Two Letters: One Written, One Received

>> Thursday, August 21, 2008

I just sent this pissy e-mail to the president of Drymax Socks:

Dear Gus:

You held a contest for the general public. That’s nice.

The winners got some socks. Super.

I was one of the winners. Yay me.

There’s a problem. I thought you’d be sending a few pairs of socks. But you didn’t. You sent 44 freakin’ pairs. That’s 88 socks. THEN you sent some for my wife too! It’s great that you are so generous, but I’m left with 2 pet peeves:

1. I had no room for all those socks. You’re over-abundance of socks forced me to clean out my dresser. I don’t like cleaning. You made me clean.

2. Once I cleaned out my dresser, I realized I needed an ENTIRE DRAWER to house all the socks. (see attached photo) I need to go buy another dresser!

It’s great that you have such fabulous socks, but how dare you force them upon me like you did. Who do you think you are? Next time, think about the consequences of your actions. Jerk.

Steve Stenzel

p.s. If you didn’t pick up on it, this letter is a joke. Well, it’s more of a “Thank You” for sending me so many GREAT socks. I seriously haven’t worn any other brand of sock since that magical package arrived in the mail. Drymax Socks are incredible! Thank you so much for the great gift!

Seriously, those socks rock. I really love the running socks for the summer heat. And I REALLY LOVE the thicker trail running socks for winter running (they are some the orange and red ones). If you didn't see the video that earned me those socks, here it is. The first 2 challenges are kinda boring, but the 3rd one is the one that got me the socks!

- - - - - - - - - - -

A few weeks ago, I got this great e-mail from a complete stranger. It was regarding Steelhead 70.3 (where I was wearing that crazy outfit):

Hey Steve. I saw you at the Steelhead 70.3 this past weekend. You were one funny looking dude! Didn't quite know what to make of you (so that puts me dangerously close to the "old" category). I was hurting on the run...only smiled twice. You got the first one (the 2nd one was when a large motorcycle gang rode by and one burley guy had a small white poodle riding in one of the leather bags...didn't know what to make of that either!).

I accidentally found your blog and realized you're not just funny looking, you're funny! Great Blog!

In your race coverage blog I'm the guy in the picture right below where you talk about the cops not doing their jobs directing traffic. The tall guy in the foreground wearing the red jersey that looks like he's about to keel over (or maybe I just felt that way)....that's me.

Any chance you can send me that pic? Turned out better than any my wife took!

Thanks for making me laugh!


Here’s the photo he was talking about. He’s on the far left. What are the chances that he'd be in one of my photos and then he'd find my blog?!?

And I feel so good when someone can say “Thanks for making me laugh!” Thanks Jim! I’m glad you dropped me a note, and I hope you enjoy the photo!


BreeWee 10:32 PM, August 21, 2008  

Hey just for you... I will come up for a BRAND new pose!! Ha ha, just watch out!

And those socks...that is awesome!

Megan 11:33 PM, August 21, 2008  

you should send that guys some of your socks.

Jumper 2.0 12:28 AM, August 22, 2008  

So, ahh, what size sock do you wear?

duchossois 6:02 AM, August 22, 2008  

You ARE a very funny person, Steve. I would pay to read your blog. Ummm...wait a minute....I'm not suggesting that you start charging admission.

Brian 6:27 AM, August 22, 2008  

Jim don't be alarmed. I've been reading his blog for quite some time and still don't know what to make of him. But it's always good for a laugh.

Marcy 6:46 AM, August 22, 2008  

Homie, you've made the big time when you get stalkers :P

Liz 6:58 AM, August 22, 2008  

So many socks... life is tough...

(I heard that podcast before I started reading your blog- it's a small world. A small triathlon blogging/podcasting world.)

Joy | Love | Chaos 7:32 AM, August 22, 2008  

My suggestion? Send him 88 copies of his photo.

Teacher Pursuits 7:49 AM, August 22, 2008  

Please tell me you at least cleaned the toilet before plunging your socks... haha

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 8:28 AM, August 22, 2008  

You could award socks to the people that send in ideas for what you can wear/do during the 1/2 Iron....

