I once got called by some guy that want to fix my computer remotely. I kept him on the line for about 45’ while my baby was napping. “Sorry, do you mean my private computer or my work one”? “Oh the work one. Let me go get it”, (5 min later). “Found it. So you want me to open a browser window? How do I do that?” “What is a yuuurlll?” “And after 25 minutes of them attempting to spell the URL and me constantly “mistyping” it” I “transferred” them to my “work IT department” when the baby woke up.
Hi folks. I'm Steve. I became Ironman in WI in 2007. Now I'm stuck somewhere between teaching, making photos, raising my sons, training for triathlons, and everything else.
All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved. Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.
I once got called by some guy that want to fix my computer remotely. I kept him on the line for about 45’ while my baby was napping. “Sorry, do you mean my private computer or my work one”? “Oh the work one. Let me go get it”, (5 min later). “Found it. So you want me to open a browser window? How do I do that?” “What is a yuuurlll?” “And after 25 minutes of them attempting to spell the URL and me constantly “mistyping” it” I “transferred” them to my “work IT department” when the baby woke up.
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