Fastest Long Run!

>> Wednesday, April 21, 2021

* not EVER, but in a LONG time.

Last Monday (the 12th), I took off for a long run that I thought could be rough as I was up and down the treehouse ladder all weekend long before that. But it went shockingly well.

I ran my normal route along the river, and I did my pretty normal long run: a few miles of warm-up (2 miles in this case), then 6 harder miles, and finally a cool-down (2.51 miles in this case). Here's my pace chart afterwards, with the "harder miles" highlighted in red:

The pace of those harder miles as shown by 1/2 mile splits.
A decent descend through mile 4, a ROUGH mile 5, and then a fast mile 6.

I ended up covering those middle 6 miles in 37:38, which was 6:16.3/mile! Usually I'm in he 6:20s or so, so this was my fastest long run since before my injury!

I just had to look back through my training log... All summer leading up to my injury in August of 2019, I never ran that fast. It was in May of 2019 (so nearly 2 full years ago) that I had this FANTASTIC and memorable long run with Charlie down the Greenway where we did 6 miles in 37:14 (or 6:12/mile). And the mile splits were perfectly descending: 6:31, 6:18, 6:11, 6:08, 6:05, and 5:56. That was an AMAZING run. And it was the last time I was faster than I was last week.

Charlie bundled up for a run 2 years ago (from this post).

And then I had another great run 2 days ago! I did a very different (for me) style of long run. More on that tomorrow...


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