Speed Saturday with Jeremy

>> Sunday, October 25, 2009

First, the previous 7 days...

Last Sun: 5 mile tempo run. This was the run where I got glitter in my urethra. Other than that tiny piece of glass in my pee-hole, that was a good 30:06 run.

Mon: short weight session.

Tues: 10 mile run. GREAT solid run in 1:02:29!! Felt good!

Wed: 1450 yard recovery swim and lifting weights. Swim felt good, but a little slow: 24:51 (1:43 / 100 yards). Then, longer weight lifting session after the swim.

Thurs: leg exercises. Did the old leg exercises “prescribed” by Margi (the PT I was working with prior to IM WI 07) to strengthen my knee.

Fri: rest.

Saturday: 3x1600 with 90 seconds rest on the track. I got to the track, and it was covered in frost:

Jeremy and I met for a chilly morning workout (30-32 degrees, but calm). PERFECT weather for intervals. I snapped a photo of our shoes - we still had our timing chips in our laces from the TC Marathon 3 weeks ago: Jeremy did the marathon and I did the 10 mile:

Jeremy did some 400s while I did my 1600s. My splits were a little slow: 5:37, 5:33, and 5:39, for an average of 5:36.3 / 1600. Rounding the first curve and running the backstretch was a little slippery - that frost was slick. I don’t think that slowed me down much, but it DID change my stride in those parts. My stride changed enough that I noticed one of my toes getting sore from moving around funny in my shoe. When I got home, my toenail was already turning purple!

I should NOT have toenails dieing from 3x1600s!! This is crazy! I better not lose that nail from just this track workout!!

Jeremy, I hope you and Anastasia had a great time at Valley Scare after our workout! Oh, and GO VIKES!


Nat 8:49 AM, October 25, 2009  

Eww! That toe is gross AND hairy. Course, I wouldn't expect anything less on your blog. Are you dressing up for the Monster next weekend? Can't wait to see what you are!

Regina 8:58 AM, October 25, 2009  

After seeing your sneakers I am reminded I could use a new pair; mined look about 10x worse than yours.

I want to be as fast as you on your slow day.


trimybest 9:14 AM, October 25, 2009  

it was fun doing a track workout with you again even though i felt like my lungs were going to explode! and yes we did have a GREAT time at valley scare! we will absolutely be going back next year!
amusement park with the lights out, fog machines and monsters everywhere is a blast!

MCM Mama 10:15 AM, October 25, 2009  


BTW, I totally used your long run method from your last post when I did my 10 miler this week. It made the run seem to go by so much easier!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 8:17 PM, October 25, 2009  

yeowch on the toe...re: speedwork: WOW! Impressive.

Sean in NY 11:56 PM, October 25, 2009  

Steve, what are some of the things you do in the weight-room to strengthen your knee that have worked well? I did a quick look through the archives and came up empty when trying to find anything about your previous knee injury or treatment. If any resourceful co-followers know, that'd be cool if you pointed me in the right direction as well!

Anonymous,  2:07 PM, October 26, 2009  

Yikes! I wanted to come out on Saturday, but I didn't realize we had to get in line at Surly Brewery so early that morning. So I got up at 6am to run. I didn't feel like anyone else would join me at 6am on Saturday. :-) It was NICE out though!


CoachLiz 2:34 PM, October 26, 2009  

Alright! Toe photos are back!!!

Steve Stenzel 7:20 PM, October 26, 2009  

Sean, I basically do different variations of 1-legged squats. Something like this, but not NEARLY as deep:


I do anther version of this too: I place one side of my body against a wall, stand only on my leg farthest from the wall, and then do a one legged squat with my side dragging up and down the wall.

And I do hamstring curls on a balance ball. MUCH like this (including in a tiny blue pair of shorts):


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