The Grim Reaper Strikes Again!

>> Saturday, October 25, 2008

Or, “Monster Dash 5K Race Report.”

Or, “More Dancing in the Grim Reaper Outfit.”

As usual, I had a relatively crappy meal last night for supper:

Ham pizza! Yum!

This morning, the weather was cool and breezy. It got COOLER and WINDIER as we were waiting for the race to start. Dang. Here’s a view before the race looking out over Lake Harriett (which we were about to run around):

The sun started to break through, and I noticed how majestic the flag looked while waving above the stench of port-o-john row:

I watched the start of the half marathon, which went out about an hour before we started the 5K:

Before the half marathon start

Just after the start

I had some time before the 5K. So I ran back to my car and cranked up the heater. I warmed up for 10 minutes, and then ran back to the race site. People started to gather near the starting line. I asked someone to snap a photo of me:

I know black socks with shorts are a faux pas,
but they kind of go with my outfit, so leave me alone.

NOBODY ASKED WHAT I WAS, but I was ready to answer “Steve Reap-fontaine” like Dave suggested in my last post. Everyone loved my outfit! I even freaked out a few dogs.

Anyway, we all got lined up. Here’s everyone ready to start the 5K:

And here’s 4 boys who lined up in front of me:

I wished those 4 boys luck, but I knew I’d be jumping around them pretty quickly. I wasn’t annoyed that they lined up in the front; I would have LOVED to have started a race right at the line when I was that age!

Race Goals: I didn’t know how fast I’d be able to run in that outfit, so I didn’t put any pressure on myself. I wanted to start off slower, and pick it up throughout: I’ve been running all of my tempo runs like that, and it has always lead to a strong, fast finish.

And we’re off! I took off pretty easy. I spent the first half-mile in 5th place (better than I thought!). There were 2 guys WAY out there that I wasn’t going to catch. I didn’t expect to place first as there are usually a couple of REALLY speedy guys that show up to this race. I caught one runner, and now I was in 4th.

Mile 1: 6:09. Good. That was where it needed to be. That was 35 seconds slower than the first mile in my last race where I went out way to hard. I was catching the 3rd place runner: a woman. She had a great stride! I caught up and said “Nice pace” as I slowly passed her. She said “Thanks,” and then noticed she was being passed by the Grim Reaper. “Ohhh... oohhhh... ha ha!” She didn’t know what to think!

Then I turned on my camera. Yes, my camera. I ran this race with the sickle in one hand, and a camera and my car keys in the other. I figured I’d take a photo of myself around mile 1 while running. Here I am, hard at work in 3rd place:

Somewhere after the “mile 2” marker (which I missed), the 10 milers and the half marathoners joined up with us 5Kers. It went from a wide open run with 2 guys WAY in front of me, to a tighter race where I was running faster than everyone in front of me. So I turned on my camera and snapped another photo of the more crowded race course:

I flew by the longer distance runners, and I got many laughs regarding my outfit. I pumped my sickle in the air a number of times as a “thank you.” (In the final half mile, someone shouted “Nice job Steve!” I couldn’t see well - who were you?) I came around the final few turns, and booked it to the line.

I was pretty sure that I finished 3rd, and my finish time was 18:38, which was my fastest of 3 runs that I’ve done on that course (and 4th fastest 5K ever). That finish time means that I had a negative split: 6:09 first mile, 5:55 average over the last 2.1 miles.

About 2 minutes after crossing the line, I took off my head gear and snapped a sweaty photo:

After the finish, I ran back to my car to get more clothes. I also grabbed my CD player, and I cheered on the other runners. Yes, here’s more of me dancing in the grim reaper outfit. It’s 2 minutes of goodness. Turn up the volume.

(Note the “sexy nipple rub” at 0:35.
And I LOVE the runners that join in at 0:56.)

Direct link:

Again, everyone loved the outfit (and the dancing). And the runners REALLY liked it when I did the Hokey Pokey in that outfit. That was a HIT! The part in the song about sticking your “backside” in and out was the best - I totally stuck my ass towards 2 women running by at that part of the song, and then I “shook it all about.” They laughed and laughed. Which was mean. I didn’t laugh at their asses. Jerks.

Then I ran to finish to cheer on the finishers of the longer races. I ran into Kaeti who had just finished her FIRST HALF MARATHON!!! Congrats Kaeti!

Speaking of blogger friends, I ran into Jenny, her hubby, and her kids before the race. They were all doing the 5K (I saw Jenny and one of her kids finishing the race). I also bumped into Amy and some of her friends. I also talked with Tom and Danielle who ran the last 5K with me - they both did the half marathon.

