Up Too Early...

>> Saturday, August 30, 2008

It’s 4:40 am. On a Saturday morning. I’m out of bed.

“Why?” you ask?

Well, it’s still August, and I haven’t done an event this month. I’ve raced in an event every month this year, and I’d like to keep up the streak. So yesterday, I signed up for a sprint triathlon (that takes place today) in Hudson WI.

Wish me luck! I’ll be back with a report in a couple of hours.

(I’m nervous about the swim. WHY did I have to watch “Jaws” on TV last night?!? Am I STUPID?!? Jeez...)


K 7:00 AM, August 30, 2008  

Good luck steve! I'm up too at 4:40 a.m.

Leah 7:53 AM, August 30, 2008  

Ha! Maybe that's the way to do it. Sign up the day before and there's less time for pre-race nerves to kick in. Good luck! (You're probably almost done already...)

Mendy 7:58 AM, August 30, 2008  

Good luck in your race!

Jess 8:25 AM, August 30, 2008  

Good luck! Careful of those notorious Wisconsin sharks!

Marcy 9:29 AM, August 30, 2008  

What are you talking about? 4:40 am is prime time to get up! :P GOOD LUCK HOMIE!!

Stef0115 11:26 AM, August 30, 2008  

HA HA! I was swimming in Lake Mead yesterday and I thought about Jaws! Not sure anyone who has seen it is truly immune, no matter when the last viewing was.

I kept wondering if I'd see the shark's face . . .

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 11:31 AM, August 30, 2008  

Hi Steve:

I think you must be doing (have done) the Sprint in St. Croix. VERY FUN event!

The first year I did it, I figured out that I could touch the bottom of the river at the turnaround, so I WALKED most of the way back. I was a very "green" triathlete then. (And I don't mean from the algae)

Ha ha ha!

The Pig Roast after the event rocks, though!

Anonymous,  1:58 PM, August 30, 2008  

Good luck, are you trying out the death outfit in a sprint to see if it will work for a 1/2?


Viv 5:01 PM, August 30, 2008  

Hope it went well. I had the shark dream last night too and have a bay swim tomorrow. LOL!

Eric 9:43 AM, August 31, 2008  

One event every month all year long? That's a record in itself!!!

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