Does This Newspaper Article Make Me Look Gay?

>> Thursday, October 02, 2008

That was the appearance Borsch and I made in the “Osceola Sun Newspaper” yesterday. It's reminiscent of my other costumed appearance in a newspaper (The St. Paul Pioneer Press) nearly exactly a year ago during the 2007 TC Marathon:

Moral of the story: If you want to get some publicity in the Midwest, go out in public dressed like a freak.

Speaking of which, the TC Marathon is this weekend, and the farm animals will be back in full force! Wish all the runners luck! It should be a great day, and there will be some fun photos of us cheering everyone on!


Glaven Q. Heisenberg 4:21 AM, October 02, 2008  

I wouldn't worry about the gay thing. It's a well-known, scientifically-established fact that, just as the camera adds 5 lbs to your body, news print adds 5 SNAPS!! of FAAAAAAB-ulousness!

Between you and Borsch, I detect a grand total of 11 SNAPS!

So one of you is a little suspect ...

C 4:42 AM, October 02, 2008  

LOL! Thanks for helping me start my day off with a smile.

Kevin 5:34 AM, October 02, 2008  

Hmm maybe just a little. But congrats anyways on making it in to the paper

Anonymous,  5:38 AM, October 02, 2008  

(not that there's anything wrong with that)
oooooh. you famous.

color us all in awe.

joyRuN 6:11 AM, October 02, 2008  

Hilarious! Congrats on the newsprint. I'd have to kill someone to make it to my local rag :)

Born To Endure 6:45 AM, October 02, 2008  

WOW...not only are you amazing, your FAMOUS too!!!!!
I will be cheering friends soon at the Detroit Marathon, any suggestions on a costume?? :-)

Marcy 6:49 AM, October 02, 2008  

Duuuuddddeeeee! I hope you put that baby in an album and show it off to your future kids :P

duchossois 7:20 AM, October 02, 2008  

Have you thought of trying to go national with Team Whitey-Tightie? It would be so cool to see runners at all of the big races sporting their Fruit-of-the-Looms.

Jess 7:37 AM, October 02, 2008  

Hahaha welll maybe just a little gay...

Erin Leigh 8:24 AM, October 02, 2008  

Playing a little catch-up around here.

Great job with that race, even if you were in your skivvies ;)

Oh and thanks for all the BIL pics.

Anonymous,  8:41 AM, October 02, 2008  

You're famous!! There's never a dull day in your life :D

ShirleyPerly 8:58 AM, October 02, 2008  

Well, dressed like that you would certainly draw some attention. Except in Kona for the Underwear Run, in which case you guys should wear tuxedos or something to stand out :-)

Felice Devine 9:05 AM, October 02, 2008  

Ha! That's great. It gave me a nice morning laugh.

Sarah 9:05 AM, October 02, 2008  

How would you up the risk factor of running in a costume - at a costumed run? like Portland's Run Like Hell? Just curious...or selfish! I need ideas!

MtngirlinCali 9:13 AM, October 02, 2008  

Dude! You'd think they would at least mention that you two WON after putting a photo like that in the newspaper. ;)

Irish Cream 9:23 AM, October 02, 2008  

Honestly . . . that's just bad journalism, if you ask me! I mean, as great as the get up may be, it is that much cooler that y'all ran in it and WON! Get your sh*t straight, Osceola Sun!

21stCenturyMom 9:26 AM, October 02, 2008  

Let's just say that if that article were in the SF Chron we would KNOW you are gay! :-)

Too funny.

Jodi 9:28 AM, October 02, 2008  

Nah, but I think the whities make your butt look big


Great job at the race, btw!


nwgdc 9:28 AM, October 02, 2008  

I'm not sure Osceola is ready for you.
Then again, are the Twin Cities?

Julianne 9:43 AM, October 02, 2008  

wow, that's awesome that you made it in the paper. you don't look *that* gay... it just looks like there some serious bromance going on. LOL! and may i add that you look dashing in the photo!

Viv 9:53 AM, October 02, 2008  

LMAO! that is great Steve you in Borsh in your underwear is a top story!

sRod 10:05 AM, October 02, 2008  

Not a matter of if it makes you look gay. It seems to be more a matter of who's the guy and who's the chick. zing!

