The Winter Carnival Half Marathon: In Video!

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I just have 2 things to say before you watch the video:

1. It’s shaky. I know. I was running a flippin’ half marathon. Cut me some slack.

2. Even though it SOUNDS like I’m furiously having sex with a chipmunk between 2:10 and 2:26, I’m not. Really. (It was a squirrel. And it was consensual.)

Direct link:

(Jeez, don't I sound like a dope when I said "Takin' a video!" at the end? I'll blame that on being out of breath from just having ran a half marathon. That sounds like an acceptable excuse, right? Ha! And my last post is more detailed and will put some of this video in context, so take a look if you haven't seen that.)

I know the camera slowed me down a BIT during the race, but I don’t think it really took that much out of me. And it was a blast to run with it! I’ll be doing this again!

Also, I just put up a slideshow of some more images from the Winter Carnival Half Marathon. Click here (and scroll down just a little) to flip through the 18 images in the slideshow.


Julie 6:30 AM, January 26, 2010  

That was great Steve! Thanks for sharing:)

Gabriel Losa 7:24 AM, January 26, 2010  

Great video, Steve!
It´s amazing how you cheer for other runners! I´d faint if I tried to do that running a halfmarathon!

Judy 8:55 AM, January 26, 2010  

Thanks for fast fwding through the squirrel sex... ;) Amazing how you found time to for some lovin' in the last stretch!

Lani 9:06 AM, January 26, 2010  

You need a helmet cam! Hubby got me one for my birthday, you could strap it to your shoulder (or head) while you run!

teacherwoman 9:19 AM, January 26, 2010  

Great video! Thanks for sharing, Steve!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 9:40 AM, January 26, 2010  

Awesome! You really picked up the pace those last 45 seconds....

Bart 9:40 AM, January 26, 2010  

Seems like you are yelling out to the spectators to "hang in there":) Great!

Maria 9:45 AM, January 26, 2010  

Nice video. Congrats on the awesome race!

RunningLaur 10:09 AM, January 26, 2010  

Great video! It really shows the race well - I find that it's so easy to forget that not everyone is able to run in 60F temps during the summer. Congrats on the great race!

Jenny Evans 11:08 AM, January 26, 2010  

Thanks for letting me feel like I ran the race as a super star without having to have gotten out of bed.

Missy 11:18 AM, January 26, 2010 stinkin fast ya bastard;)

Congrats, can't believe you took pix!

Badgergirl 12:31 PM, January 26, 2010  

Great video! Thanks for sharing!

Chic Runner 1:08 PM, January 26, 2010  

AHAHAHAHAHA this is amazing! :) nice work again!

CoachLiz 1:21 PM, January 26, 2010  

Thanks for not catching that guy puking his guts out on video. That dude in the neon yellow jacket about took you out at the turn around. What was with that? Who was the guy in the yellow hooded catsuit with the torch? I think you need to run in that outfit next time. Seriously!

T 1:34 PM, January 26, 2010  

... torch guy was ... wow. and as per coach liz's advice ... if you're going to wear something like that, wear it for a whole tri, not just a run. ;)

Unknown 2:12 PM, January 26, 2010  

I loved seeing the race through the eyes of someone WAY faster than I'll ever be. And I love how nice you are through the whole thing. Great video Steve... only you!!! :)

Kat 3:24 PM, January 26, 2010  

Steve! I'm on the injured list and this video made me miss racing SO MUCH! As a mid-packer I always try to thank volunteers and cheer on other runners on the out and back courses. I'm always bummed that the faster racers rarely acknowledge that others are supporting and encouraging them (racers or volunteers). It is SO awesome to see someone so fast cheering on other athletes and thanking the very deserving volunteers.

I take pics/video during races and I think it makes it so much more fun! Distraction? When documenting the Baltimore marathon I missed by PR by seconds but I had the best time and awesome memories I was able to share with my blog readers; I think it was worth it! :)

Anonymous,  3:41 PM, January 26, 2010  
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CoachGaryWestlund 4:58 PM, January 26, 2010  

What a fun video, especially on fast forward to the finish line. What a sprint finish, Steve!

Answer to a post question above about the guy in the neon yellow jacket nearly blocking your turnaround: He had just left the course for a moment to hug and kiss his lady and greet his Husky. (I think I got that right?) I got that photo just before turning to see you coming and calling out "Gary"!

Suggestion: Next time a cool helmet cam. Just the helmet would look funny.

Go SteveO!

Regina 4:59 PM, January 26, 2010  

Ok, what is that ∆ post about?

Your voice sounded so different than I imagined. And wow! no motion sickness from watching! Way to go!

Regina 4:59 PM, January 26, 2010  

the anonymous one...not Gary's

Sarah 6:22 PM, January 26, 2010  

1. It sounds like the chipmunk came out of it better than you... maybe next time.
2. I too love how you are greeting people and being so nice.
3. It was great to hear your voice and you do not sound dorky at all.

Maybe, just maybe, I will have to start running this Spring.

Thanks for the stretching info!

The Boring Runner 11:30 PM, January 26, 2010  

That is totally not what I pictured your voice to sound like. (I'm not sure what I figured it would sound like)

Unknown 10:06 AM, January 27, 2010  

Hey Steve,

Great video. The sex with a squirrel part had me laughing out loud cause had you not mentioned it I probably wouldn't have thought twice about it. Thanks for sharing. Like you, I always thank everyone and cheer on other runners. Great Job!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!


Beth 11:26 AM, January 27, 2010  

Ohhh... so that's what a race looks like from the front of the pack at the start. You started so fast! Us people in the back get to walk leisurly up to the start line and start joggin. Nice job with the video. Glad you are going to do it again.

EZnJ 11:57 AM, January 27, 2010  

Great video Steve!! It was almost like I was there...but with a much faster finish. I think you and the squirrel really need to go to couples therapy...I didn't hear any cuddling afterwards.

Anonymous,  12:09 PM, January 27, 2010  

Wow, that squirrel was HOT! Don't let Kermit see this one. It could be ground for divorce....

Wonderful stamina, as one of your other followers observed. Guess that's why they call them marathons.

To think this was probably even the expurgated version. I hear all along the route family pets came home with unusually satisfied expressions. My neighbor's collie even lit up a cigarette in her basket....

You dog, you....

Skippy,  12:46 PM, January 27, 2010  

It was won-der-FULL!

Bill 2:59 PM, January 27, 2010  

Dude, don't be crass.

That was an three-legged albino American Red Squirrel with a deviated septum.

At least have the courtesy...

Nice capture, BTW. Thanks for sharing.

ShirleyPerly 11:04 PM, January 27, 2010  

I've never tried capturing video while running. I may try it next weekend at a fun 5K I'm doing. Thanks for the idea and for sharing your race video!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) 4:33 PM, January 29, 2010  

So did you beat the guy in the neon jacket? All of a sudden he was just gone...

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