Friday Funny 71: Blisters are NOT Funny

>> Friday, January 15, 2010

On Jan 5th, while Pharmie and I were in AZ visiting my grandparents, I decided to go on a hard 9 mile run. Apparently my feet weren’t used to running in 70 degree conditions, because I felt the bottom of my feet getting pretty sore.

Blisters. Yay.

The next day was the day that Pharmie and I went hiking / climbing / running in the Lost Dutchman State Park and the Superstition Mountains. I tried not to think about my feet too much, and they held up OK.

That night, I took a look at the mess. It was throbbing, but it didn’t look bad:

The problem was that I had a blister on top of a blister. Here’s the same photo as above, only with the blisters highlighted in different colors:

The throbbing wouldn’t stop. So I had to do some surgery. I clipped off both of the blisters to ease the pain:

And then I covered it all with Aquaphor to keep the skin from drying up:

I had a little one on the other foot too:

I kept putting Aquaphor on my wounds each morning and night. A day and a half later (the morning of the 8th), the skin was still a little raw and red on my big toe:

The morning after that (the 9th), it was starting to heal up a little:

I went on an easy 8+ miler later that day, and things were fine. At the Dome on Tuesday, I lathered on the Aquaphor and I was fine! And my easy 7.4 miler yesterday was OK, even back here in MN on this uneven snow-packed surface.

I think I’ll live. Oh, and hopefully your retinas heal after seeing all this...

Happy Friday!

p.s. Yesterday (on my Examiner page), I published my interview with local elite triathlete Cathy Yndestad. We've met a few times in passing, but we're not chummy buddies or anything. In fact, I'm surprised that she still talks to me after I volunteered in T2 at Ironman WI 2009 and helped her hubby, Kerry, change into fresh tri shorts; only I helped him put them on BACKWARDS - something he didn't notice until Cathy pointed it out to him AFTER he had finished...

Anyway, here's a link to her interview on what she does over her off season, along with her 4 tips for us. Check it out if you get a moment. (I'm sure Cathy will be THRILLED to see her name on a post full of my blistery feet...) Thanks!

Image courtesy of Cathy's backwards-tri-short-wearing-hubby and Yndecam


Jennifer 8:19 AM, January 15, 2010  

So wonderfully graphic! We were talking about poop on my last post... I'm not sure which is worse poop or gooey blisters! Nice job with the 9 miler. Cheers!

D 8:30 AM, January 15, 2010  

Perhaps you've covered this before, but... what the hell is wrong with your feet? I've seriously never met anyone who gets blisters as often as you! Actually, I've never met anyone who gets blisters outside of racing.

Mike Antonucci 10:49 AM, January 15, 2010  

The only thing you're missing is a CSI: shot where we actually enter your blister and peruse it from the inside. Work on that for next time.

Julia 10:54 AM, January 15, 2010  

It made me cringe a little, but I hope they heal up fast for you! I always use the whole duct-tape method for my blisters... never heard of aquaphor. Is it any good?

Steph 12:37 PM, January 15, 2010  

OK my knees are weak now, and not in the good way. :)

Aimee 3:30 PM, January 15, 2010  

Gross...just gross, but I love it! On a serious note, I'm glad your blisters are healing..they are not fun to have.

Steve Stenzel 3:43 PM, January 15, 2010  

D, I don't know what's wrong with me. I wear GOOD socks!

And Julia, I'd never used Aquaphor before, but it really helped!! It's just a thick Vasoline-like lotion, and I used a lot of it to keep everything moist and supple.

Anonymous,  4:06 PM, January 15, 2010  

Tasty, especially with the big toe-hairs sort of looking at you around the corner, like they're thinking of taking over....

They look weepy and everything. Do you have to spread a ground sheet at the foot of the bed, to catch the water when they BREAK?

Sorry I can't be there, but maybe you could do a video and post it on youtube: THE NIGHT STEVE'S BLISTER BROKE IN BED. That would be a big hit with your fans.

Your Devoted if Typically Depraved Follower.

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 4:26 PM, January 15, 2010  

your toe pictures never cease to amaze me (or gross me out).

Cathy is definitely one of my tri heros and certainly of the nicest people you'd ever meet.

Nice interview!

Savannah 5:04 PM, January 15, 2010  

Does seem like you have "tender" feet and get lots of blisters. Have you ever tried just draining them rather than taking all the skin off like that? Looks painful.

brendaontheRun 7:23 PM, January 15, 2010  

Try Drymax socks - they're the way to go, especially if you're prone to blisters.

Heather 8:39 PM, January 15, 2010  

Dear Steve,

I really enjoy your blog. Except for days like these. Could you maybe have a separate foot injury blog for these kinds of closeups? This is the second time in a month. :)

One of your blog fans.

RobbyB 8:13 PM, January 17, 2010  

Might I suggest using NewSkin It burns like hell the first time it goes on, but it protects the feet so that you can continue to train. I use it on my heel blisters all the time.

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