Official Results from my Swim Meet

>> Saturday, March 02, 2013

In the final pre-race Psych sheet (which contains the rankings of everyone registered based on their expected times), I was "ranked" 49th out of 57 in the 50 free, and 36th out of 48 in the 100 free. I swam a lot faster times than I had predicted, but I came in right around those rankings:

50 yard freestyle:

15 points
4 out of 5 in the male 30-34 age group
37 out of 43 men
45 out of 55 overall

100 yard freestyle:

50 splits: 33.70 and 36.47
20 points
1 out of 2 in the male 30-34 age group
27 out of 35 men
32 out of 46 overall

So that's in the bottom 20% OVERALL for the 50, and in the bottom 35% for the 100. That sounds crappy. But I'm still thrilled with what I was able to do! (I had no clue what I could swim an open 50 in [I guessed 38 and hoped for around 35 on a good day], and I had HOPED to swim the 100 in around 1:14 on a good day.) Oh, and I guess I DID win my age group in the 100! ;)

I mentioned the following in my race report as I started the 100: "I realized shortly that I was a bit in front of Julia, but I was trying to go out hard - I was planning on dying before the end." And being I lost nearly 3 seconds in that final 50, you can see I went out hard and tried not to die! Julia swam splits of 35.27 and 36.59 to finish in 1:11.86. She had MUCH closer to even splits.

Speaking of Julia, she did great in the 500 yards, finishing in 6:47. There's no way I could do that. Then she ended with the 1650! (She had nearly 2500 yards of racing!) And she was pretty consistent during that last grueling 1650: glancing at her 50 yard splits, she opened with a 40.xx, had 3 near the middle that were 45.xx, but all of the rest (29 of her 33 laps) were between 41.xx and 44.xx. Nice job Julia!!

Back with a small GIVEAWAY next week!... Happy weekend!


Tom 10:45 AM, March 03, 2013  

Aww thanks Steve. Sorta fun that the official results were faster than what we saw on the clock, did you pay off the head judge? thanks!

GoBigGreen 10:46 AM, March 03, 2013  

oops that was me above not Tom

Steve Stenzel 2:57 PM, March 03, 2013  

Anytime, "Tom!" Oh, I mean Julia! :) Actually KINDA thinking about the Hopkins meet next weekend....

Joel 9:07 PM, March 04, 2013  

nice job at the meet. I have thought about swimming a masters meet but I know I am still too slow. 13 year old son goes :53 low for the 100 free SCY. He can lap me in a 100!

Pete,  11:19 PM, March 04, 2013  

How/where did you find the overall rankings? I can't seem to find anything but age grp rankings

Steve Stenzel 3:06 PM, March 05, 2013  

Pete, I actually just went through and tallied everyone (male and female) who did the 50 or 100. It took a minute. It was annoying. It'd be great if they posted overall rankings!

Brent Buckner 3:43 PM, March 05, 2013  

Swim meets sure do involve a lot of time spent there versus time spent racing!

Pete w,  8:26 PM, March 05, 2013  

Totally. However as wiped out as I was after swimming so little I can't imagine swimming that hard for any more events in a 4 hour period

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