Quarterly Report - Q1, 2021: Training Totals and Thoughts

>> Monday, April 26, 2021

Here are my January, February, and March training totals:

MONTHLY DISTANCE, Jan-March. Happy to have hit 103 miles of running in March!


I think Jan and March are my 3rd and 1st highest "strength" months ever.

And that trainer time (all the "sports minutes") are very high monthly totals - all 3 of these months are higher than any month during 2020. Actually, a quick glance back through my "year in review" posts shows that all 3 of these months of trainer time in 2021 might be higher than any other month of mine EVER. I think they are my top 3 months of my lifetime! (In fact, I think these first 3 combined months of 2021 had more trainer time than any YEAR of mine before 2018!) BUT, as I've been noting, it's been a lot of easy riding this year.

Here are those graphs as WEEKLY numbers:

WEEKLY TIME, Jan-Mar. Quite even numbers.
(Except the week I got out for 2 rides.)

WEEKLY DISTANCE, Jan-Mar. Yes, my 2 outdoor rides of the year were the same week...

Oh, and my running totals are so different in the last 2 weeks of that graph just because I moved my long run up by a day as I explained a few weeks ago. It's NOT as dramatic as it looks on the graph. As I noted a few weeks ago, even though those 2 weeks have "weekly running mileage of 31.75 miles and 10.9 miles, it's REALLY more like 21.55 miles and 21.1 miles."

So, running is going good and is really consistent, cycling has been mostly easy on the trainer (with a few actual "workouts"), and swimming is non-existent as we're still not going to the gym.

For the next "quarter" of 2021 (actually, the next 2 quarters), I need to be aware that this super consistency will no longer be the norm. With COVID, I've been getting along just fine as a homebody, and that makes consistancy in my workouts super easy. But with summer coming and COVID (hopefully) waning, the boys and I will be getting out more, visiting family more, and not just sticking around home all day. What I really have to be ready for the most is my strength time to drop: my trainer/biking time could drop here-and-there, my running shouldn't be affected too much, but my strength time will probably take a hit. That's OK... *I* just need to be prepared to be OK with it.


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