I looked at the posted results at the Lake Harriett Bandshell, and it had me in 2nd overall! Maybe I caught one of those 2 guys in the mess of all the other runners in the last mile. I still don’t know. I stuck around for the awards, but they had some problems with the 5K results, so they told us to check the website for the winners.

I’ll post the official results and some fun official photos as soon as they are up! Thanks for reading!


Dave 3:56 PM, October 25, 2008  

Congrats on the 2nd (or 3rd) place finish!

Glad you liked the name. :)

Rainmaker 4:00 PM, October 25, 2008  

Ha! Awesome, I LOVE when they join in as welll. Congrats!

Kelly 4:18 PM, October 25, 2008  

What an awesome dance playlist haha.

... Do your students know what you do with your weekends?

The Lazy Triathlete 4:28 PM, October 25, 2008  

You have so much fun. I wish I had the motivation to get a good outfit!!

Anonymous,  4:35 PM, October 25, 2008  

Congrats! I am sure you took 2nd place. 18:38, you've got some fast lil feet.

Love the nip rub. :)

Shannon 4:37 PM, October 25, 2008  

You are a nutt and I love it!

My favorite is "I like to move it, move it...." and the black socks!


Judi 4:46 PM, October 25, 2008  

Come to Cinti and cheer me on in some races!

Trihardist 5:40 PM, October 25, 2008  

Yeah, the ladies who join in are definitely the best part. It's important not to take yourself too seriously in races :-)

And someday I'm going to run fast enough that I finish before other people so that I can cheer other people on!

21stCenturyMom 5:42 PM, October 25, 2008  

Congratulations on your podium finish! I'm glad you went with Dave's suggestion - it was the best.

That was a crazy playlist, complimented by your ca-raaaazy moves! Nice work.

Jess 6:07 PM, October 25, 2008  

Congrats on a great race. I can't believe you can even breathe in that getup.

TLC 6:31 PM, October 25, 2008  

My kids think you are hilarious. Do you go out at night and dance like that? If so I would like to bust a move with you!

Michelle 7:03 PM, October 25, 2008  

You are so great Steve!! You crack me up but your such a great runner!!

I think i love you again!!! :O)

joyRuN 7:19 PM, October 25, 2008  

ROFLMAO!!!! I'm SURE everyone appreciated your dance moves :)

You're too much!

Julianne 7:41 PM, October 25, 2008  

Glad your outfit was a hit!! I love that you freaked out some of the dogs, too. Haha. Congrats on a great run. AGAIN!

Charisa 8:11 PM, October 25, 2008  

LOVE the dancing video - you rock!!! Congrats on your win!

Unknown 9:47 PM, October 25, 2008  

If you keep wearing that outfit to races you should get an endorsement from Body Glide. I would have to almost use an entire stick for protection.

Mel-2nd Chances 10:47 PM, October 25, 2008  

how do you run so fast in the outfits!! Great job as always, and congrats!

CoachLiz 11:41 PM, October 25, 2008  

The play list was great. Who is taking the video of you busting a move like that???

I am glad that the runners and walkers were having as much fun as you were. I needed you this morning when I was out running some hills to give me some motivation and a good laugh.

triguyjt 11:57 PM, October 25, 2008  

its a hoot about how much fun you have...and then of course... we all forget that you are a very good runner...
very good...

I mean fast....
as in...
very good..

LHE 1:18 AM, October 26, 2008  

Great run as usual, great photos and great costume! Sorry it was so cold for you. “I” also ran a 5K this evening and we ran in short sleeves and 69-degress. YOU HAVE TO VISIT MY BLOG BECAUSE I HAVE PRESENTED A DEDICATION TO YOU - in a photo! - A must see! P.S. I didn't think you were really going to wear that...

ShirleyPerly 7:29 AM, October 26, 2008  

Congrats on your race! Looks like the GR costume is not slowing you down at all. And it's perfect with Halloween coming up.

Cindy Jo 7:42 AM, October 26, 2008  

You have the BEST sense of humor! I always want to do races in costumes but I'm too chicken.

It doesn't look like you learned much from "So you think you can dance." Haha!

C 9:27 AM, October 26, 2008  

I'm now making it one of my life goals to go to Minnesota and run in a race that you are cheering at. Freaking fabulous!

Btw, wearing black socks is very Euro. You'd be quite trendy over here.

Anne 10:47 AM, October 26, 2008  

Just think of how even more impressed those runners would have been if they'd known the guy dancing and "touching himself" had run second-fastest in the race. As a Virginia Tech alum, the Hokey Pokey is a personal favorite.