Sixteen Chickens 10:21 AM, October 02, 2008  

You've been out'd. So much for keeping it on the down-low.

filoli 10:44 AM, October 02, 2008  

Oh my goodness, YES!!!!!!!!! and that is what makes it even more fantastic!

Maggs 10:45 AM, October 02, 2008  

That's funny. I thought the cashier at the store outed you last week.

MissAllycat 10:46 AM, October 02, 2008  

You look fahb-ulous, dahhhhling.

Where on the course will you be?? I'll be out cheering on the fellow runners as well...I think we're going to be at mile 22?

Aron 11:05 AM, October 02, 2008  

LOL... too much!!! have FUN this weekend!!

Formulaic 11:13 AM, October 02, 2008  

You know, it would help if your 'parnter' didn't have his arm wrapped around you in a lovers embrace!

Anonymous,  11:38 AM, October 02, 2008  

I'll be running the 10 mile on Sunday. Maybe I'll see you out there!

You should know, though, that I have a phobia of people dressed as animals, mascots, etc. True story.

K 11:53 AM, October 02, 2008  

Yes, you look gay. Does Pharmie know yet?

Judi 12:41 PM, October 02, 2008  

You just need some thigh highs and a garter belt. :)

Bill 1:15 PM, October 02, 2008  

If you have to ask the question...

Nitmos 1:34 PM, October 02, 2008  

I have this strange urge to go to the disco. Get 3 more guys and now you're the Village People.

Darcy Franklin 2:01 PM, October 02, 2008  

Just like I just posted on Charlotte's blog, the media distorts everything!

I will be looking for you on Sunday. I am pacing some peeps to a 3:38 (give or take a couple) so hopefully you won't be moving on from your posts too soon.

Any ideas of what to wear on Sunday? I would love to get a mug in the paper!

CoachLiz 3:20 PM, October 02, 2008  

You...a FREAK??!!??

No, really???

Kelly 3:57 PM, October 02, 2008  

You should make it a personal goal to have at least one public photograph of yourself from each event. Too bad there were no grim reaper articles.

Anonymous,  4:09 PM, October 02, 2008  

as my gay boys in provincetown say... you look faaaaaaaagulous! =)

b 5:14 PM, October 02, 2008  

Not in the least bit Steve!!! Top billing with the local newspaper is great stuff...take care this weekend with the farm animal brigade in Twin Cities :-)

Anonymous,  6:27 PM, October 02, 2008  

Have a great weekend. I can always count on your blog for a nice laugh.

Brian 6:28 PM, October 02, 2008  

Team tighty whitey makes it. I wouldn't say gay. Maybe a little odd for people that don't know you, then again for people that know you as well.

I think you should start the team tightey - whitey franchise. Maybe you could raise some cash for a charity or something.

Pokey 6:33 PM, October 02, 2008  

Ok, maybe just a little ;)

That is freakin' hilarious!!!

Collin Kromke 7:33 PM, October 02, 2008  

Seeing Borsch's hand caressing your love handle makes me cringe.

teacherwoman 7:47 PM, October 02, 2008  

I was just waiting for your article appearance! LOL!

Adam 8:24 PM, October 02, 2008  

I'm not sure it's the newspaper article that makes you look gay...the underwear and arms around another dude might though;)

331 Miles 9:10 PM, October 02, 2008  

Nah -- it makes you look like a professional wrestler.

Sonia 9:21 PM, October 02, 2008  

Yes, but we know you're married and have no problems LOL

Julia 4:33 AM, October 03, 2008  

Um, a little but you're married so it doesn't matter (otherwise you might have a problem getting a date...)

Fizzgig 3:28 PM, October 03, 2008  

you are like a celebrity!!! how awesome!

Brianna 4:06 PM, October 04, 2008  

So THAT'S how you get publicity! Good to know. Think it would have the same positive and lighthearted spin if it was a woman in the tighty-whities? Hmmmm . . . food for thought, eh?! :)

Chic Runner 5:09 PM, October 06, 2008  

Ha Ha hilarious yet again! :)

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