March in Review: Over 100 Miles of Running! And a Strength PR!

>> Monday, April 05, 2021

I realized in Febuary that March could be a big running month. It had 4 full "normal" weeks, and then a 5th week that would have another long run. So I figured I would hit 100 miles of running without really trying. And that's what happened:

BIKE: 63.69 miles
TRAINER: 10 hours 35 mins
RUN: 103.66 miles
STRENGTH: 38 hours 9 mins

So that's the first time I hit 100+ running miles in over 2 years! The last time was in January 2019 when I hit 102 miles. And my 103 miles last month was the most in over 5 years! In January in 2016, I had back-to-back weeks of 30+ miles (which was probably dumb) which lead to a huge month of 116 miles.

I got out for my first rides last month, but then got my bike back on the trainer for more easy spins - I need to keep adding more effort. But the good news is my outdoor riding + trainer time = the most in the saddle all winter.

And I think my 38+ hours of strength work is a monthly PR! I noted in January that I hit 37:30 that month, and that the previous March was my PR of 37:39. So 38:09 is a PR!

April is already starting off slow with a bruised knee and a weekend away from home. Just gotta get back at it!


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