In Michigan For Steelhead 70.3 Tomorrow!

>> Friday, August 01, 2008

Pharmie and I made it completely through 3 states this morning (WI, IL, IN) and we arrived in Benton Harbor, MI. She’s competing in the Steelhead Half Ironman tomorrow, and I’m cheering.

We arrived at the race site and she got body marked. Notice the BIG lake in the background:

I have my “cheerleading” outfit all laid out for tomorrow morning. This is everything that I’m wearing:

(It’s mostly shorts and suspenders)

We sure have a crappy story to tell about the shit-hole hotel that we’re staying at, and I’ll have photos and the details later. It turned out OK, and Stu is going to be sleeping in our tub before racing tomorrow:

(No, not really, but he IS sharing our room!)

Wish Pharmie luck! I’ll have a TON of fun photos and a good story in a few days! Check back to see the debauchery!!


chia 9:52 PM, August 01, 2008  

We're likely to be there tomorrow as well. My favorite running partner (well, my only running partner) will be competing as well!

HUGE good luck wishes to Pharmie. You're a lucky man Steve Stenzel!

chia 9:53 PM, August 01, 2008  

BTW - this state is a shit hole. It's not just the hotel ;-)

TRI-ROB 10:35 PM, August 01, 2008  


You be careful Esteban! I don't want any undo suspender chafe.


IronGambit 12:01 AM, August 02, 2008  

rob called you Esteban! haha

brendaj 12:28 AM, August 02, 2008  

Have a great time out there!

Julianne 2:01 AM, August 02, 2008  

Good luck Pharmie!! :-)
Steve, your cheerleading outfit is FANTASTIC!! What, no Speedo with suspenders? (Referring to your blog title...)

Thank you for stopping by!

Unknown 7:57 AM, August 02, 2008  

Go Pharmie! Have a fun time!

Jess 8:48 AM, August 02, 2008  

Good luck to Pharmie! Can't wait to see that cheerleading outfit in action!

tracie 9:36 AM, August 02, 2008  

good luck pharmie!!!

triguyjt 10:50 AM, August 02, 2008  

chafing on the nipples..dud to suspenders????

theres gotta be a law...

Good Luck Pharmie.

Marcy 11:33 AM, August 02, 2008  

GOOD LUCK to the Mrs!!

And I'm with JT, homes you better before of some chaffing action with those suspenders. OUCH!

Anonymous,  2:29 PM, August 02, 2008  

Good luck to Pharmie...have a blast out there! Can't wait to read all about it!!

Bigun 3:30 PM, August 02, 2008  

I'm sure a room with a jacuzzi tub would not be considered a shit hole. Although that grout does look a bit moldy....ew...

C 3:56 PM, August 02, 2008  

Good luck, Pharmie!!!

Born To Endure 4:36 PM, August 02, 2008  

I heard they cancelled the swim, I sure hated not being there this year...hope she did well!

Kat~ 7:59 PM, August 02, 2008  

Stu in the tub, awesome!! Hope you all had a rockin day!! Killer outfit. Kat~

Viv 8:26 PM, August 02, 2008  

Love the cheerleading outfit! LMAO!

Tracy 7:17 AM, August 03, 2008  

What an awesome weekend with you guys! Thanks for all your half-naked high-fiving and whatnot :)

Pharmie is a rock star!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) 8:11 AM, August 03, 2008  

You are Esteban for me from now on. That's perfect! An alias for those embarrassing moments when you jsut can't NOT wear the suspenders and hot pants!!! (which we all LOVE) ;-)

So I hope you got to spend some time wiht Laura Nick and Greg at Steelhead - we are BBQing tonight at my house - hope you and Pharmie can come. I think Jumper forwarded the address.

SWTrigal 9:02 AM, August 03, 2008  

I heard they cancelled the swim. Hope she did OK though..

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