WIBA 2008: Part 2

>> Sunday, June 29, 2008

At the end of my previous post, I had the (gross) photo of me in my short yellow shorts that ended up revealing a little too much. Here’s how I got to that point:

Pharmie and I finished our first open water swim of the year in Lake Mendota. I ran back to shore, stripped out of my wetsuit, ran back to Pharmie’s car, stripped out of my Speedo and into my short yellow shorts (or “bowl full of sunshine”), and ran back to the swim area where everyone was still hanging out. I ran down the dock, wearing NOTHING but the short yellow shorts:

The group at the end of the dock was cheering me on, and I went straight into the drink. When I got out (as the last post painfully pointed out), everything was a little too revealing:

I had to grab Pharmie’s swim cap to keep things from going X-Rated. And check my previous post for a great quote about my man-bits. (And BIG THANKS to James, Wil’s hubby, for the photos of me in the shorts. Thanks James!)

After that, I went back to our hotel room as Pharmie and the others went out on a bike ride. After a few hours, I was hungry. So I ran out to Taco Bell.

Good news for me: I was at Taco Bell.
Bad news for Pharmie: A storm was a-brewin’.

Everyone on the bike ride fared just fine in the few pop-up showers that went through. The wind was nasty at some parts though, and I heard that was sucky.

The riders got back, Pharmie rested and showered, and we headed to the Great Dane for supper. We could choose pasta or steak:

We passed around James’ camera with the unedited photo of me in my yellow shorts from the previous post. I zoomed in to my junk. Wil kept saying “Steve, you’re magnificent!” I think she was joking, but I’ll take what I can get.

After we ate, a few of us grabbed a photo. These are the few of us from the original WIBA, 2 years ago:

Stu, Robby, Sara, Wil, Pharmie, and Me

Two years ago, Pharmie and I had just started blogging, and WIBA 2006 was our first “blogger meet-up.” Being it was our first, we didn’t know what to expect. We half expected to meet up with these strangers that we “met” online, and then end up on a Dateline special. But we had a blast, and we’ve had to go back each year, even though we’re not training for an Ironman.

I’ll have more in a few days about Sunday morning of WIBA, which was the run and the bike clinic at Endurance House. And yes, the short yellow shorts will make one more appearance in my next post...


Jumper 2.0 8:49 PM, June 29, 2008  

Three cheers for the yellow shorts.

I have to do WIBA sans yellow shorts next year! I have been wanting to meet Stu and Wil since when I first started blogging myself.

Jade Lady 8:53 PM, June 29, 2008  

Sunshine - nice photos! esp. like the last one of all u guys!

Next time I see some yellow short shorts on a guy, I'll be thinking of you....oh wait..it could only be you - after all - who else wears sunshine on his behind?

Unknown 8:54 PM, June 29, 2008  

We were at Endurance House this afternoon - I love it there, it's almost my church.....
Hope y'all had agreat time with WIBA.

teacherwoman 9:10 PM, June 29, 2008  

Sounds like a bowl full of sunshine! :)

Tracy 9:15 PM, June 29, 2008  

Now how will you ever top this yellow shorts adventure next year, my friend? OH be afraid Pharmie... be very afraid! :-) Looks like you're working on the idea there in the last pic with the condiment caddy light bulb. Coincidence..... I think not. See you guys again in 5 weeks!!!

Trisaratops 9:50 PM, June 29, 2008  

Sooooooooo fun to see you guys this weekend!

I just laughed AGAIN at the shorts and junk pic. Out loud.

J~Mom 11:05 PM, June 29, 2008  

Does the bowl full of sunshine make other special appearances?

Kevin 5:28 AM, June 30, 2008  

Sounds like WIBA was a blast (other then the appearance of the yellow shorts).

Mendy 6:18 AM, June 30, 2008  

That comment "bowl full of sunshine" cracked me up. Thanks for sharing pics - they are always great.

Marcy 6:45 AM, June 30, 2008  

My oh my. ROFLMAO! You never disappoint now do you?

