Running in Minnesota in January

>> Sunday, January 10, 2010

I love the 70 degree temps.
I love the sandy soil.
I love the volcanic rock formations.
I love the giant cacti.

Pharmie running 4 days ago

Wait... what?

OK, that IS Pharmie in the photo above, and it WAS taken just a few days ago, but MAYBE it’s not Minnesota. Yes, we’ve been somewhere nice... but where? Check back tomorrow to see more.


Anonymous,  5:48 AM, January 10, 2010  

It's not Florida because it almost snowing down here. And our cactuses (cacti?) are way bigger.

1010 Chris

Jumper 2.0 7:54 AM, January 10, 2010  

Definitely Arizona by the look of the rocks and cacti!!

Unknown 8:39 AM, January 10, 2010  

hey! that's not minnesota!! looks like AZ

RunningLaur 11:08 AM, January 10, 2010  

I know exactly where that is! Glad you could get out for a beautiful run!

Judy 11:39 AM, January 10, 2010  

I miss my homestate - can only be AZ (only place with saguaros). Unless you went to Mexico. I'd guess somewhere around the Phoenix area.

Tracy 12:50 PM, January 10, 2010  

You have no idea how many times I've rode a horse on that exact trail!!!
I'm glad to see there are some open places still left....

teacherwoman 1:19 PM, January 10, 2010  

Ummm, AZ? Is that the Superstition Mts? Looks oddly familiar, since I just "hiked" there a couple years ago!

Aimee (I Tri To Be Me) 3:17 PM, January 10, 2010  

My guess is for AZ too, but maybe Sedona?? We were in Phx. over xmas and my husband and I loved getting out and running while the grandparents watched the kiddos. 60 degrees in AZ compared to 20 degrees in CO was awesome! Hope you had a great trip!

Emily 3:37 PM, January 10, 2010  

I hope it's Arizona! That's where I will be marathoning a week from now and 70 degrees and sunny sounds like a huge step up from the 20 degrees in DC!

Fe-lady 4:25 PM, January 10, 2010  

Phoenix or Tucson area's the only place Saguaro cacti grow...
I think you are up in Phoenix as the rock formation isn't familiar to me at all.
Come visit longer...we have a guest house!

Regina 8:37 PM, January 10, 2010  

I don't care where it is, I just hate you for being there while I continue to freeze my ass off on my runs....grrrrrrrrrrr

Beth 9:53 PM, January 10, 2010  

Good thing I'm finally warmed up from my run this morning or I would not be happy for you guys. Luckily, I am warm so I'm so happy for you both to be in a beautiful place enjoying some heat! Have fun!

Lucinda 12:56 AM, January 11, 2010  

Lol. I was like where is the snow?


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