More 5K Fun, Shoulder Injury, and Mountain Biking

>> Thursday, October 16, 2008

A few more photos came out from the Charities Challenge “Challenging Aging 5K” this past weekend. Here’s everyone taking off at the start. I’m off on the left wearing the...well...just look for the pasty legs:

Here’s Tom (who came in second and who I first met earlier this summer), Danielle (first place female), and I chatting after the finish:

Congrats to the both of you!
Hope to see you at more races soon!

And here’s a random group at the finish - there are a few top finishers, a volunteer, Coach Jeanne (in the middle), the oldest racer, and the oldest racer’s son who did the whole race with his mom:

Here’s the top of the finishers list. I placed first out of 44 runners. I thought there were more, but I guess I’m a bad guess-timater:

On a different note, I’ve been having problems with my right shoulder over the past 4 weeks. It’s sore and achy deep inside the socket. And I think it was spurred by my weird collar bone. My right collar bone sticks out WAY too much (I’ll show you in a photo shortly...). So I made an appointment for yesterday with my ART chiropractor, Dr. Folske. I was hoping he could just crack my collar bone back into place by jumping on my chest. No such luck. Right away, Dr. Folske looked at me and said, “Oh yeah, that REALLY does stick out...” He tried a few things out, but I kinda stumped him. He thinks my Omohyoid muscle is a little tight or inflamed. It’s an L-shaped muscle that is attached somewhere to the collar bone. Here you can see it as #3 and #4:

Dr. Folske did a little ART on that muscle (which got a little tender), worked my shoulder a bit, and adjusted a few vertebrae. The good Doc did all that he could, and he basically gave me the OK to workout and swim, and told me that I wouldn’t be hurting anything.

Finally, after the ART appointment with Dr. Folske, since I was in the neighborhood, I drove just a few miles and hopped on one of the best mountain bike trails in the Cities: the Theo Wirth trail. Here I am after getting unloaded and ready to go:

Yes, that’s still my IM number on my helmet.
Yes, from IM WI 13 months ago.

To get to the main trail, I had to follow this tight little path really close to this little river (notice the stump I had to jump without getting wet about 40 feet ahead):

I headed through a park, under a highway, and out to the main trail on some paved trails:

That finally got me to the start of the trail. On the map below, you can see the start (at the lower right). That short trail straight north got me to the main loop (which is about 3 miles per loop), which I ended up doing 3 times.

FINALLY, I hit the main loop. On my first loop, I stopped to take a bunch of photos. Here’s an early part of the trail:

Single-track among the pine needles (and that’s NOT my ween-dog in the foreground, so no teasing):

The parts of this trail that always get to me are the rocky climbs and descents. My balance is all off and I always slip. Here’s a nice rocky section about 1/3 of the way through the loop:

More sweet single-track:

After riding out there for 1 hour and 27 minutes, I had gotten in a good workout. The sign of a good workout: boob sweat.

I did the first loop in 22:13 while stopping to make a lot of photos. I rode the next loop hard, and pulled in a respectable 17:23. During the third loop, I nearly fell a BUNCH of times proving that I was getting pretty fatigued. I came out of every technical section during the third loop thinking, “I did that better during my last loop.” But I still did OK and finished my last loop in 17:58.

I hope to do more mountain biking in the near future. I had a GREAT time! More trails shortly! So yesterday, I taught 2 intense classes, had a quick ART appointment, and ended the day with a cool, autumn mountain bike ride. WHAT’S BETTER THAN THAT?!?


Shannon 5:19 AM, October 16, 2008  

Nice mountain bike photos, you've inspired me to maybe dust mine off and find a good trail.

RunBubbaRun 5:43 AM, October 16, 2008  

A little late, but congrats on your 1st place win..

Like the trails, except those mini boulders, looked like fun.

ItchyBits 6:01 AM, October 16, 2008  

congrats and nice legs!

Glaven Q. Heisenberg 8:00 AM, October 16, 2008  

To answer your concluding rhetorical question, I'd say: Not Much.

Pretty scenic trails!

People who answer rhetorical questions are NOT lame. My wife does not recognize the validity of the category "rhetorical" questions. She answers them all, even the clearly meaningless ones, like, "Eh! Whadaya gonna do?"

"Nothing," she invariably answers.

I take it back. Answering rhetorical questions is lame.

Take care of the shoulder, man.

GoBigGreen 8:43 AM, October 16, 2008  

Wade is the best:)Hope your shoulder is doing better, i keep looking for you or pharmie at the pool but you have a "hall pass" till you heal!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 8:56 AM, October 16, 2008  

I have to confess that I am a total mountain biking wuss. I mean, how is it even possible to ride up those rocks? It seems like an inhuman feat!

Renee 9:19 AM, October 16, 2008  

Congrats on the win! That Mountain biking looks like a blast!

Trihardist 9:25 AM, October 16, 2008  

I am completely jealous of your mountain biking trails. We don't have *anything* like that in my area :-\

Nice pictures, too!

