last week was swim once (not far) and then race on Saturday. During the race, it BARELY got a little tight (just at the very end), but it didn’t get sore. That’s good news! Later that day, I was out taking pictures, and it started to downpour. After being stuck under an awning at a body shop for 20 minutes trying to wait-out the rain, I finally decided to run back to my car. My heel hurt a little after that 2 block run in non-running shoes. D’oh. But it’s back on the upswing again. So.....

I swam 18 - 50 yard intervals last night. I cut my rest down to 15 seconds, and averaged 41.05 / 50. That’s just a little faster than 3 weeks ago when I did 17 with 20 seconds rest. I also took my heart rate after a few of them (as Andrea suggested). After 5, it was 156. After 10, it was 162. And after 15, it was 168. Andrea said that was good - she just didn’t want to see it drop which would mean I was giving myself too much rest.

Some members of the tri club are meeting me at Lake Nokomis tomorrow evening at 6, and they’ll be trying their FIRST open water swim!! Wish us luck! I’ll be back with photos!


Sunshine 8:50 AM, July 07, 2009  

We like to do the Challenge races, too, when we can.

Kim 10:02 AM, July 07, 2009  

woohoo nice pictures! too bad the female winner's face isnt as good looking as her bum ;)

sweet job on the 50s!!!!!! did you wear your HR monitor during the 50s?

Anonymous,  10:10 AM, July 07, 2009  

Enjoy that OWS!!!

Steve Stenzel 10:12 AM, July 07, 2009  

No Kim, I just took my pulse for 10 seconds after some of those intervals. I SHOULD heart rate train....

Lindsay 10:40 AM, July 07, 2009  

It looks like the three of you are doing synchronized running!

Iron Girl Nyhus 11:17 AM, July 07, 2009  

Glad the heel is feeling better. I was in for some ART yesterday on my ankle...

Lindsay 11:17 AM, July 07, 2009  

love all the pics and commentary. congrats to all on great runs! looks like you may need to show hannah how to leave it all on the course though ;) nice job on the swim too.

Jen Rife 3:28 PM, July 07, 2009  

Can I crash your open water swim lesson tomorrow night? I was going to be at Nokomis for my own workout any way. Apparently I'm on the same training schedule as your CVA club!

CoachLiz 5:24 PM, July 07, 2009  

So was Vlad's nickname "The Impaler"? I laughed at the picture of you, Ryan, and Doug. They look like they are working and you have a huge smile on your face like things are easy.

FLATOUT JIM 5:21 AM, July 08, 2009  

Shorts match the headband. Nice.

I see they are called SHORTS for a reason.

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