Monster Dash Results

>> Monday, October 27, 2008

Just a quick update while on break from class: the results from the Monster Dash 5K are up, and I officially got 3rd (like I initially thought).

Yes, I got schooled by a girl. And because a nameless sexless person took first place overall, I ended up first in my age group:

When registering, you could pay a little more to be "chip timed," or you could pay a little less to just do the "fun run." There were only 69 people that were chip timed, so I took 3rd place out of 69. However, there were probably more like 250 5K runners in all. Here's the photo (from my last post) that shows everyone ready to start the 5K, and this is more than 69 people:

I counted at least 72! Just kidding.

And if you missed the last post, MAKE SURE to watch this video of me cheering for the half marathon runners after the 5K:

(Note the “sexy nipple rub” at 0:35.
And I LOVE the runners that join in at 0:56.)

Direct link:

I'll have some official photos when they are up, but I think it could be a while. Happy Monday! Oh, and Happy Birthday to Boxer Shorts! They were "invented" 93 years ago today! Let's go celebrate in our undies!!

p.s. Sorry I've been a bad blogger. I've been too busy in the past few weeks (re: midterms) to read many blogs. I hope to get time to catch up in the next few days.


Jess 10:41 AM, October 27, 2008  

That's the broadest age group I've ever seen! I guess that means your two competitors who won out over you were either under 20 or over 39. So, you either got schooled by some young hotshot, or some incredibly fast over-the-hiller!

Anyway, congrats on 3rd place overall and 1st in your AG!

IronGambit 10:50 AM, October 27, 2008  

That is wider than the Grand Canyon!

Marcy 10:57 AM, October 27, 2008  

CONGRATS homefries!

Dude lovin the vid! LMAO!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 11:04 AM, October 27, 2008  

Woah, there are some fast chicas in MSP, apparently dominating at the local 5ks...

And the YMCA runners were great!

Marlene 11:26 AM, October 27, 2008  

Thanks for the vote of confidence...

Congrats! Excellent finish.

And those are some sweet moves! LOL

Julianne 11:47 AM, October 27, 2008  

Congrats coming in first in your age group!!! And you probably had the best costume, too!

Glaven Q. Heisenberg 1:22 PM, October 27, 2008  

You and Vanilla really should have that dance off!

Bring the scythe. Gorillas can be unpredictable, and sometimes they gots to get got. With a scythe.


Aron 3:17 PM, October 27, 2008  

awesome job!!! 3rd in a costume is pretty freaking awesome :)

Fizzgig 3:21 PM, October 27, 2008  

you are like a 1 man entertainment army. I loved the video!!!!!!! and im sick of looking at that pizza its making me hungry

CoachLiz 3:53 PM, October 27, 2008  

I like that idea of paying a bit extra for chip timing. I am surprised more people did not get that option. How much more expensive was it? $5.00?

Jess 5:06 PM, October 27, 2008  

Congrats on a great finish! And I am dying watching that dancing between you and Vanilla and your dance moves I've been cracking up today!!

Anonymous,  6:53 PM, October 27, 2008  

watch out --- white boy dancing!

ItchyBits 6:54 PM, October 27, 2008  

You looked a little tired on the hokie pokie. Your hoked was poked.

Michelle 7:01 PM, October 27, 2008  

I share a birthday with boxer shorts!!!


Chic Runner 7:30 PM, October 27, 2008  

Congrats on getting through the races.. your blog is just too funny! :)

You would be the best cheerleader! That's for sure. And congrats on your time.. your a quick one!

Michelle 8:34 PM, October 27, 2008  

Ahhh, the yellow shorts....don't leave home without 'em!
Thanks, for the Bon Jovi!!

The Bear Cub Bakery 8:43 PM, October 27, 2008  

It's somehow cosmically unfair that you run dressed like a reaper and you're *still* faster than me.

One day I won't be like molasses!

You're awesome.

J~Mom 9:55 PM, October 27, 2008  

Congratulations!!! Someone just did the tri I did dressed as Captain America. Not nearly as original as your costume! :>)

Shannon 5:28 AM, October 28, 2008  

Your a rock star! Congrats.

Calyx Meredith 7:43 AM, October 28, 2008  

Woo hoo! First place! (And happy birthday to boxer shorts??)

Ms. R 8:50 AM, October 28, 2008  

You're number 1! You're number 1! Congratulations! I saw you from afar on Saturday -- loved the costume.

raulgonemobile 9:57 AM, October 28, 2008  

Love the vid. You're a heck of a runner, too.

Nitmos 11:23 AM, October 28, 2008  

Nice race...but you lost to a hermaphrodite and a chick. Accept the award if you want...

GoBigGreen 11:53 AM, October 28, 2008  

I am surprised you didnt make a comment about being chicked ..a
McHOTTIE:) Some sort of hot chick who also eats at McD's?
Steve, you must be tired from school. Missed opportunity:)

Anonymous,  1:46 PM, October 28, 2008  

Your video just made my day. I am now the weird girl at work laughing at her computer screen. Thanks. Or not.

jen 6:45 PM, October 28, 2008  

Congrats! The girl who beat you is awesome though. :) Happy birthday boxer shorts!

Ryan 7:00 PM, October 28, 2008  

When are you officially going to change your name to "bowl full of sunshine?"

It would be classic!

Dori 7:38 PM, October 28, 2008  

Hey, I'm in your video! I come in at :32, wearing the blue, obsolete "Northwest Club Run" jacket. I remember seeing you, but I didn't call out cause I forgot your name. I remember the song, too, but I missed the nipple rub.Your video is hilarious!

I'm one of Amy's friends whom you met before the race and I posted a picture with you on my blog.

Congrats on winning your AG and while wearing full costume, for Pete's sake!

Unknown 9:05 PM, October 28, 2008  

Good job on the 5K!!

the video cracks me up. you totally need to come out this way and teach folks how to do some real cheering :-)

Kevin 10:01 PM, October 28, 2008  

Dude! the video is great. I especially love the YMCA'ers and the kid dancing in the distance at about 1:18

Laura 2:50 PM, October 29, 2008  


I don't understand the "option" for chip timing though... why would you run the race if you didn't want chip timing? I know that some races don't have it at all, but if you're able to provide it, it should be for everyone!

Alisa 6:38 PM, November 01, 2008  

I need you to cheer at one my races in costume...that was great!

Great song choices too.

Emily 4:18 PM, October 31, 2009  

Dang it! I'm happing to be able to witness your cheering in person, as I'm sure you have many readers are not from MN. AND I MISSED IT. Boo :( I ran the half - maybe you packed it in and called it a day by the time I was passing. But I saw you at Twin Cities, and yelled out - sure you get that a lot :) Appreciate the awesome cheering!

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