Official Photos from my Race with Henry!

>> Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I posted about Henry's 3rd race with me on Monday. Here are a few more photos from Wayne Kryduba:

Michael and his daughter about to run in the stroller.

We all had to get through this snowbank to register...

... and then there was snow all around the race course.

Flashback: I keep bringing up the snow because last year it looked like this:

Budding trees last year!!

Henry and I in green grass near NON-frozen Lake Johanna last year!!

OK, back to THIS year:

Winner Chris DeNucci making his 5:30-something pace look like a walk in the park.

3rd place with me and Henry on his tail for 4th!

Good God I look like hell!! At least Henry and I are leaning in the same direction. :)

Kirt and George!
(Kirt ran the Irish Run 8K [about 5 miles] the next day in 31:10!)

Michael and Julie!
(Julie ran the Irish Run 8K the next day in 34:53!)

Kacey and Rick!

Post-race giveaways. You can see the top of my hat back there.

I like how this guy cooled down post-race. My kinda dude.

I mentioned in my race report on Monday that we had to get going to hang out with family. My folks and my sister's family came up and took me to "Chris and Rob's Chicago's Taste Authority" on West 7th near downtown St. Paul for a belated birthday meal. It was tasty!

Just a little train car along West 7th.

Meaty pizza, my bro-in-laws mostly finished beef and sausage sandwich to the left,
half a pizza puff (like a REALLY good Hot Pocket) at the bottom,
and my Chicago-style hot dog with everything in the lower right.

My family post-meal!

A few final things about the race:

• Henry and I finished 22 seconds slower this year. I'm not in as great of shape, and it was colder, so I'm just fine with that difference.

• We placed 4th this year, and 7th last year. But only 1 guy who beat us last year was back at the race this year. Second place this year was Scott Myers, and last year he was 5th. Both years he was 2 spots in front of us, and both years he was around 20 seconds faster.

• 157 finishers was the largest "Lake Johanna 4 Mile" ever! I thought it'd be smaller this year because (1) it was still snowy and chilly, and (2) the "Irish Run" (formally the Human Race) was the same weekend as this race, whereas last year they were a week apart. So I figured more people would choose to do the Irish Run.

• Going up that hill at mile 3, my quads were on fire! I had 2 "Spinerval" trainer workouts in the few days leading up to the race, so my legs had been worked. I've been spending a LITTLE time on my trainer trying to get ready for multisport season.

• Chris won Lake Johanna on Saturday, and his wife Jenna won the VERY competitive Irish Run 8K on Sunday! She placed 57th out of 546 overall, and she was the first female. She did the 5 mile run in 27:55!! They're a speedy couple. We've ran into them almost weekly at "Dome Running" this past winter.

I'll be posting an update tomorrow on the Gear West Duathlon "throw down" between pro triathlete Devon and myself. There have been new developments. Stop back for that!


Carolina John 10:57 AM, March 27, 2013  

Cool man, that's a great race to do with the son. Don't sweat the 22 seconds.

Anonymous,  10:58 AM, March 27, 2013  

Henry has got to be double the size he was last year. Only 22 seconds slower sounds like you are fitter than last year.

GoBigGreen 11:09 AM, March 27, 2013  

OMG Chris looks like he is just warming up there:)
Henry looks like he is having a blast! ( When he was awake !)

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