:) 9:05 AM, June 30, 2008  

I miss all the fun... :(

Fizzgig 10:06 AM, June 30, 2008  

ha ha ha ha, now, that was a good story! I bet you made lots of people's days with the shorts! Have you googled the race or "yellow shorts"? You might be the next internet star or something.

Erin Leigh 10:20 AM, June 30, 2008  

Sounds like you guys had a great time!

Lovin the shorts, lol.

Kat~ 11:33 AM, June 30, 2008  

Hi Steve, It was great meeting you and Pharmie this weekend. Pharmie was a blast to run with Sunday morning. I cant wait to report on my Carbo-Pro! Kat~

KK 11:38 AM, June 30, 2008  

This WIBA (did I get that in the right order) sounds superfun.

"Bowl full of sunshine," I love it!

chia 12:36 PM, June 30, 2008  

I would have gone with "banana hammock" before "bowl full of sunshine." But that's probably why I have no friends :-)

TRI TO BE FUNNY 1:18 PM, June 30, 2008  

Damn--if I would've known the shorts were a part of the training, I would've signed up!! Was it a little "sighting" training in the open water?

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 1:35 PM, June 30, 2008  

Love your blog, Steve. The photos are great too.

I went to college at Madison. Lots of fond (non-athletic)memories there.

Herself, the GeekGirl 1:36 PM, June 30, 2008  

Sounds like fun! Thanks for sharing with us your, uh, apparent prowess. PS: Those handheld bottles I love so much also come in manly BLUE.

CoachLiz 1:59 PM, June 30, 2008  

It is great that you can meet up year after year with many of the same people.

Did you get all of your grading done?

Did you do any of the workouts or were you just hanging out for fun?

Anonymous,  2:18 PM, June 30, 2008  

Unfortunately I didn't get to meet you, but I do feel like I know so much about you...and your uh "bowl full of sunshine".

Nitmos 2:20 PM, June 30, 2008  

Thanks for the warning. I will not stop by again until the short yellow shorts photos have left the main page. And I'd appreciate the commenters to refrain from "banana hammock". Please.

brendaj 4:57 PM, June 30, 2008  

"bowl full of sunshine" is just too funny...now you'll never be able to get away from wearing those!

monica 6:54 PM, June 30, 2008  

yep, "banana hammock" came to mind for me too. looks like you were able to make wiba especially memorable for all who attended!!!

triguyjt 7:22 PM, June 30, 2008  

looked like a fun filled weekend...."bowl full of sunsine and all"

and as for your previous post..."color theory class"..how do you discuss or grade color theory??

Nat 9:27 PM, June 30, 2008  

Steve, Amy and I (amysrunningaround) posted some injury photos on our blogs that only you could love. Great job in WI by the way!

IronGambit 10:10 PM, June 30, 2008  

I am heading to Atlanta tomorrow for the PeachTree 10k. You should have stopped by to say hello at Grandmas Marathon.

Kelly 10:22 PM, June 30, 2008  

I had to google "penny-farthing."

Nice shorts.

Viv 10:26 PM, June 30, 2008  

Looks like it was an aweome time. What a great group of blooging buds. it is so weird how we just meet these peep and hit it off. I just made that comment today.

Ryan 7:12 AM, July 01, 2008  

So, are you going to be EVOTRI's new male model for their "fundraising" calender?

"Hey Steve, bring your yellow shorts!"

duchossois 9:11 AM, July 01, 2008  

Steve, how about another photo book..."The Yellow Shorts Images"? Waddya think?

Anonymous,  9:47 AM, July 01, 2008  

The yellow shorts are just another of your fantastic wardrobe choices, Steve-o. I have incriminating photos of my husband in am "imbibed a bit too much, and jumped in a hot top in baggy boxers" moment, so you're in good company.

Supalinds 12:00 PM, July 02, 2008  

I love creepy internet friends - they are the best :)

qcmier 10:43 PM, July 02, 2008  

Dude bring your bike next year. I need to ride with someone who isn't afraid to stop for gas station hot dogs.

BigEddie 1:16 AM, April 25, 2010  

Damn, dude - you look HOT in those yellow shorts. I am tripping on those sexy white legs!

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