14 Days of Nothing: Day 1: One (Attempted) Good Deed

>> Friday, November 27, 2009

Yesterday (Thanksgiving), Pharmie had to work. So was planning on spending some time at my Grandma’s house in southern Minnesota.

Before heading south for the day, I got up early and headed to a nearby school. I thought I would help make Thanksgiving meals for “Meals-On-Wheels” for a couple hours. It turns out the meals were already boxed (and in MASSIVE rows at the edge of the parking lot) and they just needed people to deliver the meals. There were HUNDREDS of people waiting there to help:

The “line” didn’t start moving until about an hour before I had to leave, and I was pretty far back. There was nothing else that they needed help with, so I just had to leave without doing anything so I could get to my Grandma’s. I felt pretty bad that I couldn’t help. But I felt pretty good knowing that SO MANY people showed up to help on Thanksgiving morning. (Especially the St. Kate’s college girls next to me in line that kept talking about how they were still drunk. "...and look at how puffy my eyes are!..." They can been seen in the lower right corner of the photo.)

I sincerely hope EVERYONE had a great Thanksgiving! (Even if your Thanksgiving meal started off by being delivered by drunk college students!)


duchossois 9:39 PM, November 27, 2009  

It is really wonderful that there was actually too much help. Amazing. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Steve.

Missy 9:02 AM, November 28, 2009  

Girls still drunk delivering meals...DUI while trying to do a good deed. Mmmm....

The Boring Runner 9:17 AM, November 30, 2009  

Meh, it is the thought that counts I'm sure. Caulk one up to added Karma.

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