4 Days Until Grandma's Marathon!

>> Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Four: In the past year, I won my first event. Then I managed to win a few more. I’ve won four events in the past year. Here are the highlights:

Tesfa 5K, Nov 2007
5K run in 19:11
Reason for winning: Small field of runners (maybe 60)

Race Up The Place, Feb 2008
35 flight stair climb (900 stairs) in 4:11
Reason for winning: Naive - raced hard and nearly puked

Joe Plant 5K, March 2008
5K run in 17:26
Reason for winning: Finally getting a little speedy

Doughnut Run 5K, April 2008
5K run (while ingesting 15 doughnuts) in 28:46
Reason for winning: Iron stomach + speedy legs = perfect event for me

In Grandma’s training news, I ran a 6 mile run last night at race pace to see how it felt. Turns out, there’s nothing easy about running 7 minute miles. It was a little tougher than I remember. Getting in that 20-21 mile run would have helped A LOT. And I’m hoping to run 26.2 seven minute miles back-to-back? Lord help me.

Race day, I know I’m going to have a hard time keeping calm just after starting. I need to REALLY try to tone it down for the first few miles. And then I’ll need to see what I can do at mile 20. If anyone out there has any marathon advice for me, I’d love to hear it.

Four is also the perfect number of boobs. It just is. Don't fight me on this.


Jim Smith II 12:28 AM, June 17, 2008  

Quick question - Why are you in your underwear in picture 2?

"I'm pretty sure even McDonald's has a strict underwear goes inside the pants policy" (I hope you get that reference)

Best of luck this weekend, and thanks for making me laugh!

CoachLiz 12:29 AM, June 17, 2008  

Wow, you have gotten speedy!

You may want to extend your "warm-up" period from 2 miles to 5 or heck even 7 before you start laying the smack down.

Stay on top of your hydration and your electrolytes!!! If you are using heart rate, keep an eye on it. If it starts creeping up you are dehydrating and already behind the 8 Ball. Pick a heart rate that allows you to work where things are hard, but not uncomfortable. Stay with that feeling for as much of the race as possible.

Miles 22 to 26 are going to really test you. Hang in there.

Ian Simon 4:39 AM, June 17, 2008  

Really curious about the four boobs point. Is this on one person, in a scary Star Trek, sci fi kind of way? Or more likely in a 'Scandinavian twins' porn fantasy?

No experience of running a marathon, but on longer runs I also tend to run best starting slow and speeding up. You've just got to assume that anyone leaving you behind at the start is either (a) quicker than you, so they don't count, or (b) screwing up their race and you'll see them later, hobbling. Just keep a careful eye on watch / HRM and force yourself to stay calm. Its going to be a long race and the most important thing is to look good (quick) at the finish.

Good luck.

chia 5:22 AM, June 17, 2008  

That's alright, I like my men with five asses :-).

That sure as heck would redefine "Wranglers"

duchossois 5:59 AM, June 17, 2008  

Impressive year so far, the highlight being the Doughnut Run victory. Advice for the marathon? I might as well give you the advice that I always hear and never take...don't go out too fast. Stay under control and stick to the pace you've planned.
Good Luck!

RunBubbaRun 6:10 AM, June 17, 2008  

I assuming your going for a BQ time.. Good luck with that, you can do it..

Marathon advice, run fast and maybe stick with a pacing group there..

Make sure you lube yourself up, chafing does suck for 26.2 miles.

Go get-em.

Born To Endure 6:49 AM, June 17, 2008  

Awesome dude..best of luck to you!

jahowie 7:09 AM, June 17, 2008  

You have had a very good year!! I like how you said that you were getting just a little speedy with a 17 minute 5k. That's a lot speedy in my world. Good luck with the marathon.

Rainmaker 7:18 AM, June 17, 2008  

"Four is also the perfect number of boobs. It just is. Don't fight me on this."

Well said my man, well said. And ironically, in this case - four really equals three. :)

Meredith 7:31 AM, June 17, 2008  

The taper really messes with your head more than your body. You are supposed to feel like the mileage is difficult, but somehow everything clicks on marathon morning. Just remember to start slow and build speed later in the race. Keep your head in the game after miles 20. Good luck!

Kevin 8:25 AM, June 17, 2008  

You have been having a great year. You should have a great race this weekend.

See You at the Finish Line 8:40 AM, June 17, 2008  

Hi Steve,
I remember running a short little easy 3-mile run a few days out before a marathon, and feeling very tired. I thought that 3 miles would never end! I then went on to get a BQ time. I also read an article about an elite marathoner who was describing how difficult it felt to make it across his hotel room from the bed to the bathroom the day before the marathon. That's what taper is about. Your body is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing - conserving energy for race day. Good luck Steve. We'll be thinking of you! Sherry & Howard

Anonymous,  9:42 AM, June 17, 2008  

You are all class.

My marathon advice? If you come out alive, you're doing something right. Aim for not dying.

You're welcome.

Smithposts... 11:00 AM, June 17, 2008  

Great race year, great clothing story! Good luck on Grandma's this weekend!

Formulaic 11:17 AM, June 17, 2008  

The best advice I've heard is the 10 by 10 by 10.

Treat your first 10 miles as a warmup-prelude. Run at 7:10-7:25

Run your next 10 miles a little faster. 6:55-7:10

Run the final 10k as fast as you can. [it's only 10k, ANYONE can do that ;) ] – 6:35-6:55

It’s a nice way to negatively split the entire race and that way you’re not focused on each individual mile, but a group of miles.

And the four boobs? I'm going with the Scandinavian twins.

Or are we talking about your cat?? ewww!

MissAllycat 12:46 PM, June 17, 2008  

I don't see your lucky tighty-whities getting any credit for you races. Hope they don't feel jilted!

Kim 1:10 PM, June 17, 2008  


Erin Leigh 2:38 PM, June 17, 2008  

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

I have no advice at all but wanted to say good luck!!

Wondering about the boobage too...

Jade Lady 3:07 PM, June 17, 2008  

First marathons are so exciting! I can't wait to read your race results. I'm such a slow poke so I'm not sure if I have any advice for you, Speedy Gonzales, except - don't eat 15 donuts on the way, and HAVE FUN while you think about the perfect 4!

BTW..do guys really where that white underwear stuff these days? eek!

Jade Lady 3:07 PM, June 17, 2008  

First marathons are so exciting! I can't wait to read your race results. I'm such a slow poke so I'm not sure if I have any advice for you, Speedy Gonzales, except - don't eat 15 donuts on the way, and HAVE FUN while you think about the perfect 4!

BTW..do guys really where that white underwear stuff these days? eek!

triblog carol 4:29 PM, June 17, 2008  

You got to give a speech after one of your races? Neato!

sRod 4:50 PM, June 17, 2008  

It's getting close!

I wish there were small races around here that I had some kind of remote chance of placing in.

Triteacher 4:51 PM, June 17, 2008  

Oh, you have a marathon coming up?

Go get 'em, Steve - the 7s are in the bag!

jen 5:28 PM, June 17, 2008  

Are you giving a speech in your underwear after the stair race? Weird. :D

Don't let that short run psych you out too much, you'll feel totally different on race day. :)

teacherwoman 7:29 PM, June 17, 2008  

Ummm.. not so sure what to think about the boobs comment. Hmm.

Megan 7:43 PM, June 17, 2008  

15 donuts during a 5k? My hero.....Wehre do I sign up for that race?

Best of luck this weekend, Speedy Steve. Say hi to my little sister - she's running to qualify for Boston.

Viv 5:42 PM, June 19, 2008  

Great wins there. I beg to differ on the 4. I can barely handle the two I have.

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