Last Weeks Workouts

>> Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monday I did a 40 mile ride. That was my longest ride of the year. I told myself I was just doing an Oly as my longest event this year (no half IM), so my longest ride was only 30 miles before this. It was tough. I went out too hard and the last 5 miles were killer. Only managed a 17.7 mph average overall.

Tuesday I lifted weights, did core work, and then went to the Highland 50 M pool for a swim. I dodged bouncy ladies in floral hats (seriously, why the hell do they have a old lady swim class during reserved lap swim time? Bastards) and was able to get in around 1800 meters.

Wednesday I did my first real run that wasn’t part of an event in about 5 weeks! I had that weird cramp/strain from the LTF Tri, and I was letting that heal up. I was able to bang out a 54:04 8 mile tempo run! (See blood blister photo 2 posts below.) I had no pain! That was a HUGE boost!

Thursday I just lifted weights and did a little core work.

Friday I did 100 yard intervals in the pool at the Y with about 20 seconds rest between. I’d never done 100s before. My first intervals were 1:38 - 1:40, but they got speedier. My last 100 was the fastest 100 that I’ve ever done at 1:32! (Have I mentioned that I’m not that speedy in the water?) I did 14 100s, and some warm ups drills and some cool down laps.

Saturday I just lifted weights and did a little core work.

Sunday I decided to go 60 miles with Pharmie on the bike. I knew it was going to be slow, but I just wanted to get in the distance. She told me I could draft her if/when I needed to. So we headed out early to hit the Gateway trail out of St. Paul and into Stillwater.

I really wanted to bring a camera, but I forgot! I wanted to snap some photos of us on the Gateway (my favorite trail in the Cities). Just a few miles into the ride, Pharmie told me her legs were heavy from her run yesterday, and I could go ahead. But I stuck with her and let her draft me. “That wasn’t in the plan,” I thought.

Here’s the elevation chart of the proposed ride:

We hit the end of the trail at mile 25 and I took off in front of her into Stillwater. Here are some photos of the rollers from riding this same route a year ago:

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go down “the hill” in Stillwater or not (note the huge 200 foot valley in the middle of the elevation chart above). I knew it’d be good for my ride: I was riding slow, so if I hit “the hill,” I’d be able to get in a good burn. But I didn’t know if it would hurt my ride back home. Just outside of Stillwater, I didn’t know what to think, so I concluded “Nay, forget it. 'Yo homes to Bel Air' I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later!' I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.” (Wait, sorry, somehow that song is stuck in my head. Let’s try that again.) But I thought “Nay, forget it, let’s hit that hill.”

I got to the top of “the hill,” said a little prayer, and booked it. I was in my highest gear, and I was standing up and pedaling as fast as I could. You see, ever since I met “the hill” in Stillwater 2 years ago, I’ve had this sick dream to break 50 mph. I didn’t quite make it today, but I came the closest I’ve ever been:

That’s not 49.3 miles, it’s 49.3 MPH!

That was a ride! I maybe could have hit 50 had there not been a big white van at a stop sign near the bottom of the hill. Anyway, then I had to turn around and stare at 7.7 mph on the way back up that mother. I got back up to the top, and Pharmie was waiting for me. We headed back to St. Paul together. We finished the ride with only a 16.3 mph average, but we got to spend the morning together. And that’s the best.

After the ride. Notice my sweaty boobs.

Then we made rolls:

Pharmie had 2, I killed 3 in no time.

Then we cleaned up and hit the hay for a well deserved nap:

Pharmie under the blanket, me under the pillow.
Individually we're nothing, but together we're cozy.

What a good morning! So, all those hearty workouts this past week sure make it look like I’m training for something. But there’s nothing on my side-bar race schedule coming up. Interesting. Very interesting. Stay tuned...

p.s. Did you freakin’ see the freakin’ sweet 4x100 freestyle relay that the American team put together? Oh my God. Best. Race. Ever. Seriously, if you missed it, you missed something HUGE! I was literally jumping up and down screaming at the T.V. for the last 25 meters.


KK 11:48 PM, August 10, 2008  

Wow, first one to leave a comment! This has never happened before on your blog, I feel so honored :).

Nice swim times! Floral hats in the pool? My that must have been a nifty sight. Also, nice work on the core routine, I realized today that I need to start making that a priority.

Those cinn. rolls look YUMMY!

KK 11:49 PM, August 10, 2008  

P.S. Thanks for the info RE: Steelhead. Maybe I WILL try it! :)

Frayed Laces 12:10 AM, August 11, 2008  

"We finished the ride only at 16.3 mph, but we got to spend the morning together. And that’s the best."

