TC 10 Mile Finishing Video

>> Saturday, October 10, 2009

Look for the short yellow shorts and the red top booking it to the line:

Direct link on YouTube.

(You can find videos of all the 10 Mile and Marathon finishers by clicking here.)

And congrats to Craig "Crowie" Alexander for repeating at Kona (8:20:21)!! Chris Lieto was second (8:22:56). And Andy Potts finished in 9th (8:30:30). According to "IM Live," Andy was racing for his "nana" who passed away 2 months ago, and for his father-in-law who's funeral was today. (Before Bill, his father-in-law passed away, he told Andy that he wanted him to race today.)

Chrissie Willington repeated too, and she BROKE THE KONA COURSE RECORD with a time of 8:54:03! Congrats Chrissie! It's been a big day for Ironman!!

(Reminder: that OnlineShoes giveaway is only open through tomorrow. If you go to this post on their blog, you can comment to be put in a drawing for a free pair of shoes. Do it now!)


Julie 9:51 PM, October 10, 2009  

IA native TJ Tollakson finished 32nd at Kona! Yeah for the Midwest!!

Coach Liz 10:07 PM, October 10, 2009  

Blogger Bree Wee finished 18th in the women's race with a 9:57:49. I was a geek and had all the text and video screens up at once as well. I have been watching all day long. I feel like a slug. I have to run tomorrow and feel normal again, lol.

Unknown 12:24 PM, October 11, 2009  

Awesome day for triathlon yesterday!! My swim felt faster this morning...maybe from watching yesterday??

Hey, Steve, you've inspired me! Come check out my blog for an awesome giveaway!!

Beth 6:00 PM, October 11, 2009  

Thanks for the link to the video. I checked out my finish- right before I cross, a woman walks in front of the camera, bends over, and then you hear her puking. Nice!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 7:46 PM, October 11, 2009  

That Chrissie Wellington is a SMILING MACHINE. I love her.

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