Osceola Duathlon Photos

>> Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The official photos from the Osceola Duathlon are up. Here’s some of my gang:

Me leading my wave out

Finishing the first 5K

Matt (bro-in-law) finishing the first 5K

Borsch, my teammate, on the bike

Matt on the bike

Me coming to the line victorious for Team Tighty-Whitie

Matt coming to the line.
His face says, “I’m glad THAT’S over...”

Miss Osceola and her Princesses who took off chips at the finish

One that the race photographer probably
should have edited out

Local triathlon hero/idol/stud/demigod, David Thompson, was out to race at Osceola. David ran his first 5K in 16:08, rode his (hilly) ride at nearly 25 mph, and then finished off his 1 mile run in 5:19. He finished in 1:12:33, shattering the old course record by about 3:20. He did all that while wearing a cast on his right wrist. Freakin’ rockstar:

In that second run, David was the only one that had a faster time than me (a mere 3 seconds difference). I e-mail him and wrote that I had hoped to have the fastest 1 mile time of everyone competing, but that I had NO problem being second to him.

Here are a few more photos that Steph took during the race that didn’t make it into the race report poem. Here’s one she made of herself that she NEVER thought I would post:

Gotcha Steph!
(Seriously though, thanks for all the great photos!)

Here’s one of me getting changed while sporting the WORLDS WORST CAMEL TOE:

Then I started to admire Borsch’s package. “Did you have to pay extra shipping on that bad boy?”

Because I was the first team member into T1, the other 11 teams watched Borsch and I closely to see how to exchange the chip. Here’s the wide shot of us in T1 being watched:

Here’s the cropped in version of the same photo. I’m under the arrow on the left (holding Borsch’s bike), and Borsch is by the arrow on the right getting the chip strapped to his ankle:

And then there’s this awkward photo from right after I finished. I’m glistening all over, and Borsch is oddly wide-legged:

Weird. Just weird.

If you haven’t read the race report below, you might want to check that out. I wrote it in rhyme. And no, I really don’t know why I wrote it like that. But it IS pretty fun. Just like me. And stop by Borsch’s blog for his side of the story!

And don't forget: there will be farm animals at the TC Marathon this weekend!!...

p.s. Borsch and I made it into the local Osceola Newspaper, and they are sending me 2 copies of the issue we're in. I'll share that with you as soon as I see it!


Glaven Q. Heisenberg 1:55 PM, September 30, 2008  

Camel toe! I'm so confused! First I thought you were a dude; then a chick; then a dude again ...

And now ...

I'm just so confused.

A mighty doo-ath-a-lete Steve
(An Adam ... or is (s)he an Eve?)
Won a race in great time
Then wrote 'bout it in rhyme
With his penis tucked inside his sleeve.*

*(I'm assuming. I wrote the above with mine in my sleev. Doesn't everybody?)

Nice pix. Congrats again, man!(?)

Anonymous,  2:45 PM, September 30, 2008  

Damn, just three seconds. You still beat him in my mind :)

Congrats on a great race. Looks like your whitey-tighties are a little too big for you both. I think your lil' tail needs a size small, maybe an x-small. :)

Great race to both of you...

Julianne 2:48 PM, September 30, 2008  

Those are some great action shots! How come your official photos don't have a watermark or anything of that sort?

Brian 2:59 PM, September 30, 2008  

Too funny. And a great first comment as well. With the wife beater tshirt you look like a little kid.

Nice job.

Formulaic 3:02 PM, September 30, 2008  

Silly rabbit,
Cameltoe is for girls!

And in my opinion, they look much better on them too.

Awesome race report and sweet pictures. Great job Steph.

Cool first post too!

triguyjt 3:17 PM, September 30, 2008  

does borsch know how much you covet his....errrr package??

Charlotte 3:34 PM, September 30, 2008  

It must be said: you have a very impressive fast mile. Anything under 6 is a good day for me. Out of curiosity, what is your PR?

Anonymous,  3:37 PM, September 30, 2008  

camel toe? really?

is there an old blog post that i need to read to explain this to me... cause i thought only women got camel toe.