And that is why Pharmie is the luckiest woman alive. That is so sweet. What do you want from her? What did you break?

Brian 6:59 AM, August 11, 2008  

its a good thing you are a workout feign. with your diet, you'd weigh 300+. Can I put in a request to see the weekly diet?

As for the 49.3. Maybe if you wore some spandex instead of the yellow balls of fire or whatever they are called, could help.

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 7:13 AM, August 11, 2008  

I jumped off the couch for the last 25 m and started a cheering, a response that was entirely surprising to myself (apparently I heart the USA). That dude swam the 100 in 46 seconds! Well, just think, if you can cut that 100 time in half, you could be on the Olympic team too :-)

MissAllycat 7:34 AM, August 11, 2008  

Michael Phelps kind of looks like a vampire in that picture...but I would still totally tap that. :)

KodaFit 8:24 AM, August 11, 2008  

If I could twist Frayed Laces comment... You have to be the luckiest guy in the world - I love my sweet wife, but I've been trying to get her to just try out a ride around the block on her bike - Completely unsuccessful so far.

As for the relay last night...

HOLY FREAKIN' COW MAN!!! My wife had been asleep up until that point last night. I woke her up as they started the race. She didn't wake up until the last lap, and then she joined me in the screaming... I wonder if it would have been as sweet had the French guy not been shouting his mouth off before the race... Either way though, they has to rank as my top Olympic moment of all time...

Jess 8:48 AM, August 11, 2008  

That pic of phelps kinda freaks me out, but yeah, it was an AWESOME race!

Great job with your own swimming, biking, and running!

RBR 9:04 AM, August 11, 2008  

Looks that good after a 60 mile ride and then bakes cinnamon rolls?

*shakes head*

I warned you Pharmie. My death in on your head. You are too freaking perfect!

Great workout week. I almost cried when I hit 38 mph on my bike. You crazy!

Jenny Davidson 9:11 AM, August 11, 2008  

Great swim, great ride, great week, great race!

:) 9:22 AM, August 11, 2008  

" I was literally jumping up and down screaming at the T.V. for the last 25 meters"

You and me both, brother! Talk about afterburners!!!

The (IRON) Clyde 9:25 AM, August 11, 2008  

The race was awesome. I literally thought Phelps was going to spontaneously combust he was yelling so hard.

SWTrigal 9:41 AM, August 11, 2008  

BEST RACE EVAR!! I wonder how many peeps (including me) were SCREAMING at their TV..

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 9:42 AM, August 11, 2008  

What a ride, Steve!

I'm such a wimp, I would have walked the hill -- in both directions!

My Hubby and I are watching a TON of the Olympics and we caught the rely. It was fantastic!

Teacher Pursuits 9:44 AM, August 11, 2008  

That race was incredible... almost incredible as all of the PHAT all over PHELPS. Seriously... he has muscles in places I never knew muscles existed.

Jumper 2.0 9:52 AM, August 11, 2008  

What is it with your handprints showing up all over pharmie's shirt?


Jess 9:59 AM, August 11, 2008  

Man I missed the race live, but caught the highlights this morning...insane!

Anonymous,  10:45 AM, August 11, 2008  

Nice ride! I couldn't imagine going 50 mph on a bike.

Liz 11:11 AM, August 11, 2008  

Good job getting those miles in. you deserved all three of the cinnamon rolls. But not four. That would have been crossing the line.

I tried to channel that race this morning while I was swimming... but it didn't really work. I almost threw up at the end for some reason. Which would have been really embarrassing because I don't think I could have made it to the locker room.

Sonia 11:15 AM, August 11, 2008  

Good ride!

Seen the race! It was c-r-a-z-y!!

Kelly 12:40 PM, August 11, 2008  

"So, all those hearty workouts this past week sure make it look like I’m training for something. But there’s nothing on my side-bar race schedule coming up. Interesting. Very interesting. Stay tuned..."

I bet you're training for the olympics.

Am I right... Am I right?!

You think you're so sneaky, but I'm smarter than that!

Alisa 12:50 PM, August 11, 2008  

Lucky you to be able to eat crap and not gain weight. Even during marathon training when my mileage was up there I still had to be careful!

Great job on the 40 miles...I don't even like to drive 40 miles =).

brendaj 1:22 PM, August 11, 2008  

Great ride report (btw, we alternate drafting each other too at times, so I'm glad you can admit to that :) and cozy pictures!

