Solid Week of Training!

>> Thursday, April 29, 2021

Last week was a good training week!!

Just to back up a second, the week BEFORE that week had a very fast long run and a 5K time trial. Then my next run after that was my long fartlek run on the 19th which was HARD. So I knew that most of the rest of this week above should be easy. It NEEDED to be for the sake of not injuring myself. Here's how it went down:

• MONDAY: I posted about this long fartlek run last week. It was a soild long run with some good leg exercises in the afternoon.

• TUESDAY: Easy spin, and good upper body workout.

• WEDNESDAY: Easy run, and lots of good leg exercises and core work.

• THURSDAY: This was a solid spin: 3x10 min efforts. I sweated up my bike (and the floor) nicely:

I also had a quick/decent upper body workout.

• FRIDAY: Moderate run, and then more good leg exercises and core work.

• SATURDAY: Decent upper body circuit-style workout. And then my longest trainer ride in the last year+ at 90 minutes (but it was mostly easy spinning).

• SUNDAY: My rest day - just some core.

Overall, that's the most time spent on the trainer over the course of a week maybe ever (4 hours and 5 mins), nearly 9 hours of strength work, and 22 miles of running. Nice.


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