It is always interesting to me how people connect in funny ways or places. So kevin bacon...

And, thanks for making us laugh.

Sonia 9:00 AM, August 22, 2008  

Now, that's what I call a great reward for winning a contest!! You won't have to buy socks for the next 5 years!

Very cool that the runner found is way through your blog, you really made an impression... so did you think about the outfit I suggested you?? I think you would make 3 great impressions lol

Rachel 9:08 AM, August 22, 2008  

LOL Funny. Socks. And crazy that someone actually found your blog with his picture attached. Although not so crazy he found your blog--because you seem to be quite the popular blogger up in this neck of the woods.

And the answer to your question on my blog-- I don't know a whole lot about the triathlon in Hudson. I have yet to throw in the biking and swimming to my mix so the running races are the only ones on my radar. But good luck if you decide to take it on!

Fizzgig 10:48 AM, August 22, 2008  

thats really weird that he found you and his pic!!! its a small world after all!

and i liked the video, you're nuts but you're funny

Judi 10:55 AM, August 22, 2008  

very cool steve, and lucky you that they sent you so many socks. i want some.

Gotta Run..... 11:14 AM, August 22, 2008  

I will gladly send you my address for a box of those socks. I have PLENTY of room!!

jen 12:06 PM, August 22, 2008  

Good lord that's a lotta socks!!

I had an interesting race photo/in-person meet-up experience once too. My husband Zach and I met a guy out running and he said "Hey, I think I have a photo of you on my mantel!" Turns out, they finished right near each other in a race and Zach was in his finishing shot. Too funny!

Jess 2:41 PM, August 22, 2008  

So, you boasted about all those socks to us, but didn't offer to share?

Trishie 2:59 PM, August 22, 2008  

so jealous of all those socks!!

Jade Lady 6:06 PM, August 22, 2008  

Wow...40+ pairs of socks - you hit the jackpot! Until I win this contest, it's Costco socks for me :-(

Kellye Mills 7:21 PM, August 22, 2008  

I know where you can send any extra socks you can't squeeze in your drawer!! Only clean, non-used ones though please! :)

kerrie 11:32 AM, August 23, 2008  

wow - i could use some socks....i have a drawer full, but they are all non-matching singles. you could probably come up with a lot of alternate uses for the extra socks!!!

Black Knight 2:00 PM, August 23, 2008  

Many socks...many runs. That is a wish!

Unknown 3:08 PM, August 23, 2008  

Give your readers some sock love.

Erin Leigh 9:36 PM, August 23, 2008  

That is A LOT of socks!! Very cool that the guy was in your pic!!

RBR 8:42 AM, August 24, 2008  

Aww, Jim letter was so sweet. Well, sweet-ish (I am as old as that guy and I find you hil-ar-i-ous!), but I am certain that you lighten the day of many a racer at all events you attend!

Keep making us laugh, keep reminding races the sport is about fun, and for God's sake keep the bowl full of sunshine DRY! ;o)

Tea 4:46 PM, August 24, 2008  

I'll comment later when I'm done laughing.

teacherwoman 5:24 PM, August 24, 2008  

I want 44 new pairs of socks! That is so freakin' sweet! :)

Glad to see Jim found you! You are one of a kind Mr. Steve Stenzel! :)

b 8:31 AM, August 25, 2008  

Socks-o-rama Steve...Wow!!!

Great e-mail note you received from the fellow Steelhead participate...I told you that you brought a smile to our faces on a challenging day ;-)


Anonymous,  3:01 PM, August 28, 2008  

Ok, so I watched your sock vid and all I could think of was the toilet? He doesn't have a sink? And then I thought of that little sign in public washrooms: 'now wash your hands'. But ya didn't Steve, ya didn't wash ur hands...and you jus stuck those yucky puppies on ur feet...Your poor wife, how does she do it?!

Luke 11:18 AM, November 03, 2023  

I've never seen so many socks with one person!

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