The REAL Reason Ultra Runners Do It

>> Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ultra-Marathoner Admits
He Just Hates His Family

By Jeff Lyons

“To be completely honest, I despise running, HATE IT! Competing in these insane 100-mile running races all weekend long and all the training that goes with it is utter torture,” said ultra-marathoner Marc Skednick of Philadelphia as he applied super glue to a heel blister the size of a plum. “That said, I continue to do it because I hate spending time with my family a thousand times more than competing in this ridiculous sport.”

“My strict training method consists of running about 20-to-30 miles a day in preparation for my weekend races that take place twice a month. As you can see it doesn’t allow much time for me to spend with my nagging wife or bratty kids. … actually, it leaves absolutely no face time for me and my family. I’m really not sure what the 12-year-old looks like now. Or is she 14? Not sure, anyway, gotta motor…” Skednick finishes tending to his wound, slowly gets up and continues his daily run as the clock strikes 10:45pm.

The 6-foot-1, 135-pound Skednick runs for a few hours before and after work and usually eats all his meals while running. In keeping with his family-shunning ways, Skednick makes sure to take off his Bluetooth before a run just in case a family member might want to get in touch. “I pretend to need ‘total concentration’ while running, so I ask my family not to call me.”

When asked if he misses seeing his daddy, Skednick’s 10-year-old son quickly responds “Do you want to play Guitar Hero? Or go kill some ants?” before he darts into the other room to punch his sister in the back of her head.

His wife Nancy puts her husband’s hobby into perspective, “It keeps him happy. He sure seems to love it!”

The long-long-distance runner describes his upcoming 135-mile event, “Like most of the races, this one is in the desert, about a million degrees. I usually puke on average about ten times a day from dehydration and exhaustion but that doesn’t deter me, not even the hallucinations can stop me. It’s sooooo much better than watching dance recitals and soccer games.”

“I’m motivated by that ‘Not-seeing-my-family-high’ that many runners get after logging in a few miles on the pavement. It makes all the leg cramps, eroded cartilage, third-degree sunburn, pants crapping, and the intense stabbing pain that jets up through my spine every time I begin to move my feet all worth it.”

In case you’re a little dense, this story was a joke. But I wonder about some of those “crazies” sometimes. I think there may be more truth in here than we know...


Kim 4:40 AM, August 14, 2008  

Nah, most of us crazies feel guilty for going off for a 8 hour training run..

duchossois 4:48 AM, August 14, 2008  

I don't do it because I hate my family...I do it because I hate myself. ;-)

Jumper 2.0 6:16 AM, August 14, 2008  

Hey, I totally got that it was a joke AND I'm dense!

I'm so special!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 7:44 AM, August 14, 2008  

Aw man, since I don't have a wife and kids, I doubt I'll ever find the needed motivation to become an ultra runner then...

Jess 8:04 AM, August 14, 2008  

Oh man no ultra running for me, I've got no one to run away from hahah!

SWTrigal 8:19 AM, August 14, 2008  

OHhh-so that expains it!

Anonymous,  9:20 AM, August 14, 2008  

I wish my entire family loved tri and running as much as my husband and I do because we feel guilty when we train. But I do seem to be "in the moment with our kids" where I see other parents just visiting with the other adults at the kid's events. Maybe we're just more focused because of our tight schedules?

Great post!

Judi 10:29 AM, August 14, 2008  

It's called OCD.
Ultra running is cool, I am supposed to be doing a 50k in Oct. Trail running. It's hard but fun as shit and my trail running shoes are GREEN!

IronGambit 10:35 AM, August 14, 2008  

I travel A LOT for my job. I am in a new state every weekend. A lot of people on the planes tell me that it sounds like a job for a married man. Is this true? :)

KodaFit 12:00 PM, August 14, 2008  

As a father of 5, I can definitely say there is some truth there, although I don't think I would ever say I hated being around my family.

I started running so I could be around a little longer for them, and because they didn't have the healthiest lifestyle. It seems to have made a difference there!

The ultimate for me would be to have them all come along with me!!

Andra Sue 12:59 PM, August 14, 2008  

Dude, that totally made my day. I almost spit out a piece of my sandwich due to laughing my ass off about halfway through. :)


Anonymous,  6:08 PM, August 14, 2008  


My name is Gregory Cappello and I am the Vice President of Fitspott, a social networking platform for health and fitness. I was doing research for our site and I came across your blog.

Fitspott (, a social networking platform targeting the health and fitness industry will open the doors to the beta version of its platform in Mid-September. The Fitspott team is made up of a group of highly motivated and diverse entrepreneurs, athletes and creative minds. We have set forth a goal of creating a social network which will give trainers, members, athletes, coaches, corporate fitness executives, health clubs and basically anyone with any level of interest in health and fitness, a robust platform to meet, communicate, get support, conduct business, exchange ideas and more.

I am writing to you to introduce my company as I though it might be of interest to your readers. In addition, I have composed a few posts that you might consider using as a guest entry.

Please follow this link to view our About Us page. You’ll see you can download our marketing information packet which gives a brief but informative overview of my company.

If you have any questions or would like more information please feel free to contact me at any time.

Gregory Cappello
(516) 993-0554
Vice President Fitspott

J~Mom 6:51 PM, August 14, 2008  

Wow, Gregory is a tough act to follow up there. I was just going to say I am glad that is a joke. LOL

Mendy 7:10 PM, August 14, 2008  

Me too. glad it was a joke. I was cracking up though!

Tea 8:08 PM, August 14, 2008  

Ok "hate" was strong, but I was nodding my head! If I don't train for a crazy amount of hours, I don't get any time by myself. Besides, the kids like it because once I come home they pretty much get anything they want....I'm too tired to argue.

I guess it keeps everyone happy.

Brian 8:14 PM, August 14, 2008  

yes a joke. but def. nice to have some quiet time away from family.

RunBubbaRun 10:01 PM, August 14, 2008  

For some people there might be a little truth in it..

Run from work, bills, high gas prices, hell yaaahh..

Family, nah, who is going to take care of me while I'm passed out after my race.

M 10:18 PM, August 14, 2008  

Always a little truth in humor...

I don't have a family, but my training makes for a good excuse when my siblings ask when I am going to get myself one....

George Houston 11:00 AM, August 15, 2008  

I know it's a joke but there is a lot of truth in that.

Stef0115 1:01 AM, August 17, 2008  

I LOVE stuff like this.

Have you seen this?

The article you posted sort of reminded me of it.

CoachLiz 9:55 AM, August 17, 2008  


I go for a run every once and a while to get out of my responsibilities, but then the guilt sets in. Mostly, I get home and can't find where my husband put the measuring cups after he unloaded the dishwasher, the clothes were washed but not folded and I have 9 baskets of clothes to fold, and I find that Kuota is out in the garage with the garage door unlocked!!!

Horrors!!! That gets me to stay home for family time.

Anonymous,  4:58 PM, August 17, 2008  

I'm gullible and I was feeling so bad for the kids and wife!! So glad it was a was getting hard for me to read.

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