Gotta Run..... 1:23 PM, August 11, 2008  

You are freaking insane going 49mhp!!!! To top that you hit two of your longest rides all in one week. You are an animal.

Thanks a lot for making me feel.... like a lazy bum.

Now I must go and drink myself under the table to feel better. :)

T 1:39 PM, August 11, 2008  

geez, my longest ride was 33 miles and the fastest i've been able to get on the ol' bike is only 30mph. things to shoot for ...

out of curiosity, what do you two try to keep your cadence at during rides?

Vava 2:35 PM, August 11, 2008  

That 4x100 was insane! The Americans took full advantage of the French guy hugging the lanerope. I kept screaming at him to move over (given that I have this tendency to root for the underdog), but the Americans deserved that gold big time! Crazy fast!!!

Nice blog!

Fizzgig 3:54 PM, August 11, 2008  

I think reading this post allows me to skip my monday workout. readign it was enough of a workout.

Anonymous,  4:14 PM, August 11, 2008  

That race was abolutely MIND BLOWING! Now, if only I could speed up in my swim - I only have to DOUBLE MY PACE + some, but I'm sure it's achievable - NOT!

Congrats on a great week of training BTW.

Runner Leana 4:15 PM, August 11, 2008  

Sounds like you and Pharmie had a terrific ride. Those cinnamon buns look delicious...yum!

Herself, the GeekGirl 5:58 PM, August 11, 2008  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Herself, the GeekGirl 6:00 PM, August 11, 2008  

Okay, now because of you I'm scraping quarters out of the cracks in the sofa so I can go to the store and get some of those womp cinammon rolls. Seriously, though, I'm really thinking about getting one of those floral swimming caps you were talking about. Wouldn't that be awesome? I wonder if the race director would let me wear it.

Kevin 8:06 PM, August 11, 2008  

mmm Cinamon Rolls.

Sounds like some great training. That is one heck of a hill

teacherwoman 9:00 PM, August 11, 2008  

Looks like you had a nice week of workouts! And to be able to ride with someone so close to you must be awesome!

In regards to the 4x100M relay last night... OMG. I was jumping up and down like crazy, trying not to yell. I was so excited! It was FREAKIN' Awesome!

triguyjt 9:02 PM, August 11, 2008  

I think your training for something but you just don't want us to know...HaHa!!

You see how Phelps made that gesture and almost took out his teammate..

that was intense stuff...

Carly 10:45 PM, August 11, 2008  

*drooling over the cinnamon rolls*

Lily on the Road 5:46 AM, August 12, 2008  

Did you take your feet off the pedals on the way down "the hill", kick your feet in the air and squeal wooooohooooo?


ps Love your "photo" from you past post, too funny!!!

You and Pharmie were made for each other!! How lucky you two are!

E-Speed 6:42 AM, August 12, 2008  

great week man :) That relay was absolutely amazing, I too was screaming at the TV, my husband going, it's too much distance he can't do it and I am trying to mentally will this guy across the line first, it was amazing!

Unknown 7:19 AM, August 12, 2008  

Sounds like a great weekend.

I'm totally loving the olympics. That relay was a great event to watch!!

Mendy 9:57 AM, August 12, 2008  

OMG! That was simply the BEST race in the Olympics. I loved it and continue to watch it online.

Great job on your ride. I want to get up in mileage at some point. I bet that 49.x speed felt Awesome. I wouldn't have said that 6 mos ago. That kind of pace would have scared the crap out of me.

Tea 3:30 PM, August 12, 2008  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tea 3:30 PM, August 12, 2008  

I think there's something wrong with your garmin. That HILL at mile 30....gotta be a garmin blooper, right?

btw--that relay?!?! HOLY CRAP! Probably the most exciting 4 minutes in sports history. Even better than Rocky beating Drago. I think I sat there in disbelief. Absolutely amazing.

Katelin 6:01 PM, August 12, 2008  

wow your workouts straight put my gym efforts to shame, haha.

and those cinnamon buns look delicious. mmmmm.

RunBubbaRun 10:56 PM, August 12, 2008  

So what are you training for?

Great workouts. Okay please slow down, your tempo workout would make my HR go over the top.

Yeah, swimming, how can they go that fast,, that stuff is insane. Might have to find one of those speedsuits thou..

Judi 6:14 PM, August 13, 2008  

Sometimes having nothing to train for is a good thing, don't ya think? And Michael freaking Phelps is a GOD!

Erin Leigh 9:35 PM, August 13, 2008  

Damn that is a lot of miles on the bike!!! Sounds like you got some great workouts in.

And LMAO at "yellow balls of fire"

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