Training Totals From the First 6 Months of 2021

>> Monday, July 19, 2021

Here are my training numbers for the first 6 months of 2021:

- SWIM: 0 yards
- BIKE: 136.93 miles
- BIKE TRAINER: 70 hrs 29 mins (that's 1,198.22 miles at 17 mph)
- RUN: 493.11 miles
- STRENGTH: 212 hrs 31 mins

My first 5 months of 2021 were great as I was running well and hitting the trainer a lot. But then after back-to-back race weekends (first the Oakdale Duathlon and then the Brian Kraft 5K), I turned up injured on the last day of May. So June really brought down my "first 6 months of 2021" numbers.

Total TIME for the first 6 months of 2021.

Total DISTANCE: note decent running milage until June.

There's no way to add in "trainer time" as a distance on those graphs that are made where I track my miles (, so here's a quick Photoshop job of adding in my trainer "miles" at 17 mph (as most of it was pretty easy spinning, and I really only started to add in some effort over these last few months):

DISTANCE with trainer time added: still shows a big dip for June.

And here's a graph that starts with my running coming back after the TC 10 Mile in mid-October of last year through the end of this June. It shows 30+ weeks STRAIGHT of 10+ mile long runs before taking it easy between those 2 races and then ending up injured after those races:

After that very last "5 mile" dot on the graph, I've been consistently (and SLOWLY) building my miles back up as I noted in Saturday's post. After today's run (hopefully), it would show 6.3 miles, 7 miles, and 8 miles climbing on the graph. Moving in the right direction!

Regarding my trainer time: that 6-month total of 70+ hours totally SMASHES any YEARLY totals I've had in the past! (2018 and 2020 had trainer time around 56 and 58 hours.) I've been really disliking riding outside in the heat, and I've been more than content to spin on the trainer in the basement for a while!

And my 212 hours of strength work puts me on pace to beat my biggest year (last year) of strength work, which was 406 hours. I'm not making that a goal at all, but we'll see where we end up there. I've been putting in a LOT of strength time this summer.

Now, let's keep that running going in the right direction!...


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