Camping and Canoeing Two Weeks Ago

>> Saturday, July 03, 2021

So I still need to fix up a ton of photos from our first camping trip to the Badlands about 4 weeks ago, but here are finally some photos from camping with my in-laws 2 weeks ago.

Setting up our NEW TENT after our old one was destroyed by a storm in the Badlands.

Cousins in the pool.

Cheeto fingers.

Me and Chuck.

Manning the tiny grill for supper.

Kubb with the uncles.

On the hunt for frogs.

A successful catch!

I don't know why everyone looks so unenthusiastic... it was s'mores time!

The morning of day 2.

Henry slept until like 8:30!

Jon at the eggs with me at the bacon.

Breakfast-making boys.

Bacon, eggs, and berries for breakfast.

After breakfast, we loaded up coolers full of food to take down the river with us. We left the campgrounds around 10:30 a.m. to return again around 6 p.m. after spending all that time on the small winding Kickapoo River.

Getting ready to get our canoes.

Our gang on the river.

Our canoe! The "mineral-based" sunscreen is thick, hence my white face. #IHateTheSun

These 2 cousins did GREAT together! They were
backwards about 10% of the time, but they worked it out!

The gun show.

Me leading the children across the river.

Me and Charlie.

Me and this cutie.

Definitely not peeing.

My sister-in-law liked this tree and demanded that
I take a photo. She might have been a little drunk.

We always love these little cliffs.

My in-laws smirking.

The cousins floating down the river.

My MIL and her girls!

Sarah had a big ole' can of booze. (25 oz!)

Cousins exploring across the river.

Me and Henry got a canoe to ourselves after one of the later stops!

Lots of family up there.

"The Matts" with Charlie!

Having a snack.

Me and the kids and my brothers-in-law. The water felt great!
(It's usually quite cold, but we had a hot start to June.)

Me and these 2.

Henry and I on our own again.

Love these cliffs.

A quiet car ride back to our campgrounds! :)

Tacos for supper.

S'mores time!

Chuck and I by the fire!

Day 3: POOPED kids.

Henry got new shorts from his aunt and uncle (M and B), and they had
a big enough pocket for his new Kindle, so he was THRILLED!

Pancakes and sausages for breakfast!

I don't have any answers for you.

The cousins' little fort in the trees.

A final cousin battle on the picnic table...

... it appears as if Charlie lost.

Always fun time with family!!


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