Chisago Lakes Triathlon Photos

>> Friday, August 08, 2008

Here are some photos of me in action from the Chisago Lakes Sprint Triathlon 2 weeks ago:

Getting my butt kicked by a 9 year old

Trashy and topless on the bike

Flying to a sub-20 5K

Umm, there’s one more photo. It’s not pretty.

How to take a HORRIBLE photo of an athlete: Wait until the before-mentioned athlete is at the absolute lowest part of his stride. That way, any definition in the pectoral muscles is lost due to the fact that the man-boobs seem to be sagging. And any extra bit of skin on the athletes belly bunches up in a super unflattering manner. See:

Seriously, it looks like my boobs are cross-eyed like this:

And my belly looks like this guys face:

Hey, I just noticed that the last guy has all that bunchy skin AND is cross-eyed too!

I need to go wash the shame off of me. Time to boil some water and get the Brillo pad. Bye.


chia 5:12 AM, August 08, 2008  

Wow, is that kid even old enough to compete?

Gravity is never kind ;-). Great action shots lookin' trashtastic all no shoes no shirt no service :-D.

duchossois 6:35 AM, August 08, 2008  

Thanks for the bizarre image. You are a gurner-gut.

Tracy 6:45 AM, August 08, 2008  

Ha!! I laughed so hard seeing that last picture!! Hilarious stuff.

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 7:09 AM, August 08, 2008  

Your talent with photoshop is amazing :-) Normal people would use it to photoshop some non-saggy chest and stomach onto themselves, but not Steve!

Oh and I think that might be the nine year old who I am smoking in my bike picture :-)

Ryan 7:11 AM, August 08, 2008  

All of those crunches have really paid off!

Do they make dentures for belly buttons?

nwgdc 7:39 AM, August 08, 2008  

Funniest. Post. Yet.

You know, I don't see the 8 year old having any trouble with gravity...

By the way, my site has changed. Feel free to update!

Kevin 7:39 AM, August 08, 2008  

Great pics. That 9 year old looks really serious.

CoachLiz 7:43 AM, August 08, 2008  

Title Nine cothing for women has a great selection of sports bras that are grouped together by their rating of how well they keep the pecs/mamaries from moving around. You might need a level 3 Barbell selection.

LOL, you crack me up.

Unknown 7:54 AM, August 08, 2008  

Hahahahah Funny stuff.

Anonymous,  8:29 AM, August 08, 2008  

Thanks for making me laugh this are too funny!!

Stef0115 8:47 AM, August 08, 2008  

LOL, these are awesome!!!! I usually don't laugh early in the morning, so thanks!

Is that really a 9 year old next to you. Whoa. He is kicking some serious ass.

Jess 9:25 AM, August 08, 2008  

haha great pictures! That last one cracked me up!

Anonymous,  9:28 AM, August 08, 2008  

Hi Steve,

That last pic of the bunchy skin face on your chest is too funny!

I love your blogs; you're a talented photographer.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the nice message about my post.

Last time I did I tri was twenty years ago when I was in my twenties and it was still called the "Mrs. T's" in Chicago. Now I'm just a whacked out ultrarunner. Gonna go check out your photog blog here in a second...

Happy trails and stop by again for some coffee chat...

Connie :)

Papa Louie 9:33 AM, August 08, 2008  

I would have never noticed the details until you pointed them out. Good eye. I hope your insides didn't feel as bad as your outside looks.

Mnowac 10:03 AM, August 08, 2008  

Oh wow! I give you props b/c you post ever the unflattering photos!

IronGambit 10:20 AM, August 08, 2008  

I can do that with my face als :)

TriCajun 10:41 AM, August 08, 2008  

Too funny!

You're twisted - no pun intended.

Nitmos 10:47 AM, August 08, 2008  

I hate when my chest looks like my great grandfather's face also. My ass always looks like my 7th grade science teacher...which I'm fine with. She was really mean anyway.

T 10:51 AM, August 08, 2008  

silly race photo people and their ability to take crappy, crappy pictures of you. or your friends. either way.

at least fotojack got a better picture of me coming out of the swim this year.

21stCenturyMom 12:15 PM, August 08, 2008  


Too funny.

ShirleyPerly 12:17 PM, August 08, 2008  

Too hilarious!

