Knee is Better!

>> Saturday, April 10, 2021

As I mentioned a week ago, my knee was hurting after a hammer knocked it while working on the tree house. After a sore trainer ride, a sore run, and a few days of it hurting quite bad while going up and down steps, it was suddenly fine for Monday's long run. And it's been great all week (although I took it a bit easy on Monday and Wednesday while doing some 1-legged sqaut exercises so I didn't hurt it).

On Tuesday, I noticed an actual bruise for the first time:

I posted a week ago that "I think I brusied it somewhere 'inside,'" so I was suprised to see an actual bruise appear on the outside. But none of that matters anymore as it's feeling good! I had some nice effort on the trainer on Thursday, and it felt great - that was sort of the final test in my mind.


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