Damie 9:47 AM, October 16, 2008  

Steve- you are fast! Nice 5k time! Thanks for visiting my blog. Good luck with the shoulder- I agree with trying to loosen up the smaller musculature in the next. I find whenever I have shoulder/scap problems, I can almost always related it to shortening of my ant. neck muscles. good luck!

Unknown 10:13 AM, October 16, 2008  

Great job on the 5k. That looks like an awesome route!

Alisa 10:19 AM, October 16, 2008  

Congrats on the first place finish. I don't think I'll ever break the top 50 =). I like the back =).

I love the mountain bike trail photos. I always wonder how on earth you and your wife have time to train for all of these wonderful races and raise kids? I just have a dog and find it hard to keep up with training.

Unknown 10:27 AM, October 16, 2008  

Great poem!

I was laughing too hard :)

LoveOfShoes 10:27 AM, October 16, 2008  

Does it show my age that I don't get the reference?

Thanks for the comment- keep up the ART, I am addicted- even got some fancy laser treatment yesterday

Alisa 10:30 AM, October 16, 2008 about I like the back of the pack during running races?! That clarifies things a bit =).

Bruce Stewart (施樸樂) 10:36 AM, October 16, 2008  

Good run - you are obviously getting very good at it. As for your shoulder problems, if the doc said you can train it can't be that bad. However, I would recommend you start your training slowly and build up speed slowly during your workouts. I think a lot of your discomforts (the shoulder or the Achilles) are probably because you don't warm up properly. You are young and you just want to go fast. In swimming, I don't do any land exercises to warm up first (apart from getting out of bed and biking easy to the pool). I just start swimming but go very easy at first. It is not textbook, but my shoulders are fine and I go really hard at the end of each workout. Race hard but train soft.

Judi 10:52 AM, October 16, 2008  

sounds like an awesome day! the trails are so pretty this time of year. i am jealous, i want a cx bike soooooo bad!

Steve Stenzel 10:54 AM, October 16, 2008  

Bruce - I think you're right. I always have a better workout when I ease my way into it. I just need to remember that during EVERY workout!

M*J*C 11:42 AM, October 16, 2008  

That trail is beautiful!!! I can't imagine being able to "bike" on that, I would totally bust my ass, face, mid-section....basically everything would be broken! I have ZERO bike skills!!!

Chic Runner 11:56 AM, October 16, 2008  

Um, where do you live becuase I would give anyyyyything to be able to run on trails like that! AMAZING! seriously, enjoy that! :) And nice time on the race. Those pictures are cute too... And such a graphic pic of the shoulder... Hope you feel better.

On another note, walmart still sells those sick sweatpants with the elastic at the ankles. Also, those pants have pockets. Double bonus!

Gotta Run..... 12:07 PM, October 16, 2008  

Your pace... I don't even know what to say!!!

LOVE those pictures of the trails. This trail girl would love to run there. Burnt out on my local ones...but what do you do? :)

Tater 1:04 PM, October 16, 2008  

What a beautiful trail to ride on. Wish had something like that near me!

Will look for you and wifey-poo at IM New Orleans. At least if y'all hang around a few hours after your wife finishes that is lol. As I will be way, way, way at the back of the pack. But my goal is just to finish it.

Frayed Laces 2:12 PM, October 16, 2008  

Damn boy! Talk about speed demon on the 5k!

CoachLiz 2:53 PM, October 16, 2008  

That ride looks so nice! The only thing that would have made the afternoon better is a few slices off of a caramel apple that you picked up at a pumpkin patch.

Jess 3:37 PM, October 16, 2008  

That ride looks beautiful. I miss MN in the fall -- it's my fav time of year there.

J~Mom 4:23 PM, October 16, 2008  

I am not going to buy a mountain bike.
I am not going to buy a mountain bike.
I am not going to buy a mountain bike.

Dang it mountain biking looks fun!

Rainmaker 5:06 PM, October 16, 2008  

Mountain biking - woot! I'm thinking you could be a riot at some mountain biking events.

duchossois 5:54 PM, October 16, 2008  

Congrats on your 5k first place! Good luck with the mountain biking. Don't break anything.

Brian 7:55 PM, October 16, 2008  

mountain biking is a great change of pace to running and biking on roads and is a really tough challenge. 10 miles biking on a tough mountain bike course could be equal to a good 25 + miles.

RoadBunner 10:18 PM, October 16, 2008  

Congrats on the race result! Those trails look sweet.

RBR 11:47 AM, October 18, 2008  

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! thank you for the trail pictures. What a great place to be able to go work out!

LOL at the rocky 'trail'. Holy cow!

Congrats on another 5k win! You are the man!

LHE 8:15 PM, October 20, 2008  

Gorgeous trail photos and about the boobs sweat - no ... no that's not how it works ... sweat is under boobs in u shapes. It just looks like something out in those woods walked across your chest with wet feet. What might have crawled across you when you slipped??? 18-minute 5k. Swheeeeat.

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