A Normal Week After a "Weird" One

>> Monday, April 12, 2021

Here's what the last 3 weeks of my training log have looked like:

THE FIRST WEEK was quite normal. Except the boys and I headed up north for their spring break on Sunday, so I did my normal Monday long run on Sunday at the end of that week. So even though the first and second weeks seen above have weekly running mileage of 31.75 miles and 10.9 miles, it's REALLY more like 21.55 miles and 21.1 miles.

THE SECOND WEEK was all kinds of "weird." The first few days were spent up north. Then we started working on building a tree house in the later part of the week. (And I hurt my knee and took it easy for a few days.) Then we visited our parents for the Easter weekend. My strength time was 6.5 hours, which was is one of my smallest weeks in about the past 12 months. Weak week. But necessary all around.

AND THEN THE THIRD WEEK (last week) was very solid. It had a nice long run, some solid strength work (over 9 hours), and even 4 hours of trainer rides! The middle ride had some good effort (9x 90 sec hard, 90 sec easy), and then the weekend ride was totally easy and was going to be shorter, but part way through I realized I could do another 80 min ride to hit 4 hours on the week.

I already got in a great long run this morning, and I'm hoping for another solid "normal" week!


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