Marathon Maritza 11:24 AM, October 26, 2008  

Oh man, I freakin' LOVE the dancing!!! hahahaha, you're awesome!

I'm with Xenia...please post a list of races you will be cheering at in '09.

Great job on an awesome race!!!!!

skoshi 12:56 PM, October 26, 2008  

Love the update to the GR outfit. And the dancing public were a fun laugh.

ps I did a somewhat stair climb race, and thought of you--I don't know how you pushed yourself for 35 flights--I thought I was going to die, but maybe that's the GR in you... :)

Anonymous,  1:42 PM, October 26, 2008  

Congrats on 2nd/3rd place!

I'm definitely game for the Winter Carnival half — so long as I still get to wear my leg warmers. I haven't taken them off since the race...people are starting to talk.

Anyhoodle, great to finally meet you in real time!

Jenni G 1:42 PM, October 26, 2008  

OMG I'm still laughing at your dance video! You totally have to come to Illinois and do your motivational dance at my Heroes race next year! I'm looking for costumed bedecked funny folks to line the race route and cheer the runners on. I will personally escort you and family on a whirlwind tour of the Land of Lincoln! What do you say??

GoBigGreen 4:16 PM, October 26, 2008  

Steve, You should have been at our costume ride. Oh, or isnt that a costume:)?! Nice work running AND taking pics. I hope your shoulder is healing up and i see you in the pool! Julia

Carly 7:30 PM, October 26, 2008  

Your dance moves made me LOL. That is awesome.

It looked like a fun race. I was supposed to that one this year.

Anonymous,  7:33 PM, October 26, 2008  


I read your entire blog in one (ill) sitting a few weeks ago, and have been an avid reader since. I ran my first 1/2 marathon yesterday. Delurking now because that video is just far-and-away ridiculous, and I think I love you for that (and a few other things). You a hilarious inspiration, and I'm sure I speak for more than a few other anonymous runners when I say I hope someday I am lucky enough to run into you somewheres. You just rock!

AddictedToEndorphins 9:02 PM, October 26, 2008  

You never cease to amaze me! Second in the race with a wicked costume and a sickle in a time that I could only dream of!

Rock on Steve Repfontaine *(or something of that sort)


MissAllycat 9:06 PM, October 26, 2008  

Love the costume!

Way to run strong! And dance strong! :)

Charlotte 10:01 PM, October 26, 2008  

Okay, that video is the best thing I've seen all week! Esp. the YMCA bit where the crowd joins in;) Did you have a boom box out there too? HOW MUCH STUFF can you carry when you run??

Oh and congrats on the awesome finish!! Whichever place you end up with you ran a great race.

RunBubbaRun 5:54 AM, October 27, 2008  

Always entertatining Mr. Reaper man. Congrats on running that fast, espically running in that thing.

Darcy Franklin 8:20 AM, October 27, 2008  

Nice run! I bet those people running behind you were pissed they were getting their butts kicked by a guy in costume! No awards for your costume?

I ran the half but didn't see you! I didn't PR as I had originally hoped. Unfortunately I was sick all week but mananged to pull out a 1:33 at a comfy pace. It was a great day!

Nice dancin'!

Totters 1:05 PM, October 27, 2008  

Un. Real! Great video, you provided me a little relief from the Monday blues of being back at work:)

Chic Runner 7:34 PM, October 27, 2008  

these pictures are...
AMAZING! love the recap!

Irish Cream 8:49 PM, October 27, 2008  

Those are some KILLER dance moves . . . bahahahaha!

And congrats on the speedy 2nd/3rd place finish as well! You, sir, are one of a kind :)

T 9:41 PM, October 27, 2008  

i ran a race with my camera, but was too concerned about a horrible need to poop and chub rub to turn it on and take pictures.

one day i'll be as cool as you.

Marci 10:33 PM, October 27, 2008  

That is freaking hilarious!!!!!
You are seriously fast,and an awesome spectator. I loved your "hokey pokey" dance!

RooBabs 2:34 PM, October 28, 2008  

Ugh- I'll have to watch your video at home (as our tech department doesn't think we need to access YouTube here at work, and therefore it is blocked).

But the pictures are great!! It never ceases to amaze me the bravery that you possess to pull off the stunts that you do. Love the outfit. Plain old Grim Reaper would be way too common, since it's Halloween (of course it was plenty funny for the last race, since it was further back). I can't believe you can run so fast in that getup, plus all that stuff in your hands.

You are truly a freak of nature (and we love you for it).

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