Back Up To 15+ Miles/Week!

>> Saturday, July 10, 2021

This week was the first time in 6 weeks that I was getting closer to "normal" running mileage.

If you remember, I raced the Oakdale Duathlon and then the Brian Kraft 5K just 1 week apart in late May. And then some achilles pain showed up.

I took 2 weeks off, and things seemed to be better. But a few runs showed that it wasn't fully healed. I had a few rounds of A.R.T. and electical stimulation on my leg, and my June training numbers were much lower than normal.

But I did my first "long" run this past week of 6.3 miles, and I got in 16.1 running miles total:

To end the week tomorrow will just have some core work.

Running is still all on the treadmill as Dr. Folske says to run as far as I can without any major tightness sneaking in, so this way I can stop when I think I need to and not be stuck 2 miles from home. He says every run where it doesn't get too tight is making it stronger and taking it in the right direction. So hopefully another 2 weeks on the treadmill before chancing it outside! Fingers crossed!


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