Trail Running at Theo Wirth Park

>> Monday, October 12, 2009

Saturday, Pharmie and I had a GREAT day! Although it started out with some white stuff that we weren’t ready for:

Most of that crap melted, we ran some errands, picked up some new trail running shoes for Pharmie, and we headed out to Theo Wirth Park so she could try out those new shoes. She’s thinking about a 50K trail run in a few weeks!! Here she is putting on her new trail running shoes for the first time near Theo Wirth:

I biked at first while Pharmie ran. She ran past the stream and the abandoned mill:

We got out to the single-track trails. We entered the trail at the bottom right of this map:

We headed north through the first part of single-track, took the paved trail around to the main loop, and I locked up my bike (at the blue box near the middle of the map). I ran the twisting 3.4 mile loop behind Pharmie. So get ready... you’re about to see a lot of hot ass shots.

Between the pines

Running up the rocky climb

Some of that “white stuff” was lingering around

Over a MTB obstacle

Workin’ a hill near the end of the loop

Direct link on YouTube.

We ran the 3.4 mile loop (Pharmie’s first trail run ever) in under 32:00. I unlocked my bike and we grabbed a quick photo:

This time, I biked the loop (twice) as Pharmie ran one more loop. I caught a cyclo-cross rider at the end of my first loop and felt like a hot-shot. ;) I tried to push the pace a little more on the second loop, even though my quads were burning! I grazed a lot of trees, nailed too many rocks with my pedals, and nearly slid-out a few times. But my second lap was my fastest lap that I’ve ever posted at Theo Wirth Park!! I rode a 17:53 first lap, and a 16:30 second lap! (I’ve never been under 17:00 before!)

Pharmie had finished her loop just before me, so she was waiting as I finished up. I rode as she ran the final single-track south. We ran around the stream once more on our way back to the car:

All-in-all, Pharmie put in about 10.5 miles of trail running, and I MTBed 10.5 miles and ran 3.4 miles of trails as well. What a GREAT (albeit it chilly) afternoon together!!


Coach Liz 4:34 AM, October 12, 2009  


Holy Crow, it is too early for that. It was 63 yesterday morning when I headed out on my run and started raining at the end. For a moment, I comtmeplated arm warmers and then realized that I would be carrying them for the majority of the run. We are all wuz catagory when it comes to cool fronts here in the lower part of the Lone Star state.

By the way, great trail! I wish there was a pretty trail like that around my house.

teacherwoman 6:48 AM, October 12, 2009  

Looks like an awesome place to do some trail running... great pics. Where is that park?

teacherwoman 6:48 AM, October 12, 2009  

Looks like an awesome place to do some trail running... great pics. Where is that park?

Nat 7:48 AM, October 12, 2009  

I may have to try this trail running...looks cool. I also LOVE that park. One of the best!

Regina 8:03 AM, October 12, 2009  

No snow!! Too early!

That looks like the perfect day. What a gorgeous park! Well done to Pharmie and your new Bike PR.

Regina 8:03 AM, October 12, 2009  

No snow!! Too early!

That looks like the perfect day. What a gorgeous park! Well done to Pharmie and your new Bike PR.

Maria 8:13 AM, October 12, 2009  

awww, that's cute. couples that train together, stay together!

Trishie 9:30 AM, October 12, 2009  

good luck to pharmie !!

X-Country2 9:46 AM, October 12, 2009  

You two are just adorable. :o)

Judy 9:59 AM, October 12, 2009  

I'm more impressed that you didn't trip while running and filming Pharmie.

Mark 11:13 AM, October 12, 2009  

Steve, Next time you and Pharmie go trail run at Theo, let us Kris and know, I live very close to the singletrack trails in Wirth. Looking at your photos reminds me how much I love to ride those trails and to run there would be just as fun. Were there many Singletrackers out there during your run/ride?

Danica 3:43 PM, October 12, 2009  

oh my gosh. i totally forgot about your epic snow posts! YAY i'm glad they are returning, but not for you, that looks likes it sucks, but it entertains me! Pharmie is TOO cute! I love her outfit :)

triguyjt 10:12 AM, October 13, 2009  

trail running is heaven...pure heaven....glad pharmie found it...she will be back...

Monkey 11:55 AM, October 13, 2009  

Looks like a great trail! We got snow this weekend in Iowa...this white crap from heaven stuff is a little too early for my likings this year.

Carolina John 9:15 PM, October 13, 2009  

holy crap i can't believe you've got snow already? we've barely got cold. trail runs are awesome. I'm getting in good with some new work buddies who go mountain biking twice a week over lunch, and i'm going to ride with them some. can't wait! thinking about doing an xterra tri in the spring too.

Steve Stenzel 9:54 PM, October 25, 2009  

Dang, I like looking at my wife's butt! ;)

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