(But I'm still jealous of those B-cup boobs you have)

Judi 12:20 PM, August 08, 2008  

Ok, that kid is at least 13. LOL. Steve, you are TOO much! You DO NOT have man boobs honey.

p.s. I just added you to my blogroll.

Bigun 1:54 PM, August 08, 2008  

at least you are cool enough to know to take off your swim cap and goggles at the same these days...such dorks.

Trishie 1:54 PM, August 08, 2008  

Brilliant photoshop work, Steve! Great photos, though ... and I get passed by little kids all the time. Bastards.

Michelle 2:28 PM, August 08, 2008  

Yeah but your sub 20 5K photo is pretty hot dude!!


Herself, the GeekGirl 2:46 PM, August 08, 2008  

What? No bowl of sunshine? Awwww.

J~Mom 2:47 PM, August 08, 2008  

I agree with bowl of sunshine?

K 3:22 PM, August 08, 2008  

Yum--see--big boobs aren't all they are cracked up to be. Especially when they start to go south.

Liz 3:47 PM, August 08, 2008  

I feel a little better about how I look on race day. Thanks for the self esteem boost.

I'm just kidding...

I don't want you feel any worse and throw yourself into on coming traffic.

Anonymous,  4:28 PM, August 08, 2008  

I have a couple sports bras I could send you :)

triguyjt 9:24 PM, August 08, 2008  

if yours sag..then i might need midgets in front of me holding them up!!!!!!!

that was very good steve!!!

Jess 9:48 PM, August 08, 2008  

Um, don't take this the wrong way, but that totally made me feel better about some of my own race pics!

Brian 10:05 PM, August 08, 2008  

i knew you were a photoshop wiz. I'll be checking all stuff in the future for frauds. I'm calling bs on your chest waxing and it really went over fine. you photoshoped it to look like it went horribly wrong. Right?

Erin Leigh 10:18 PM, August 08, 2008  

LOL that you post really bad pics of yourself. Forget about this post being funny. I had to go back to the beef jerky bowl of sunshine pic cause that is some funny shit...

IronTriTim 10:22 PM, August 08, 2008  

Great photos love the photoshop photo.

KK 12:59 PM, August 09, 2008  

Hilarious. I hate it when minors kick the crap out of me too. That is impressive how you did that face thing in the belly-you are seriously really good at blogging.

Also, just got caught up on Pharmie's HIM: I was considering doing that one next year-would you guys recommend it (I am not liking the inadequacies of the cops, tons of sand, duathlon aspects)??? What do you think?

Also, "Hoopty Ho-jo," am using that from now on-good stuff.

Always a great read, thanks!

triblog carol 7:56 PM, August 09, 2008  

Awesome photoshopping, awesome to the max.

Jade Lady 8:19 PM, August 09, 2008  

Seriously, I thought for a second that the first photo was a very old photo of you in that yellow swim cap.

I just love how you lured your readers in ...just before we scrolled down to see that low stride man boob photo. You always know how to make me giggle.

Mendy 8:22 PM, August 09, 2008  

That's some funny stuff, there. Gosh!

Pics from Pharmie's half were great! Congrats to her for a great finish.

Tea 9:17 PM, August 09, 2008  

ROFLMAO! No, you didn't....I'm gonna have nightmares now.

Anonymous,  2:24 AM, August 10, 2008  

Hi Steve,

I just have to say that I love reading your blog, I had added several to my favorites earlier this year and had been too busy with my Ironman training and forgotten about them until recently. I liked your post for your 5th wedding anniversary and the FFA Floriculture contest pic. I, too, was in FFA, granted I didn't judge flowers, I showed them, lol, along with a market hog. Keep up the great entertainment!

Jenny aka trierjen on Beginner Triathlete

RBR 10:49 AM, August 10, 2008  

I have to hunt for race pictures where I look half way decent and you have to hunt for race pictures that are the slightest bit unflattering.

Forgive me if I shed no tears for you

*Inappropriate comment alert*

Pics 1-3. Hottest race trio set EVER

Ok, I am done. I may need to borrow some of that boiling water and a brilo pad.

sRod 12:53 PM, August 12, 2008  

Geez. I'm in agreement with everyone else: if I had race pics like this I wouldn't need any others. And the runner's gut is unavoidable.

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