Fishing and Skiing!

>> Saturday, July 31, 2021

We recently got back from nearly a week "up north" at our rented cabin outside of Alexandria Minnesota. Here are a few pics from a few Instagram posts of mine:

First, a bunch of pictures I captioned "Fishing! 13 'keepers' after Charlie caught 60-70 total fish!"

Here's a picture I posted saying "We have another skier in the family!! He got up twice for 2 nice runs! #GoHenry!"

He skied a few times on a later day too!

Next was a post where I said "Baiting hooks and taking off sunnies with this cutie:"

The "cutie" I was referring to was in this first photo. :)

My cousin's 3.1 lb largemouth!!

I don't have a fishing license, so on days it was just me in the boat with all the fisher-people, I got bait ready and took the fish off for the kids. And on days my wife was with us too, she'd man the bait and I'd deal with the fish. That let my brother-in-law Dave (who ACTUALLY has a fishing license) keep his hook in the water, otherwise he would have never had time to fish!

And finally, here were 3 family photos taken on the last day:

We can usually EASILY see across the lake, but the smoke from
the Canadian wild fires was NUTS the last 2 days of vacation!

Back with some solid workouts from "up north" shortly!


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