WIBA 2008: Part 3

>> Tuesday, July 01, 2008

On Saturday, before the yellow shorts made their special appearance in Lake Mendota, I went for an ACTUAL swim. Here are 2 photos from James that show Sarah and I getting back from a 800 - 1000 meter open water swim:

The next day (Sunday), the WIBA group met up for one final workout: a run along the IM WI run course. Here’s the group (and a few more showed up just after we snapped the photo):

Pharmie’s squatting in white.
I’m giving love to Rural Girl on the far left.

The night before, some jerk started teasing Stu about his muffin top. For the record, Stu has no muffin top (just the slightest bit of love handles). When I’m Stu’s age (that’s not meant to be insulting), I’d LOVE to have his mid-section! So when we got to the Sunday morning run, someone had brought a little bag with Stu’s name on it. The bag contained a muffin. Jerks. Stu asked for a photo with him, his muffin, me, and my short yellow shorts:

Then Robby gave some final advice about the run course:

We were all ready to go. Here’s a little video I took of everyone on their way out:

There were 2 guys that went out faster than us, and I was in the next group of 5 guys. We did one loop on the run course: 13.1 miles. Here’s the group I ran with:

Coach Dan, Art, Stu, and Charlie

Stu made us stop at the highest point on the run for a quick photo:

A few miles later, while running down State Street, we heard something in the shadows:

“Who’s there?... It’s too bright. I can’t see...”

“Oh, it’s James! Smile!”

That’s right folks: my shirt had been off for a few miles because it was getting pretty warm. All I was wearing was my “bowl full of sunshine.” And much to Pharmie’s chagrin, they held up GREAT for 13 miles! No chafing! No rubbing! I think I’ll wear these shorts on runs more often! Pharmie would have loved for the shorts to have rubbed me raw somewhere, so I’d have to say “Oh jeez, I guess I can’t wear them for runs anymore.” But no! As Tony the Tiger says, THEY’RE GRRRRREAT!

With a few miles left in the run, Art’s nipples were rubbing. He asked if it was uncouth to borrow someone else’s nipple band-aids. Stu gave Art his nipple-aids, and Art put them on without breaking stride:

We ran most of the run around 8:15 pace, but then we picked it up in the last few miles to finish the 12.75 mile run near 8 min/mile pace. It was an easy pace for me, and Charlie even remarked once, "Dang it Steve, I can't even hear you breathe! You aren't working at all, are you?" We got back, and one of the guys I ran with told everyone “Holy cow, Steve’s a beast!” I had apparently picked up the pace quite a bit and brought Charlie and Art back to the Terrace where we finished. Wil heard the “beast” remark, combined it with the “magnificent” comments from the wet shorts the day before, and the rest of the day I was known as “Steve the Magnificent Beast.” Sweet. I’ll take it.

Pharmie came back from a slightly shorter run, we got back to the hotel, showered, packed up, and headed to our last stop of the day: Endurance House (a tri store). WIBA hosted a bike clinic just outside of Endurance House. Here’s a photo of Chris talking over some derailleur issues:

We hung out with some old and new friends for a while, gave lots of hugs, said our good-byes, and took off for home. We had a great weekend and got in some great workouts! Big thanks to Wil, Robby B, Evotri, James (for the photos!), and everyone else who made it such a fun event (for the 3rd year in a row)!

One and a half weeks until Pharmie and I compete in the Lifetime Fitness Triathlon at Lake Nokomis!


Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 3:07 PM, July 01, 2008  

Sounds like a really fun weekend.

Hope to see you and Pharmie at LTF.

I'll be bringing up the rear....

Benson 3:20 PM, July 01, 2008  

Oh the humanity.
those shorts should be framed and hung on the wall...
of a back room in the darkest hallow of an underground lair...
you do them proud.
rock on at LTF.

Unknown 4:46 PM, July 01, 2008  

Sounds like you all had a great time. I liked the video of the runners.

Unknown 4:46 PM, July 01, 2008  

Sounds like you all had a great time. I liked the video of the runners.

Jumper 2.0 5:14 PM, July 01, 2008  

Sounds like a great time!

Watch out for pharmie and those shorts. They may just "disappear" one day! ;-)

I'm planning on being there next year.

Tracy 5:18 PM, July 01, 2008  

WHAT a blast! You forgot to mention that you didn't even blink when Al tried to pants you. Camera skills of iron this man...

By the way, you need a bike sticker that says "The Magnificent Beast" - post haste!

Dana 5:59 PM, July 01, 2008  

Great report & the "shorts" were definitely busy!

Molly 6:38 PM, July 01, 2008  

you and those shorts make me smile!
take care

J~Mom 7:11 PM, July 01, 2008  

So what happens when those shorts die? Can you order more?

triguyjt 8:41 PM, July 01, 2008  

steve..if it were me, I would wear those shorts, until they were rotted through and through and the fabric was frayed and falling off....

as long as the boys stayed in the hammock, who cares!!

of course your biker boys from 9 days till grandmas could not do such a thing

SimplyStu 9:13 PM, July 01, 2008  

Time for a man hug! Nice post.

CoachLiz 9:23 PM, July 01, 2008  


13.1 miles and no tummy issues! Good on ya for hopping back on the horse.

Umm, the yellow shorts would have been excellent with a hairless set of legs and chest. Just my honest opinion...

RunBubbaRun 5:22 AM, July 02, 2008  

You are one fast "man beast" there. I think you would have fit right in with those shorts back in the early IM days..

Hey whatever works for you on those runs, just please be way ahead of me during a race so I don't have to see it all.

Thanks for all the WIBA reports.

Anonymous,  7:18 AM, July 02, 2008  

I'm guessing the other runners in your crew were aided by the magnetic allure of your magnificent self and the beckoning glow of those shorts, huh?

Glad you guys had such a good time training and hanging out with friends.

Michelle 8:01 AM, July 02, 2008  

The 'bowl of sunshine' runs again! Good luck at Lifetime. See you at Steelhead; don't forget the shorts!

Black Knight 8:39 AM, July 02, 2008  

Good luck at Lifetime Tri. Nice report and beautiful pictures.

Eileen Swanson 9:33 AM, July 02, 2008  

Hi Steve,
Thanks for your comment. Great post and nice pics! Sounds like you are having lots of fun out there training....Best wishes for a great race!

jen 5:12 PM, July 02, 2008  

Wow, what a fun weekend!

You really love those shorts.

Sunshine 9:13 PM, July 02, 2008  

Yes! Gateway is a treasure.

Nice cool water pictures.

Good luck.

SM 11:33 PM, July 02, 2008  

Those shorts are awesome! WIBA looks like alot of fun. Training can be very boring and lonely but WIBA looks takes both of those right out.

Erin Leigh 1:29 AM, July 04, 2008  

I guess there is no half assing it huh? Like borsch said you went from the long shorts to the short shorts, lol. I like em though.

Sounds like lots of fun and that you had a great run.

My mind keeps going back to the nipple band-aid switch...

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