Friday Funny 61: Costumed Runners

>> Friday, November 06, 2009

I went through the Monster Dash photos from last weekend to find some good ones of some funny runners in costumes. (They have 3 distances: 5K, 10 Mile, and Half Marathon.) First, I’ll show you a few from my race.

This photo is from about mile 1 of my 10 miler. Do you want to know the key for placing first, second, or third overall? This photo shows you our secret: NEVER let your feet touch the ground:

This next one of me Kerry snapped as I went by. It looks like a Sugoi ad:

Kris snapped this one as I was leaving the Lake Harriet Bandshell area:

And about a mile later, some else in Kerry’s crew snapped this photo:

Like I said in my race report, I pushed harder at the beginning of this race. Therefore, I was really just trying to hold on after mile 7. I passed the guy with the beard around mile 4, and I ran in second place until about mile 9.5. Here I am at mile 9, and I don’t look nearly as smiley:

Just after that photo was taken, I was passed to move back into 3rd. That guy had a CRAZY negative split! I passed him just before mile 4, and I was 1:40 in front of him at the timing mat around mile 5.6. Over the next 4.4 miles, he made up 1:50 on me to beat me by 10 seconds! Wow!

You can tell in these next 3 photos how “beat up” I was from running so hard in the beginning of the race. Here’s first place “gliding” across the line in under an hour:

Here comes second place (with that CRAZY fast negative split) to finish just in front of me. You can see my black arm and tights on the far right:

At the same time second place was hitting the line, my friend Amblyn was snapping a photo of me. I look MUCH WORSE than first or second place:

See what I mean? Yeah, you see.
And why do I run with my pinkie out? Jeez, I'm so dainty.

I hit the line and held my side-stitch:

And then I TRIED to smile for an official finisher’s photo. It’s less of “smiling” and more of just “exposing my teeth:”

Now, on to some fun racers!!

A pair of Waldos

I hope she’s pregnant and not just making fun of her belly fat

The Jamaican Bobsled Team runs the half marathon EVERY year!

Amblyn and I saw this next pair finish. They wore their undies and a cape for the entire half marathon!

I did NOT alter this next photo of those 2 in their undies. It’s just how I found it. It shows her strong legs and his... well... his... just take a look and you’ll know what I’m trying to say:

He did the half marathon in that!

Great 5K costume

Simple but funny!

Run Forrest, Run! He did the half marathon! Great costume!


These last 2 are my 2 favorites. First of all, who doesn’t love a pair of pregnant nuns?

And finally, I saw this guy out there. I saw him in a pack of people, so I only saw him from the waist up. So I missed the lower part of his costume...

... at least I HOPE that’s part of the costume!

I’m 95% sure I’ll be heading to the Tesfa 5K tomorrow morning (maybe with Pharmie too). I’ll let you know how it goes! Happy weekend!


Sara 8:24 AM, November 06, 2009  

Is that a water bottle in right leg of that guy in the last photo? How do you run with something like that stuffed down your pants?

sRod 9:21 AM, November 06, 2009  

Great for Friday morning laughs!

BaddApple 9:22 AM, November 06, 2009  

My favorite was Forest Gump. There I times I just want to run away like Forest. He made me smile before the race and put me in a good frame of mind.

BaddApple 9:23 AM, November 06, 2009  

PS awesome Job Steve! Way to kick some ass.

Mushi 10:01 AM, November 06, 2009  

I love the pictures- there were so many great costumes running out there last weekend! Question: How do you save the photos with the watermark to your computer?

Megara,  10:29 AM, November 06, 2009  

I also run with my pinky out. Pinky runners unite :-)

Chic Runner 12:40 PM, November 06, 2009  

These are so epic! Thanks for sharing :) I do like the bobsled team and forrest. Gosh, running in costumes is hardcore! :)

libgyrl 12:40 PM, November 06, 2009  

Joseph and Nicole are the undies and capes runners! He did IMWI fast and she WON Fargo marathon this year. They are super nice too.

CoachLiz 3:36 PM, November 06, 2009  

That last photo is a gut buster!

Arnica gel is great! Traumeel's main ingredient is arnica. Foam roll, stretch, and then slather that calf with arnica. Reapply before you go to bed. Put some on in the morning. I am guessing the race is in the morning. Put some on after the race. Get home, shower up and put it on again.

Looking forward to hearing the results.

Jane 12:43 AM, November 07, 2009  
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JP Severin 6:05 AM, November 08, 2009  

please don't ever stop blogging. I love you.

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