More Photos from the Apple Duathlon

>> Thursday, June 02, 2011

Erica, the wife of "racing buddy" Chad, was at the Apple Duathlon taking a lot of photos. She got some great photos of the elites that I used in this article, but I wanted to show some of Matt, Chad, and I racing.

Ben, Chad, Matt, and I heading to the start.

The start of Wave 2 (Chad and I are in there).

Me on the far left, Chad on the far right, Diane's hubby in the middle.

Jeez... it looks like I'm leisurely waltzing out of T1.

Chad leaving T1 just behind me.

Look at the last photo. CLOSELY. Right in the middle on the street. There's a biker heading up the hill. When you wear the things that I wear at a race, it's easy to say with 100% conviction: "Hey, that's me!" Even if I'm just a tiny speck of a blur in the distance.

Close-up of the last photo. Absolutely me. ;)

Behind Chad (in the next Wave back) was Matt. Here he is coming into T1:

Getting in from the bike.

Tracking down Julie Hull right near the finish. Damn heel-strike.

That's better. Just don't look at my face.

That woman loves my shorts. Apparently.

Talking with Chad moments after finishing.

Chad, me, and Graeme. Sorry about my exposed chest. I was actually
trying to get the zipper to open FARTHER on the hot final run!

Matt coming to the finish - about 20 seconds before puking.

If you want to see more of Erica's photos, check out the slideshow in this article. And click here for my Examiner write-up on the Apple Duathlon.

(And if you missed previous race photos in previous Examiner articles of mine, click here for photos from the Gear West Duathlon and click here for photos from the Oakdale Duathlon.)


LB 3:21 PM, June 02, 2011  

what are you going to do when those shorts wear out???

Anonymous,  12:11 AM, June 04, 2011  

I can't believe you didn't notice it Steve - You and Julie Hull have the danty pinky thing going on!! - Cyborg Queen (DJ B)

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