LHE 5:35 PM, September 30, 2008  

Hysterical report!! Sorry, but that is not a camel toe but does look like a rear end wedgie!

from a stranger, just dropping by...

tribeaner 6:35 PM, September 30, 2008  

You should try having the runner do the chip exchange, that way the biker is always holding the bike ready to go or ready to rack. Seems to have worked pretty well for my team.

Aron 6:52 PM, September 30, 2008  

great pics as always :)

Miss SassyLaLa 7:42 PM, September 30, 2008  

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Great photos.

Frayed Laces 7:57 PM, September 30, 2008  

wow. those photos actually make you look like a real athlete. Shocking!

joyRuN 8:27 PM, September 30, 2008  

LOL! Your photos crack me up!

Hmmm... Tightey whities & wife-beaters. Is that the secret to camera-love?

CoachLiz 9:04 PM, September 30, 2008  

Does it chap everyone else's hide that you wear these crazy get-ups and still kick their rear in the race? Just wondering.

Congrats to both of you!

Rainmaker 10:20 PM, September 30, 2008  

I like that the two ladies in the glistening/wide legged photo are staring at you with a clear look of WTF?

nwgdc 10:34 PM, September 30, 2008  

My FAVORITE PICTURE ALL TIME in the world of blogging is the one of you looking at Borsch's package. Not because of the obvious humor in that, but because you're palms are facing up...as if to say...

"Seriously, though. Is that even anatomically possible?!"

Thanks again for an out-loud-laugh.

Sixteen Chickens 1:50 AM, October 01, 2008  

Ummmm, I don't know how to say this delicately, but in a couple photos in your rhyme post you look a bit like Clay Aiken.

Mike 2:02 AM, October 01, 2008  

That first pic is a seriously good photo ... If that was me that would be framed for the trophy room ... if I had one :)

RunBubbaRun 6:09 AM, October 01, 2008  

How you got your buds to wear tiddy's during a race, I will never know..

Great job out there..

ItchyBits 7:27 AM, October 01, 2008  

I'm thinking the girls weren't really looking at how to install the chip thingy - I'm thinking they were contemplating whether or not to report you to security. Did you really say camel toe?

Unknown 7:53 AM, October 01, 2008  

Are you sure they were watching the chip exchange and not just wondering if you guys were for real?

Fizzgig 8:47 AM, October 01, 2008  

boys get cameltoe? euuw lol.

are you sure that dave guy isnt brad pitt? he looks like him in those photos

b 9:06 AM, October 01, 2008  

Great race day photo's as always Steve especially with the wonderful short stories that go along with one!

The photo of the chip exchange is the best as the young ladies are observing you both with very determined eyes :-)

audgepodge 9:19 AM, October 01, 2008  

Awesome pics!!! I admire your, um, "spirit", with the whole tighty-whitey thing... congrats on such a great race!

Kim 10:19 AM, October 01, 2008  

YAY FOR BEING IN THE NEWSPAPER! please tell me borsch wore padded bike shorts? you look like youre not even working hard! next time, get some tighter tighty whities!

Jess 10:26 AM, October 01, 2008  

Great pics, as always!

TNTcoach Ken 10:33 AM, October 01, 2008  

Too funny. I love the concept, I think.....

Ms. R 10:50 AM, October 01, 2008  

Great camel toe...


I'll be looking for the farm animals this weekend. Mike and I will be out on the bikes cheering.


Jess 11:36 AM, October 01, 2008  

thanks for sharing the awesome photos!

Trishie 6:46 PM, October 01, 2008  

great photos, as usual, Steve!

Bill Carter 7:40 AM, October 03, 2008  

Hi Steve

Dude, you are as nutty as they come! But the really funny thing is that you are one heck of an athlete as well. What a really cool combination.

Best of luck.

J~Mom 7:14 PM, October 03, 2008  

Never a dull moment!!

akshaye 11:47 AM, October 04, 2008  

Haha.. I agree.. that is the worlds worst Camel Toe!

Great race dude.

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