Jeez, It Looks Like I’m Going Through With It

>> Thursday, August 28, 2008

I had meetings at 2 different colleges yesterday being the start of the semester is upon us. Yippee.

But between meetings, I swung by Twin Cities Magic & Costume so I could pick up my running outfit for my Half Ironman in 10 days. I came home with this:

And this:

Ummm, it’s gonna be a hot 13.1 miles. But I really think I’ll get sick pleasure out of passing people on the run dressed as the Grim Reaper (while smacking them on the butt with my sickle). I can’t wait.

AND I still have 10 days to figure out what other wacky things to try. I have an idea for something on the bike that involves a stuffed monkey. You’ll want to see what happens next...


Marie-Claude 6:50 AM, August 28, 2008  

Steve - you are so funny! I usually read your blog and never comment, but this time I had to let you know how much I appreciate reading your postings!

I can't wait to see pictures of that race :-)

Marcy 7:25 AM, August 28, 2008  

OMFG DUDE! HAHAHAHAHAHAH You're going to poke people in the ass with that thing? YOU ROCK!

bigmike600 7:35 AM, August 28, 2008  

It's not a sickle. It's a sling blade.

Hope the monkey thing does not involve nudity because that would just be wrong.

Brian 8:15 AM, August 28, 2008  

thanks for the early morning chuckle. I needed that. I wish I lived closer to come watch and take pics. Can you add some sort of mp3 player with a small speaker and play some sort of grim reaper music? whatever that might be.

Can't wait to see the photos.

Jess 8:17 AM, August 28, 2008  

Nice. And that way you already have your Halloween costume too!

greyhound 8:32 AM, August 28, 2008  

Don't fear the Reaper.

(Figure out a way to play Blue Oyster Cult while you run)

Sarah 8:41 AM, August 28, 2008  

I CANNOT wait to see these pictures.

T 8:48 AM, August 28, 2008  

haha, this is going to be awesome.

and ... is that a full-size (that is, not three-foot long) scythe? they exist????

:) 8:55 AM, August 28, 2008  

Hilarious... Can't wait to see the monkey.

Renee 9:13 AM, August 28, 2008  

I hope the sickle does not slow you down! The good news is that everyone else will probably get a much faster time than they normally would have since they will all be running from death!

Erica Ortiz 9:14 AM, August 28, 2008  

Oh wow! That's pretty intense. I'd already feel like death was upon me, much less have it PASSING me too.

Anonymous,  9:16 AM, August 28, 2008  

You are so damn funny.

First, can't wait to see the monkey.

Second, I'd love to be poked with your sickle.

Third, go naked under that death outfit or even just wear a speedo, so you don't overheat with all your layers.

Can't wait to see race pics.

richvans 9:59 AM, August 28, 2008  

some of us don't need a costume to look like death on the run leg of a 1/2.

careful passing a fat guy in a mntri club jersey - the opportunity to trip up death may be too great to pass up.

Judi 10:22 AM, August 28, 2008  

Ok, can I just tell you how bummed I am you didn't pick my idea of PINK hair?

You are right, it's going to be a HOT half mary.

You should come watch or run the Flying Pig marathon here in May. People dress up as Piggy Princess'! Tutus and all. :)

J~Mom 10:52 AM, August 28, 2008  

BTW, the guy at our tri would get behind people and say, "death is coming to get you". LOL!!!

J~Mom 10:52 AM, August 28, 2008  

BTW, the guy at our tri would get behind people and say, "death is coming to get you". LOL!!!

TriSupporter 11:41 AM, August 28, 2008  

Wish I could be there to take pictures of the looks on people's faces! Awesome!!

ps -thanks for the visit.

CoachLiz 12:38 PM, August 28, 2008  

I want to see you get that scythe into transition, lol.

You need to have a couple of key phrases to shout out every once and a while like...

"Bring out your dead!"


"'Scuse me, coming through, I have to catch up to Number 149 up there. It's their time..."

better yet,

"HA! You think it is hot here??? You should come to my neck of the woods..."

Oh, and crack out a cowbell in honor of The Blue Oyster Cult's song "Don't Fear the Reaper"

Awesome! I wish I was there to see it.

K 1:07 PM, August 28, 2008  

"I gotta have more cowbell!"

triguyjt 1:20 PM, August 28, 2008  

you gotta do that but you will need some hidden camera person taking reactions from fellow athletes when they see the grim will be priceless...

once have raised the bar.....

Kevin 1:39 PM, August 28, 2008  

DUDE! That is so frickin hilarious! cant wait to see the pics

Viv 4:28 PM, August 28, 2008  

That is great, cause i am pretty sure i have thought i have seen the reaper during tri's.

chia 4:28 PM, August 28, 2008  

Don't forget the chicken wire, maxi pad, instant tapioca and the plastic hanger. You're sure to MacGuyver up one hell of a time!

RunBubbaRun 8:50 PM, August 28, 2008  

Maybe you just wear a speedo underneath all that so you don't cook inside there..

You're a crazy man, in a sick way.. Can't wait to hear about the looks you get out there.

ps.. you know they do have a 100 mile ultra race which has a costume contest along with it. Just a thought.

TRI-ROB 12:20 AM, August 29, 2008  

yeah... who DOESN'T need a good smack on the ass with a sickle?


sunshine 8:15 AM, August 29, 2008  

Ha! Can't wait to see the pictures of the people's faces after they've been smacked in the butt by death... :)

Ms. R 8:16 AM, August 29, 2008  

That is fantastic! I can't wait to see the pictures... Wish you could be in Madison with that costume to keep me moving on the run!!

Sara 9:01 AM, August 29, 2008  

The race photos will be priceless!

I think you really need to live up to your blogger name and do this whole race in the speedo. Come on...your 1000's of admiring fans are counting on you!

Sonia 11:15 AM, August 29, 2008  

You will be remembered lol

Cy 1:24 PM, August 29, 2008  

Careful not to get the "robe" caught in your crankarm. That would get messy, but at least you'd have layers of protection from the road rash!

Anonymous,  6:19 PM, August 29, 2008  

Truly insane!!!!

Tea 12:05 PM, August 30, 2008  

Speaking of Jaws...are you doing the half iron swim with a shark fin?

Now that'd be sweet.

Anonymous,  8:52 AM, October 05, 2008  

Did you catch Macca on the telly! It was really him and I've gotta say, he looked pretty gay. Go Macca you big wobbly. Does anyone know if he'll be competing at the next Madison???

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