Semi-Wordless Wednesday: a "Dad Win" (and July 4th)

>> Wednesday, July 07, 2021

It rained nicely here yesterday.

You're welcome.

I washed my car the day before, so that clearly brought it:

Caption: "Dad Achievement: Unlocked. What better way to spend a
95 degree afternoon than teaching the boys how to wash a car!"

Facebook banter. :)

Here are 6 quick pics from our July 4th out on the lake:

The gang at my wife's aunt place. (Minus 2 that had just left.)

The view of the lake from her house. That's all of our crew playing.

Chucking Chuck.

The floatilla was out all afternoon. That's my cutie in the middle. (The pale one.)

Cannonballing my nephew.

We had supper at our other family's place on the lake, and here the boys are looking for fish.

Oh, and quick side note: we went to Town and Country Club's fireworks on the 1st (a golf course not far from our house), and we basically sat UNDER the fireworks. There were cardboard chunks all over the street behind us after the show that were pieces of the softball to melon sized mortars. It was pretty sweet. These were shot with a wide angle lens to get the foreground and the fireworks in them, so it doesn't look as straight up as it really was. We were looking up about 70 degrees, and a few popped straight above us:

My crew.

Some friends we met there who were laying on the ground to watch.


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